On Having 2 Titles: Nurse and Patient

What happens when you're both a patient and a nurse? As a diabetic, I wear two titles: LPN and diabetic. Although I am sad to have been diagnosed with this disease, especially at a young age, it is a blessing in disguise, as I now understand why I was "called" to nursing. To me it is not only a "calling", it is my life. Nurses Announcements Archive Article

It's early in the morning and I have to get ready for my clinical rotation. I look to my left and see my glucose monitor. The green orb that measures whether I am hyperglycemic or hypoglycemic stares me in the face, and like every morning, I pray quietly that it's neither because I'm so hungry. I only have 20 minutes to get dressed, brush my teeth, and eat before I must head out the door and face a full, stressful day.

As I run downstairs I try to determine if I want waffles with butter or mini muffins with a glass of milk. I choose the former, grabbing two, toasting them, and running out the door. It's still dark and my eyes have to adjust once more. I'm frustrated. My blood sugar is in the 80s, but I'm feeling weak and shaky. I know I shouldn't drive, but I cannot be late to my clinical.

Driving on the I-75 and then I-595 I start to feel dizzy while I stuff the two waffles down my gullet. I know that as a nurse I tell my patients to always correct their blood sugar before getting behind the wheel, yet here I am going 80mph while praying my blood sugar rises enough to stop the dizziness and shaking.

I arrive at the hospital and stumble out of my car. I call my best friend to alert the instructor to my late arrival because I just can't even stand. Realizing that I can't be late arriving on my floor, I run. I run past my former OB instructor without even managing a hello. I run down the stairs while trying to remember to recheck my blood sugar when I reach the floor.

After a grueling 5 minutes of racing past employees and waiting for the elevator, I arrive at the Pediatric ward. Out of breath, I walk to the Family Room where my fellow classmates are receiving their patient assignments. I feel exhausted and helpless. My best friend shoots me a look while mouthing, "Are you okay?" I nod and flop onto the couch while waiting for my assigned patient room number. The whole time my mind is racing. I'm tired of this disease and I realized I made many errors. If I can't stabilize myself, then I can't stabilize my patients.:no:

This is one of many events I go through whether it be during a clinical rotation, lecture, or even just lying down while watching a movie. Nurses. We are the worst patients. We know what can happen to our patients if they refuse to comply with their treatments. Funny thing is, as a nurse, I know better, yet I've sat behind the wheel with low blood sugars. I've sat behind with high blood sugars. I've had DKA 5x in my life and am in constant fear. I know better. Then why do I do the opposite?

It's the same phenomenon when a pulmonologist or nurse is caught smoking outside of the hospital, or an obese doctor advises a diet change to an obese or overweight patient. We sometimes feel it's our job to correct patients and assist in their health-related choices. It's our duty in the workforce to "save" our patients without noticing that at times we neglect our own care.

The hardest part of my job though is when I've been assigned a diabetic patient. Checking their blood sugar and injecting them, these tasks make me think back to my health choices in a negative light. Why am I not practicing what I preach? I mean, if it's as easy as I say it is, then why not try harder? This is a constant battle within my mind and soul. Choosing to be a nurse I have made an oath to practice beneficence and nonmaleficence. I promised to always put the patient first and to give competent and safe care.

As a child when I was diagnosed at the age of 7 I would cry. Growing up in a Christian household I'd ask God: "Why me? What now? How do I handle this?" It's been almost 18 years and I still ask those questions, just not at the same frequency.

I changed majors many times and never really understood why nursing seemed to "call" to me. I now know. God didn't give me this illness, but He allowed me to be both a patient and a nurse to allow me to advocate for my patient. I can tell my patient: "I understand." I am able to see the results of quality care and fight for improvements. I have an awareness that as a nurse, allows me to make a difference. The knowledge gained in nursing school, work, and through being a patient myself, gives me a boost. I don't feel alone in this.

The above experience, had I heard a patient describe it, would have created a discussion of sorts where the patient may feel judged. I know, I've been in those same shoes. I've been disciplined, yelled at, had my insulin pump revoked, and even fell into DKA. I learned my lessons, but I am far from perfect. Maybe that's why I feel like an integral part of the healthcare field. I attained empathy. I live with this illness and I teach, monitor, care for those who also have it. It's a love/hate relationship, being a patient and a nurse. It's also a learning experience.

