Published Jun 10, 2005
crb613, BSN, RN
1,632 Posts
I will graduate in May 2006 (fingers crossed). Can anyone please give me a ballpark figure for a new RN? I live in central KY so about an hour/hour & 1/2 from L-ville, Lexington, & B-Green. I have been offered a job (during clinicals at Central State) but I want to gain experience on a Med-Surg floor first. Thanks for any info.
22 Posts
I can hontestly say B-Green don't pay really good. I would jump on Central State if I was you cause to get in with the state you have some good benifits. unless you don't care about that. I can say Louisville pays the besteven from an LPN stand point. Look in the wanted ads in the newspapers. Wish you good luck
Thanks alot. I am intrested in Central State but was a little worried that I should get experience under my belt first. All my instructors say do med surg nsg first then go to the area you really want to work. Anyway thanks for your input... I appreciate it. CRB
3 Posts
If you liked Central State, go for it.. Such a shortage now days that new grads are getting hired to specialty areas all the time. You will get those "basic nursing skills" any where you work. Short staffing will make sure you know how to do all those bedside skills, dietary skills, clerical, and janitorial to boot.
In my opinion..
....doing 2 years of med surg in this day and time of "industrial nursing" will just make you wonder why you spent 4 years and all that money and time learning a profession that you hate. If there was a specialty that you liked. try to get a position doing it, if you cant then consider a med surg floor as a fall back. Your instructors for the most part probably havent pounded a floor as a full time job in years and are regurgitating rhetoric that they were told some 20 odd years ago. Nursing is a tough profession. Make sure when you leave for work everyday it is to do something you like.
barefootlady, ADN, RN
2,174 Posts
You deserve a big hand of applause for telling it like it is. I bet you are great to work with. Have a great day. :balloons:
NurseCard, ADN
2,850 Posts
I have to agree; if you like psychiatric nursing, go for it. Y'know, out of my entire graduating class, only like, 2 of us (me included) went into Med/Surge.
In my opinion, I think being a Med/Surge nurse for two years actually makes it HARDER to get a job in a specialty. I think that they look at the fact that you've been doing one kind of nursing (Med Surge) for so long and decide hey, you aren't going to be cut out for THIS specialty! I could be wrong, and I probably am, but it just seems, from my experience, like it is easier to break into a specialty if you just go for it, right out of nursing school. Maybe employers look at that and say hey, this person must REALLY want to do psyche nursing to be coming to it right straight out of nursing school!
I think they look at me and think; she's just sick and tired of Med/Surge and is looking for a quick, easy way out of it.
Hey, if you end up at Central State in the near future, let me know how much you like it, because I've really been considering heading there for quite some time. I have been interested in psyche nursing for a WHILE. But, when I graduated nursing school, I had been a Med/Surge tech for a long time, and that's just where I ended up nursing. I actually got hired at Central State a few years ago when a friend of mine was working there. We were going to be working on the same unit. And then lo and behold, that friend and I had a major fight/falling out, and I decided to turn down the job. Kinda wish that I hadn't, but hindsight is 20/20.
Oh, and as far as what you would make in central KY... well, I work in Frankfort, and I started out two years ago at 16.50/hr.. I really don't know what they are starting our nurses out at now.
Thanks everybody for the advice!! I still have a while to think on it since I won't graduate until May 06. I absolutely loved my clinical time in psych, I looked foward to every day I went there. RealNurse Witch I will let you know if I do go there how it is. One thing that kinda holds me back is the drive. It's about 1 1/2 hrs. one way......Now that I did not enjoy.Thanks again to all! crb
15 Posts
hey CRB I know you personally (I go to school with you) and i have told you several times I think you would be a wonderful psych nurse. Go for it.
I know, I know! I just hate that drive
Hi , I am new to all this .............. but when you go for interviews you will find out what the going rate is. The best pay anywhere will be Kaiser though. Your classmates need to share this information with each other. I am from California.... the going new rate as of last year is $32.00 an hr.
If you work for an agency your pay is a little higher.
Good Luck, just do your research before walking into the hospital. or they will pay you the lowest rate they can.
1 Post
I am a well seasoned nurse in Central KY. I was making 16.00/hr in a psych unit about 1994. I think the pay scale is better than that. Look around. You might also consider local psych units, with less travel. State benefits are not what they used to be.
3,779 Posts
Last I heard, most of the Louisville area hospitals are paying new grads about $18/hr.