Published Sep 13, 2008
89 Posts
I read a thread titled, "would you encourage your son/daughter to go into nursing." About 98% of the people said its the worst profession, they would rather have their child dig ditches. They talk about how miserable it is physcially and mentally. People had said they would rather do any other job, litterally any other job. Someone even said they wouldnt do it if it was the last job on earth. I was exztremely extremly surprsied to read all this! wow, kind of let down, being a student busting my ass off through nursing school right now.
338 Posts
I've told my teenage sons that they can major in whatever they want to in college, as long as they have their nursing degrees first!
Seriously though, I keep telling them that they can be nurses by the time they're 22, have experience by 27, and travel nurse throughout the world! I know they'll end up doing whatever they want to, but still I wish they would do it.
129 Posts
I love being a nurse. sometimes I don't enjoy a certain job but I have encouraged many people including my daughter to go into nursing. I feel the times are changing and nowdays people do not respect you as a nurse. But once in awhile when I get a real heartfelt thank you it means everything to me.
16 Posts
I love being a nurse.. That said - there are so many problems with healthcare today that it makes trying to be the best nurse you can be impossible. Politics, pay (i think were worth way more than we get paid), horrible staffing issues (in my hospital right now), abuse (by your superiors all the way down to pts and families - in which case at my facility it seems as though the pt is always right) are all big problems.. For me anyways.. And it just seems to get worse every day i go to work.. But there are positive things about nursing - and you have to find the positive, then run with it and do the very best job you can do.
317 Posts
I only hate nursing on the days I have to go in to work:coollook:
UM Review RN, ASN, RN
1 Article; 5,163 Posts
It's a very tough job. It's tough on me mentally, emotionally, physically. But I keep going back, because it's what I do. I don't hate it when I can do it right, I hate it when I'm forced to do it wrong. That risks my patient's life and/or mine and that is unacceptable.
Thankful RN,BSN
127 Posts
People hate nursing because they try and do too much (super nurse). Like answer all call lights(even if it's not there pt), listen to pt's talk non-sense, working too much ot, etc. Just go to work, pretty much worry about yourself and make sure your pt's stay alive through the shift (don't worry about them after you have given report) and you will be fine! I'm serious! I'm a happy nurse!!!
Neveranurseagain, RN
866 Posts
I don't think nurses really hate nursing, what they hate is being short staffed, unappreciated, the backstabbing catiness, mandatory OT, working weekends/holidays, too many pt. to do real nursing and an administration that will not back you!
1,304 Posts
Shoot I love being a nurse. It is the career that on somedays I love to hate.... It is those certain moments I hate, not the profession itself.
I have heard many many times. Doctors would not recommend their children become doctors though.
467 Posts
i hate it most of the time. there are rare occasions when everything is going ok, but rare. i've yet to have a drive to work and looking forward to going in.
locolorenzo22, BSN, RN
2,396 Posts
It is tough...sometimes you are the venter against which the docs rant, the patients complain, the supervisors tell you to "suck it up" regardless of your acuity...etc. I could imagine 1000 jobs I could do(NFL quarterback...the pats need someone too!)....but I can't imagine one more rewarding.
When I can ease a patient's mind by answering a question, ease passage into death, or relieve pain.....that's when I like what I do. When I have to listen to a doc yell at me about what he told the previous shift...sorry, I'm not psychic.
Everyone is at different points in their careers...I wouldn't advise anyone against the field, but I'd want them to know ALL the aspects versus the "perceived" or the money issue only.....
320 Posts
Just remember that a lot of people come here for no other purpose than to rant, vent, gripe, complain....and so on and so forth. It's not unlike any other anonymous group. Freedom to say the things you would never say in public.
Because of that, many people only come here when they're crabby....after a rough shift, because something is bugging them or they need advice about a tough situation. I rarely see anyone make a post only to praise the wonders of nursing. Honestly, the thought makes me giggle a little bit.
It's kind of similar to listening to people gripe about their teenagers or spouses after a rough day. Not a lot of good in those conversations, either.
That being said.....I LOVE MY JOB. Most of my coworkers love their jobs, too. The few that don't I'm pretty sure would dislike any job, no matter how well-paying, rewarding, or whatever.
If you like what you're learning, and you enjoy'll be fine. Enjoy!