I implore my fellow nurses, take care of yourselves first and foremost. It makes life a little easier. It makes teaching the same care to patients more effectively. It gives you a sense of pride, and ultimately, you can't care for your patient(s) effectively if you yourself are in poor health. Stress, illness, and out-of-work circumstances affect your behavior, care, and attitude. Being a patient who is also a nurse gave me two different perspectives that have melded into one. I am glad I was called to nursing while fighting this disease. It wasn't only my calling, it's my life. :nurse:

Thanks for sharing. I appreciate your perspective. At this point in my life, I have never had to be hospitalized and rarely see the doctor (I had no insurance for years and luckily only got sick enough to need an rx once). I definitely feel that I am missing something when I care for my patients. It doesn't get in the way of my technical nursing skills (that I know of) but rather with empathizing how it must feel to be a patient in one of those hospital beds at the mercy of your RN/MD. It must be so boring/scary/exhausting/etc.

Also, I'm sure we've all made dangerous driving decisions at one point or another. Driving while ill or under the influence are not the only ways to be an unsafe driver. No one's perfect!

Specializes in Telemetry, IMCU.
Thanks for sharing. I appreciate your perspective. At this point in my life, I have never had to be hospitalized and rarely see the doctor (I had no insurance for years and luckily only got sick enough to need an rx once). I definitely feel that I am missing something when I care for my patients. It doesn't get in the way of my technical nursing skills (that I know of) but rather with empathizing how it must feel to be a patient in one of those hospital beds at the mercy of your RN/MD. It must be so boring/scary/exhausting/etc.

Also, I'm sure we've all made dangerous driving decisions at one point or another. Driving while ill or under the influence are not the only ways to be an unsafe driver. No one's perfect!

Thanks for reading. It's not only exhausting and scary, but also depressing. It's hard to have multiple issues in life and also deal with a disease, but it also strengthens my resolve to improve myself physically, emotionally, and professionally. I just spent 10 minutes in tears because I just found out that diabetics can lose their hearing as well and I've had tinnitus more frequently. Balancing this with nursing is a challenge. Thanks for your input. It's very much appreciated. :')

Specializes in orthopedic/trauma, Informatics, diabetes.

Thank you for sharing. I have a child with Type 1, I am Type 2. I work on an orthopedic floor and I have an extensive orthopedic hx of my own. I understand the "being" the patient. I am not going get into whether you should or shouldn't have done x or y. I understand what it is like to live the 24/7 365 disease. I think instead of being a "bad" example, it makes you more empathetic. you will be a good nurse. "Until someone has walked in your shoes..."

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.
Thank you for sharing. I have a child with Type 1, I am Type 2. I work on an orthopedic floor and I have an extensive orthopedic hx of my own. I understand the "being" the patient. I am not going get into whether you should or shouldn't have done x or y. I understand what it is like to live the 24/7 365 disease. I think instead of being a "bad" example, it makes you more empathetic. you will be a good nurse. "Until someone has walked in your shoes..."

The article was well written, interesting and gave us all something to think about. As someone who has spent most of the last 2 -1/2 years on medical leave, I also know what it's like to be a nurse and a patient. I don't have diabetes, at least not yet, and I don't know what it's like to live with it. I've had cancer three times, a serious back injury and two knee replacements. I know about being on both sides of the bed.

I made a very real and very difficult effort not to drive while impaired, even though that meant my husband had to drive me 30 miles to my oncology treatments Monday through Friday. He worked weekend nights to do so. He took me to twice weekly lab draws and thrice weekly PT sessions with my orthopedic issues because I was instructed to "premedicate" with narcotics an hour before each PT session. I KNOW what it's like to need to be somewhere but because we live outside the city, there is no way to get there other than driving. I just made the conscious and often difficult decision to let someone else do the driving. The OP knows she shouldn't have been driving but she did anyway, putting not only herself at risk, but also all of the other drivers on the road, the pedestrians walking alongside the road and anyone unfortunate enough to be in her path.

And despite all that, you conclude that she will be a good nurse. I don't think it's possible to judge who will and will not be/who is and who is not a good nurse based only on words on a forum, but if it WERE possible, I don't think I'd be giving that accolade to someone whose judgement is so questionable and whose decisions were so self-centered.

The OP is a very good writer, though, and did a good job of making me FEEL what she was going through. I still think she made bad decisions, and there isn't enough information to determine that she'll be a good nurse despite having made those decisions.

