Pornography in schools. Is this "grooming" our children as some angry parents believe?



The use of such rhetoric, opponents of the new laws argue, underscores a nationwide push by conservatives to make education a political wedge issue by equating certain teaching materials and educators with Mediaography and even pedophilia. This latest trend is another volley in the country’s ongoing culture wars, during which conservative lawmakers also have opposed the teaching of “critical race theory” and proposed bills requiring schools to post all course materials online so parents can review them.

I think this is just another example of conservative Americans getting agitated by right wing rhetoric and propaganda. 

Here's a video compilation and represention of how emotional and aggressive these agitated people are. 

Here is a list of books under fire from conservatives. Does anyone know of any other compilation of those titles?

Specializes in Med-Surg.
8 minutes ago, Weetywill said:

I do not think this is what you are saying but, I do not think it should be any adults choice,  parent or not, to expose children to Mediaographic/sexually descriptive or violent literature, ever. 

You earlier quoted a post with me saying  "I agree that sexually explicit books by any writer isn't appropriate for certain ages.  I think there are some books that are available that have explicit sex and they of course should not be made available to certain age groups.  "

So I'm not sure what part of that you didn't understand that would feel the need to make the above post.

Clearly we are in agreement about this aren't we?

5 hours ago, toomuchbaloney said:

I provided a list of books that conservative parents want out of libraries, there is no Media in the compilation. Non-hetero authors write books about first kisses and love and fear and all kinds of experiences that teens and young people want to read about. Maybe these parents are trying not to have difficult discussions with their kids.

My family in the Dearborn area are alarmed at how animated and aggressive the conservative members of the community have been over the last year.  Do you think that a community feels safe when conservative members behave in such a hostile manner during a public meeting where ideas and opinions are supposed to be shared? 



Of course not. Do you think that conservative parents are the only ones that act like that? Do you think people felt safe during the riots of 2020? 

Yes, I just went to, "but they did this". Which is necessary in today's political climate of incompete reporting, hypocrisy and propaganda. 

Do you think "right wing media" as you like to say didn't amplify and over report the violence of the 2020 riots but the "left wing media" didn't do the same in regards to unruly parents? Isn't this propaganda? 

Where's the list of books? What were the contents? Did it say why the parents objected? 

2 minutes ago, Tweety said:

You earlier quoted a post with me saying  "I agree that sexually explicit books by any writer isn't appropriate for certain ages.  I think there are some books that are available that have explicit sex and they of course should not be made available to certain age groups.  "

So I'm not sure what part of that you didn't understand that would feel the need to make the above post.

Clearly we are in agreement about this aren't we?

Yes, that's why I said "I do not think you think this" . The meaning behind my post is that some school officials think that it is to their discretion only as to what is Mediaographic or not. 

My post wasn't clear. Apologies.  

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
6 hours ago, Weetywill said:

Of course not. Do you think that conservative parents are the only ones that act like that? Do you think people felt safe during the riots of 2020? 

Yes, I just went to, "but they did this". Which is necessary in today's political climate of incompete reporting, hypocrisy and propaganda. 

Do you think "right wing media" as you like to say didn't amplify and over report the violence of the 2020 riots but the "left wing media" didn't do the same in regards to unruly parents? Isn't this propaganda? 

Where's the list of books? What were the contents? Did it say why the parents objected? 

I think that the conservative parents and community members are the angry and aggressive members of the public trying to get literature removed from schools.  They certainly were the angry group reflected in the Dearborn video. 

I'm getting the impression that you don't know what propaganda is. 

I linked to a compilation of books that apparently trouble some conservatives.  You could see if you could discover why the conservatives are wanting to limit access to the books.  Maybe you could make a good case for removing books from school libraries, I haven't heard one yet. 

17 hours ago, toomuchbaloney said:

I think that the conservative parents and community members are the angry and aggressive members of the public trying to get literature removed from schools.  They certainly were the angry group reflected in the Dearborn video. 

I'm getting the impression that you don't know what propaganda is. 

I linked to a compilation of books that apparently trouble some conservatives.  You could see if you could discover why the conservatives are wanting to limit access to the books.  Maybe you could make a good case for removing books from school libraries, I haven't heard one yet. 

I find it difficult to converse with you when you assign inappropriate behavior on one type of person/political party etc, and out right refuse to acknowledge anything else. So moving forward. I will agree some parents "conservatives" have acted very inappropriate, the Deerborn parent a great example . Perhaps you can start another thread about who is the worse offender? This does not add to the topic discussion and I will not acknowledge it further. 


Did you post this list of books on this thread or another. I've scrolled a bit but cannot seem to find it. I had a surgery on my face and my vision is a little blurred and my pain is not well managed. If you could post it again I would appreciate it greatly.  

