Topics About 'Health And Wellness'.

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Found 14 results

  1. Healthy People initiatives is a program from the US government Department of Health and Human Services. It is composed of many leading health indicators. They are chosen after extensive collaborative efforts from a workgroup composed of 50 members fr...
  2. Now about the appointment. It lasted only 15 minutes with the physician already running behind after a longer first appointment that he couldn't control, and he reminded us several times about wishing to have more time to meet with us but was rushed....
  3. Brenda F. Johnson

    The Obesity Problem in Rural America

    Vulnerable PopulationPublic health has focused on the vulnerable patients in our society for the past few decades, but now they are looking at how "place" plays a factor. According to the article, "Health in Rural America: Remembering the Importance ...
  4. Carol Ebert

    Wellness Works if YOU Work It!

    And where would we be without WELLNESS? It used to be just a buzz word, but now it is a life and death thing. If we are not well, we can't survive and thrive. And yet we continue to get sicker, fatter, in more pain, and more miserable despite the abu...
  5. Hello! I will be writing a blog for YOU the professional nurse leader in the second half of your career, anticipating what's next and wanting to embrace a wellness lifestyle. I'm the perfect partner for you as you embark on this journey since I am al...
  6. Lifestyle change recommendations often involve a directive to "increase physical activity," but what kind of patient education best supports the patient's efforts to exercise more? I realized early on in my practice that helping patients who are read...
  7. Carol Ebert

    Minding Your Mind

    Turns out it is all up to YOU! Either veg out or Mind your Mind! I keep thinking that because I forget stuff all the time it must mean I have early dementia. Wrong! It's because I'm too busy, doing too much, my mind is on overload and I don't take th...
  8. Our country's rising trend over the past few decades of eating processed food and dining at fast food restaurants has added to the obesity problem according to the article, "Obesity is bankrupting America, disease costs soar," by J.D. Heyes. Convenie...
  9. That "intuitive hit" propelled me away from the bedside and into the role of School Nurse which seemed a better fit for me. I could now teach students, staff and parents how to stay healthy. At least I thought I could. What I soon discovered was I ha...
  10. Emily, a 9-year-old with a cinnamon skin tone and a strikingly angular face dotted by a set of chocolate-colored eyes, sits inside an examination room at the local children's outreach clinic. She comes to the clinic once a month with her siblings to ...
  11. Dear Nurses, My name is Lauren D Kagan and I wanted to share my personal struggles & success story of becoming a professional fitness model all while working a stressful night shift nursing job. Both my peers & personal training clients have ...
  12. Brenda F. Johnson

    The "Fat" Deception

    First, Let's Review The Different Types Of FatBeginning with the good fats, because we all need some good in our lives, they are liquid at room temperature. There are the two extensive categories of good fats, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats...
  13. Hydration for Nurses

    Feeling Like A RaisinThere is nothing like a long shift at the hospital to make a nurse feel like a raisin. The struggle to maintain hydration during a ten hour shift has been getting the best of me. I noticed toward the end of my ER shift a few worr...
  14. This is Part 2 of a two-part article that identifying FITTNESS as a mnemonic for physical activity and suggesting a patient-centered approach for its clinical application. Part 1 of this article addressed the background of the FITTNESS mnemonic for p...