Specializes in Telemetry, IMCU.
The article was well written, interesting and gave us all something to think about. As someone who has spent most of the last 2 -1/2 years on medical leave, I also know what it's like to be a nurse and a patient. I don't have diabetes, at least not yet, and I don't know what it's like to live with it. I've had cancer three times, a serious back injury and two knee replacements. I know about being on both sides of the bed.

I made a very real and very difficult effort not to drive while impaired, even though that meant my husband had to drive me 30 miles to my oncology treatments Monday through Friday. He worked weekend nights to do so. He took me to twice weekly lab draws and thrice weekly PT sessions with my orthopedic issues because I was instructed to "premedicate" with narcotics an hour before each PT session. I KNOW what it's like to need to be somewhere but because we live outside the city, there is no way to get there other than driving. I just made the conscious and often difficult decision to let someone else do the driving. The OP knows she shouldn't have been driving but she did anyway, putting not only herself at risk, but also all of the other drivers on the road, the pedestrians walking alongside the road and anyone unfortunate enough to be in her path.

And despite all that, you conclude that she will be a good nurse. I don't think it's possible to judge who will and will not be/who is and who is not a good nurse based only on words on a forum, but if it WERE possible, I don't think I'd be giving that accolade to someone whose judgement is so questionable and whose decisions were so self-centered.

The OP is a very good writer, though, and did a good job of making me FEEL what she was going through. I still think she made bad decisions, and there isn't enough information to determine that she'll be a good nurse despite having made those decisions.

I'm not a good nurse. I'm a great nurse. Judging me based on a stupid action? Like you haven't done stupid things before? You're something else.

Specializes in Telemetry, IMCU.
Thank you for sharing. I have a child with Type 1, I am Type 2. I work on an orthopedic floor and I have an extensive orthopedic hx of my own. I understand the "being" the patient. I am not going get into whether you should or shouldn't have done x or y. I understand what it is like to live the 24/7 365 disease. I think instead of being a "bad" example, it makes you more empathetic. you will be a good nurse. "Until someone has walked in your shoes..."

I'm sorry that your child and you have diabetes. It's not an easy illness, but it gives me the knowledge and empathy when it comes to my job. I'm a great nurse and even though you don't have to have an illness to be a compassionate nurse it's a silver lining around the dusky cloud. Thank you for not judging me based on a mistake I made as a student. I'm tired of feeling like defending myself. Maybe they need to "walk a **** mile in my shoes. " :)

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

Everyone has done stupid things in their lives. What we do to correct them, and prevent them from happening again, is how we ought to be judged.

Specializes in LTC.

Hi, I am a Type 1. I am on a pump. I get driving when you probably shouldn't. I've done it. That said, I stopped doing it. It's dangerous. When I shake, when I sweat, I stop. That's it. I stop. I don't want to die in hypo. I just don't. It is the scariest thing to me in the whole world. Not amputation, not kidney failure, not blindness, just dieing low.

I am not judging you. I have just pushed back at a low while driving and found myself surrounded by paramedics on the side of the road with glucose tablets spilled on myself and gel on my lap and a glucagon kit sitting used next to me. Thank God as low as I was I managed to pull over. I could have killed someone.

I do understand the idea of practice what you preach. That's why I preach diabetes is imperfect. It's the best a human being can do to manage an essential function of life when the body stops doing it.

ETA: I've also "woken up" in a grocery store with a carton of oj, at a cinnabon in a mall, and in the locker room at my gym. I've had some nasty lows, mostly pre pump pre dexcom.

Specializes in hospice.
I'm not a good nurse. I'm a great nurse. Judging me based on a stupid action? Like you haven't done stupid things before? You're something else.

You need to grow up. The absolute last thing she did was judge you. In fact, it seemed to me she was very careful to point out that a judgement of your competency couldn't be made based on this. If you can't handle feedback, stop making your thoughts public.

Specializes in Telemetry, IMCU.
You need to grow up. The absolute last thing she did was judge you. In fact, it seemed to me she was very careful to point out that a judgement of your competency couldn't be made based on this. If you can't handle feedback, stop making your thoughts public.

You're definitely not one to speak. She mentioned multiple times that she believed I was in error. Fine. Then when someone else wrote a positive comment based on what THEY believe, she responded AGAIN and judged my ability in nursing based on a mistake. Judging? I believe so.

Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves into the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.

I Peter 5:5

Specializes in Telemetry, IMCU.
Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves into the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble.

I Peter 5:5

I'm sorry, where does it say she's my elder?