My response without knowing the books in question..... Any book that has graphic descriptions of sexual acts and especially descriptive acts with violence should not be assessable  to children k to 12. Some more advanced language and subject manner in high school is an exception. Any book that contains such content should be removed. If parents wish for their children to read them , they can go to the library or buy on-line. This is the obvious solution. 

I will refere to these  books as , "inappropriate " or "not assessable" to off set the propaganda type language such as "banning" or "burning " for their direct emotional link to historical occurances that are a false equivalents.  Restricting books for children according to their content is not the same as book burning and banning. Book companies refuse to sell books all the time. 

I have never doubted that you, yourself do not know what propaganda is. I think you do very well, and I'll will choose to believe inadvertently, use propagandic type debate tactics. I know what propaganda is, so do you, so let's move on. 


Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.
5 hours ago, Weetywill said:

I find it difficult to converse with you when you assign inappropriate behavior on one type of person/political party etc, and out right refuse to acknowledge anything else. So moving forward. I will agree some parents "conservatives" have acted very inappropriate, the Deerborn parent a great example . Perhaps you can start another thread about who is the worse offender? This does not add to the topic discussion and I will not acknowledge it further. 


Did you post this list of books on this thread or another. I've scrolled a bit but cannot seem to find it. I had a surgery on my face and my vision is a little blurred and my pain is not well managed. If you could post it again I would appreciate it greatly.  

My response without knowing the books in question..... Any book that has graphic descriptions of sexual acts and especially descriptive acts with violence should not be assessable  to children k to 12. Some more advanced language and subject manner in high school is an exception. Any book that contains such content should be removed. If parents wish for their children to read them , they can go to the library or buy on-line. This is the obvious solution. 

I will refere to these  books as , "inappropriate " or "not assessable" to off set the propaganda type language such as "banning" or "burning " for their direct emotional link to historical occurances that are a false equivalents.  Restricting books for children according to their content is not the same as book burning and banning. Book companies refuse to sell books all the time. 

I have never doubted that you, yourself do not know what propaganda is. I think you do very well, and I'll will choose to believe inadvertently, use propagandic type debate tactics. I know what propaganda is, so do you, so let's move on. 


It's a shame that my opinions and thoughts upset you, making it difficult for you to engage in exchange of ideas. You haven't given me something to acknowledge, the current evidence supports my opinion. I don't think a thread comparing behavior would be useful or constructive when we can make comparisons in this thread. 

Yes, I linked the spreadsheet in the opening comment. 

My question isn't really which books you believe might be inappropriate but more along the lines of WHY do you believe, in general, that educators and library professionals are putting inappropriate books into classrooms and libraries? What changed that has so many parents so upset across the country? 

The Dearborn parents have successfully removed two books from the high school.

One of them is about a girl enduring rape by her father and the other is about young gay love.

Wanting to limit what the public can access in literature is not new.

Specializes in CRNA, Finally retired.
6 hours ago, Weetywill said:

I find it difficult to converse with you when you assign inappropriate behavior on one type of person/political party etc, and out right refuse to acknowledge anything else. So moving forward. I will agree some parents "conservatives" have acted very inappropriate, the Deerborn parent a great example . Perhaps you can start another thread about who is the worse offender? This does not add to the topic discussion and I will not acknowledge it further. 


Did you post this list of books on this thread or another. I've scrolled a bit but cannot seem to find it. I had a surgery on my face and my vision is a little blurred and my pain is not well managed. If you could post it again I would appreciate it greatly.  

My response without knowing the books in question..... Any book that has graphic descriptions of sexual acts and especially descriptive acts with violence should not be assessable  to children k to 12. Some more advanced language and subject manner in high school is an exception. Any book that contains such content should be removed. If parents wish for their children to read them , they can go to the library or buy on-line. This is the obvious solution. 

I will refere to these  books as , "inappropriate " or "not assessable" to off set the propaganda type language such as "banning" or "burning " for their direct emotional link to historical occurances that are a false equivalents.  Restricting books for children according to their content is not the same as book burning and banning. Book companies refuse to sell books all the time. 

I have never doubted that you, yourself do not know what propaganda is. I think you do very well, and I'll will choose to believe inadvertently, use propagandic type debate tactics. I know what propaganda is, so do you, so let's move on. 


