Plz read!!! Nurse using drugs what should i do???

Nurses General Nursing


I have a friend, not a best friend but close enough to where she trusts me with her personal information and lifestyle,

When I decided to leave my engineering job, after careful consideration I decided on nursing. This is when red flags started to go up for me.

This friend I have - she is a HEAVY DAILY marijuana user. She has even told me that she "HAS" to (yes, as in - she believes it is absolutely necessary for functionality) smoke before she goes to work - excuse me, before she DRIVES HERSELF TO WORK in the wee hours of the morning.

This is only part of my problem with the situation.

Now, I live in a moderate size house with one child and my husband. Everyday we STILL feel like there is always something more we can do for him. You know, corners to cut so our son can have more. This friend has two birthed children and one on the way. She lives in a small questionable apartment complex, in a two bedroom apartment. Her infant in the crib is sleeping in her room and her son has his own small room. They live here because it is all she can afford. Her husband doesn't work. Now, my friend, she is pregnant with her THIRD child within a 3 year period and claims constantly that this is even MORE REASON TO SMOKE IF NOT SMOKE MORE!!! She tells me, I tried to quit smoking for a day and I just felt really sick so I HAD TO SMOKE... )=

My internal response to this? WELCOME TO BEING PREGNANT!!!!!

I can't lie or be a hypocrite, I smoked when I met her 2 years ago - I have quit since then, obviously. I am not against LEGITIMATE medicinal use, but NOT for common recreation. She tells me that they spend over $1000 a month, sometimes exceeding $1500 a month on marijuana alone. She used to make fun of me for worrying about spending $100 for marijuana in six weeks by saying "Thats all?!?hahaha" I understand the misconception of a person hidden in the fog that "marijuana is safe and is illegal for -dot dot dot - fill in the blank with a million self righteous statements.... I know that it feels like it can be okay to do when you are doing it. When I quit I felt so guilty for having smoked for the amount of time that I did - for the money and time it had cost me. I have tried EVERY conceivable way possible to express my concern to her about this and I have actually cut off communication with her because of this. But this post isn't about me...

It is about the trouble I am having making a responsible decision.

Here are the facts - some are only opinion but this is what I am weighing: (not necessarily in order of importance because I am not sure what order they should be in!!!!)

1.) I believe strongly that the amount of money she spends on this drug is considered child abuse via financial neglect to her responsibility of being a parent with financial capability and means

2.) I am afraid she may wreck her car driving so early in the morning while stoned - no matter how in control she feels.

3.) She is dishonoring her oath she took as a nurse - this is very dishonorable no matter how you look at it

4.) She is in denial about her use in MANY MANY aspects and will not hear reason or logic

5.) She will quit long enough for a urinalysis but thats all she is "capable" of doing - I am saddened (and shocked) she doesn't feel the guilt of not being sober during these periods - what does this speak to her mission as a nurse?

6.) She claims she is seeking a PhD in medicinal marijuana research for therapy in particular for pregnant women.

7.) She is living at poverty level because of her expense for marijuana.

8.) If I report her she loses her license and cannot provide for her family.


10.) Science hasn't dictated whether or not marijuana is harmful to an unborn baby - but why is she risking it?!? I want her to stop really bad for this reason!!! (amongst others of course)

So - what would YOU do? I am very concerned for her well being, though, I am an honorable person and want to keep ignorant mistakes that could be prevented from happening. I mean, what if I save many peoples lives before becoming a nurse by preventing her from killing someone or preventing a good nurse from caring for this friend's current patients. Does any of this make sense. I have worked myself up so badly on occasion over the matter that I begin to cry my heart out. I don't want to hurt her, but I don't want her to hurt someone else. I am not a whistle blower type, but I feel wrong for not doing anything. She has no support and is as nice and honest as anyone could ever be. She would never hurt anyone intentionally, and loves her family. I think she is really psychologically addicted to marijuana and needs help...

Someone - anyone - if you made it this far in my rant , please help me by sharing your opinions or similar experiences. This is a very very big problem for me.

EDIT: I have not claimed to want to report her for anything - I simply am trying to determine if inaction is wrongful. This is a situation that is close to me and I wonder if I am too close to make a reasonable judgment. I am not being overtly opinionated about any of my facts, I am just merely including the items that I think hold weight in it.

Specializes in CNA.

Yes, a nurse working IMPAIRED is wrong.

Specializes in Trauma Surgery, Nursing Management.

