Published Aug 22, 2010
40 Posts
Good Morning,
Issues on the floor at work with a patients family member. Pt can be difficult at times as far as refusing vs assessments meds etc. Waiting for placement. Management has been involved, notes documented by nursing & doctors. Family member may have her own pscy issues, (called an MD inappropriate name, telling staff to get out of room, raises voice for no reason accuses staff of lying about care given) but is now photographing nursing badges of the nurses that are caring for her mother. Our last names are on our badges, this makes me uncomfortable. Is this legal? Although this has not occured when I have cared for her.....just trying to prepare myself in case. Has this happened where you work?
38,333 Posts
I've been photographed before, but it was by the patient family members or friends who were stalking me away from the workplace. At least I wasn't aware of them doing it while I was at work. My employer did not take the stalking seriously until they decided that I did not need to work for them any longer. I would carry my own camera and do the same to them. I am serious about this answer.
14,633 Posts
The point of wearing badges with our names on them is that clients are legally entitled to know who is caring for them, and what the credentials of those persons are. While I agree that someone photographing my badge would seem kinda creepy to me, is it really that different from them just writing down the information?
471 Posts
I would not be okay with this. However, many of my patients are frequent visitors to various correctional facilities, so perhaps I have more reason to be paranoid? Thankfully, no last names are on our badges.
162 Posts
I would think there would be a hospital policy against cameras in general, and any picture taking - I'd look into it.
344 Posts
It sounds like you do have some cause for concern here. I would be most uncomfortable with someone taking a photo of my name badge. Have you taken up your concern with a member of your management? It sounds as if this family is quite hostile, and personally, I would be taking a witness with me each time I entered this patients room! Where I work only our first name and initial for last name are printed on badges. (Jane D.)
Flo., BSN, RN
571 Posts
I would not allow it period.
highlandlass1592, BSN, RN
647 Posts
While patients do have the right to know who is providing care for them, you also have rights. And one of those rights includes not being photographed without your permission..whether it's just your badge or not, you don't have to agree to it. I would definitely get risk managment involved and make sure they know you won't be agreeing to this if this family attempts it. I had a similar situation when a pt's family member tried to do this to me..I firmly told them no cameras were allowed and I wouldn't be allowing any photos to be taken.
3,413 Posts
I have always been told family may take pictures IF they do not include any staff or ways to identify the facility. Check out your policy manual, it may have a section on taking photographs.
1,118 Posts
I'm not a nurse, but I would be uncomfortable if someone took a picture of my badge. My badge has my picture and full name on it though.
HappyNurse2005, RN
1,640 Posts
Turn your badge around before you go in that room. Or, cover up your last name with stickers on your badge.
686 Posts
Me either. They can write down my name and title without my badge.