Nursing Student using food stamps

Nursing Students General Students


Times are rough right now. I start my BSN in August and I just had to apply for food stamps. I work PT and the money barely covers my expenses. I'll get $187 per month which means I wont go hungry... I thank God that I am able to get the help. This will be a test, and i ready for it. i just wish i wasn't so broke :cry:. BUT... I must be positive! this only makes me want to work harder! I know i have a long road ahead of me, but it will all be worth it in the end.

Has anyone else had to rely on assistance as a nursing student?

Anyone have tips on how to make my FS money stretch as far as possible? Recipes?

Any comments would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Specializes in CMSRN.

We do spaghetti once a week. My kids love it, it's cheap, it's easy, it's yummy and my husband always has enough left over for a lunch! All good things in my book. :)

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

Its a means to an end. A few years ago my husband was out of work for about 6 months. We had to learn quickly how to eat cheaply.

We used a lot of rice. From side dishes to a quick stir fry. We even found a sweet rice recipe for dessert.

Beans make a great meat replacement. It's cheaper to buy dry so I would make a huge batch and freeze them in portions.

Oatmeal is cheaper than breakfast cereal.

Apples and bananas are nutritious and cheaper than most fruit.

Since I have kids I choose smaller sized fruits. I don't limit how much they eat but we have less wasted half apples.

Hey I am right there with you! I get Food assistance as well as help paying for my daughters daycare and her insurance. We are putting an effort forth to better our lives, therefore, I see NOTHING wrong with getting assistance. It is the people who abuse the system (by living off of it for NO reason) that make us look bad. Do what you gotta do!

Specializes in HH, Peds, Rehab, Clinical.

Oh heck, probably over half of my classmates were receiving welfare benefits of some sort while they were in nursing school. Medicaid, food stamps, housing assistance, daycare subsidies, you name it. It's TEMPORARY help while you work your heiney off to improve yourself. EXACTLY why such programs exsist, IMO....

I've got two teens one toddler one infant and me and hubby all eating off 190$ a month in food stamps no shame here me and hubby are in school doing what we can to improve our life we aren't just bums I intend to create scholarship for students like me one day!

Specializes in Oncology.

In the state where I went to college, if you are enrolled in college you are ineligible for food stamps or welfare assistance of any kind. Guess they figure you should drop out of college to feed yourself, therefore staying poor and uneducated with no valuable skills forever? Government... ugh.

Specializes in Psych.

I'm on the other end of this now that I've been out of school for awhile and it's true -- you will pay these programs back quite easily with your payroll taxes. :) Please don't let this sap any of your confidence. Just focus on doing your best and getting through school.

BTW, I will second the crock-pot and bean recommendation. Both are very helpful in cutting costs. A crock pot running all day uses a few cents worth of electricity.

Specializes in Cardiac Nursing.

i'm going to second all the other comments. my little family is on food assistance also. one thing i have found is a not so local butcher shop has meat bundle specials. 35-50lbs of meat for between $40-120 depending on the package. add this to my grocery stores 10 for $10 frozen veggie sales once a month i can stretch our benefit out. before i found the butcher shops meat bundles, i'd spend more at the grocery store. even my mom has gotten in on the meat bundle act. save so much money in the long run and a good variety.

i also second use of the crock pot. i also love to braise in the oven. beans and rice has been a staple of my family since i was a child lol

now that i finally will start working the middle of next month i need to find out when i need to notify them. i think you have to notify within 10 days of starting. i just hope they don't stop my daughters health insurance until i get benefits started.

Heck, I wish I could qualify for food stamps or Section 8 housing. Although I am receiving U.I. benefits, it is still too much for me to qualify for food stamps. As far as Section 8 is concerned, they are not currently accepting applications.

In the state where I went to college, if you are enrolled in college you are ineligible for food stamps or welfare assistance of any kind. Guess they figure you should drop out of college to feed yourself, therefore staying poor and uneducated with no valuable skills forever? Government... ugh.

Is the government in question the government of a state where people hate government?

Specializes in Forensic Psych.

Is the government in question the government of a state where people hate government?

I know some states feel that not working at all while attending college is voluntary unemployment, and government loans and grants can be used for food. so they make it more difficult to qualify.

For instance, in Massachusetts, a college student CAN get food stamps IF they only go part time, work 20 hours a week, have a dependent under the age of 6, or are in a work/study program.

But no, in a surprising number of states a single 22 year old student cannot quit their job, go off to college and eat on food stamps for four years while they study History. Can you imagine how drained the system would be if that was possible?

Frugal Village has a lot of tips on how to save money along with recipies for cheap meals. I agree with what others have said. It's noting to be ashamed of you are working your butt off in school so one day soon you won't need them anymore. That's what food stamps are supossed to be used for, to bridge the gap. Also try and buy on sale and match with a coupon.

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