Why does TMB have to do the heavy lifting for you?  Just Google common books that parents want banned or something close to that and you will see the concern du jour of parents who have never read the books they want banned.  If they actually READ the books, nothing's in there that isn't' in the Bible, so why aren't they banning the Bible?  Yes, I would prefer that kids get to have a childhood and Media certainly doesn't belong in a school library, but hey, what's the deal with Mark Twain?  These hard core screamers are offended at the drop of a hat.  Just send your kid to a Christian or parochial school, but not a taxpayers' expense:)  I don't want to pay tuition for every poor kid who's parents are offended by Huckleberry Finn.

1 hour ago, toomuchbaloney said:

It's a shame that my opinions and thoughts upset you, making it difficult for you to engage in exchange of ideas. You haven't given me something to acknowledge, the current evidence supports my opinion. I don't think a thread comparing behavior would be useful or constructive when we can make comparisons in this thread. 

Yes, I linked the spreadsheet in the opening comment. 

My question isn't really which books you believe might be inappropriate but more along the lines of WHY do you believe, in general, that educators and library professionals are putting inappropriate books into classrooms and libraries? What changed that has so many parents so upset across the country? 

The Dearborn parents have successfully removed two books from the high school.

One of them is about a girl enduring rape by her father and the other is about young gay love.

Wanting to limit what the public can access in literature is not new.

Thank you. I'll review them. Your opinions and thoughts  do not upset me at all. Nor do your feelings or emotions about parents not wanting certain books available to their children. 

Are you saying that there has been no books found in schools with inappropriate content? I'm aware of a few parents reading excerpts from some and were stopped because the excerpt was uncomfortably graphic. 

Or are you asking if I think there's a conspiracy by schools to purposely put them there? 

1 hour ago, subee said:

Why does TMB have to do the heavy lifting for you?  Just Google common books that parents want banned or something close to that and you will see the concern du jour of parents who have never read the books they want banned.  If they actually READ the books, nothing's in there that isn't' in the Bible, so why aren't they banning the Bible?  Yes, I would prefer that kids get to have a childhood and Media certainly doesn't belong in a school library, but hey, what's the deal with Mark Twain?  These hard core screamers are offended at the drop of a hat.  Just send your kid to a Christian or parochial school, but not a taxpayers' expense:)  I don't want to pay tuition for every poor kid who's parents are offended by Huckleberry Finn.

TMB doesn't have to do anything for me. I simply asked if he would. He can decline if he wishes. 

I do not want to pay taxes to a school that doesn't include parents in what content material they provide our children. Inappropriate or not. 

Specializes in NICU, PICU, Transport, L&D, Hospice.


2 hours ago, Weetywill said:

Thank you. I'll review them. Your opinions and thoughts  do not upset me at all. Nor do your feelings or emotions about parents not wanting certain books available to their children. 

Are you saying that there has been no books found in schools with inappropriate content? I'm aware of a few parents reading excerpts from some and were stopped because the excerpt was uncomfortably graphic. 

Or are you asking if I think there's a conspiracy by schools to purposely put them there? 

Shrugs... just going by your words.  

I don't recall saying that there haven't been inappropriate books in schools.  There have long been pathways for parents to question the presence of some content in school libraries and classrooms. The Catcher in the Rye was part of that buzz around innapropriate books when I was younger. Which books were challenged or removed when you were in school...To Kill a Mockingbird, The Scarlet Letter? 

Why are parents agitated and shouting at meetings rather than just following the procedures for challenging books? What has them so animated and aggressive? Is it their preferred media?


I also think parents should be informed of what their children are being introduced to especially at such a young age.

 Around the time when they start teaching Sex ED, diseases. reproduction.  and topics such as these because we live in an ever advancing  technological age, parents should have hopefully talked to their growing children about the birds and the bees.  These are usually around middle school years when bodies start to change and kids become more curious. 
I do see the concern with small children since Media and other sexually explicit material is just a fingertap away. Shoot you accidentally click the wrong button or type the wrong thingy and all hell breaks loose on your phone or compute .  But I digress…

The video was sad and just uncomfortable.  I saw so much chaos. We always see news headlines and say “huh” “why?” “OMG!” Etc.. but with the behaviors and the anger in some of these people faces just from someone speaking their truth, I can see the answers to the reasons why and how? 

Specializes in CRNA, Finally retired.
11 hours ago, Weetywill said:

TMB doesn't have to do anything for me. I simply asked if he would. He can decline if he wishes. 

I do not want to pay taxes to a school that doesn't include parents in what content material they provide our children. Inappropriate or not. 

Parents send their children to private school for a multitude of reasons.  If you feel the schools are inappropriate, send your kids to private school....if your feelings are so strong, it will be worth it.  When I lived in NY, some parents objected to yoga classes in gym.  I don't think that the entire student body should be deprived of yoga classes because a few parents object to yoga as a religious practice.  Are you an adherent of the voucher system which would mingle private and public funds for education?

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