Wow. While I realize that a lot of people consider MJ use to be harmless, and studies have shown that ETOH is more dangerous than MJ (just an example), MJ is still illegal. Plain and simple. For a nurse to go on shift STONED is absolutely shocking to me. I can't even begin to conceive of the notion. I sure as hell wouldn't want her taking care of me or mine. Definitely call this in anonymously to your risk management department. This is a serious situation.

Specializes in Med Surg, Ortho.
What would I do? I really only know what I have done.

A dear friend confided in me that she was shooting up narcotics at work. I was devastated, to say the least. Much like your friend, she was crying for help. Your friend clearly knows she has lost control & is risking more than she bargained for.

One thing I learned when I called the board of nursing (BON) was that if my friend turned herself in she would be offered the option of seeking treatment (with support from the BON) & may be eligible to resume work after a probation period. However, if she was caught she would be fired on the spot & possibly lose her license.

I told my friend what her options were and that I would be calling her manager to confirm that she had turned herself in. She chose to go straight to her manager & she received help.

You may want to contact the BON and see if the same rules apply for other drug abuse at work. You may also want to check out the multiple threads on Allnurses posted by addicted nurses.

May the force be with you

I think this is a great example of what needs to be done.

I once smoked pot in my earlier days and I couldn't imagine having the responsibility of nursing duties while stoned, oh my.

I feel for you and your friend. This is tough. If she is a true friend, then approach her with the above scenario and see what she says. Good luck, I'm very sorry you have this situation looming over you, hopefully they'll be a solution revealed soon.

Happy holidays!!

is it professional to go to work stoned? Absolutely not, but does it effect her abilities?

uh...yeah, it does.


wake up!


Specializes in Med Surg, Ortho.
uh...yeah, it does.


wake up!



Specializes in Med Surg, Ortho.
I wouldn't report her unless patient care was definitely an issue. Is she making med errors? Is she ignoring call lights? Has she had disciplinary actions ? If not, leave it be.

Same goes for her kids. Are they happy, well fed, clothed and clean? Are they being beaten??

Basically, there are worse things than pot smoking. is it professional to go to work stoned? Absolutely not, but does it effect her abilities?

Have you ever smoked pot....not just once but been a regular user? You think you could run a code while being stoned? I know there are worse things than smoking pot, but being a nurse while under the influence is pretty bad!

Specializes in DD/MR, long term care, homecare.

You've gotten a lot of good feedback already, but I want to answer the question of "is it wrong to do nothing." It is my impression that you are still in nursing school (sorry if I am misunderstanding), so this doesn't apply to you yet, but it will soon enough. Once you are a licensed nurse you become a Mandated Reporter. Basically that means that if you suspect that a vulnerable adult (and yes all of her patients by law are considered Vulnerable simply by being in the hospital) is in danger, you must report it. I would start by calling her supervisor, and if nothing comes of that I would call the board of nursing. I know if it were me I would never forgive myself if she makes a med error while stoned and someone dies. Why wait until something bad happens. As nurses our focus should be on PREVENTING bad things from happening.

As far as her children go, I agree with whoever said that it sounds like she's not a very good mom but it doesn't exactly fit the definition of abuse or neglect. Once she's under investigation by the board of nursing or her employer she should start getting the help she needs and the situation for her children will improve that way. I wouldn't call child protection just yet.

Good luck, I don't envy you the decision you have to make but I trust you will do the right thing.

Specializes in Med Surg,.

Wow what are friends for?

I will keep co-workers so far away after reading your post.

I will continue to seperate my private life from anyone I work with.

Thanks for this lesson.

Did you know that oral sex is illegal, you may want to call the cops on her for that.

J walking, seatbelts against the law and very deadly.

Calling all cars be on the look out for....fill in the blank my friend.

Specializes in OR, public health, dialysis, geriatrics.

Does the facility she works at have an anonymous report line? If so, use it to report you suspect she has been on duty while high. This is a professional responsibility. You cannot help her in her personal life if she doesn't want help, but you do have a professional obligation to keep patients safe.

Specializes in Geriatrics.

Report her to BON.

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.

It's terrifying the number of posts that excuse/condone this behavior.

I'm experiencing most of what you're saying as just your judgements. If her job is nursing, then you have a duty to report her. If not, smoking pot is against the law, and you're an accomplice to it. If you really believe the children are being abused and neglected in a criminal nature, then you are an accomplice to that as well. That's all I think you need to weigh in on. Don't compare her to you, just decide what you want to be an accomplice to.

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