Nursing doesnt define you

Nurses General Nursing


It only defines a part of you :p. So what are some things you enjoy in your off time? Ive met so many special personalities here on allnurses. Some fiesty nurses, some sweet nurses, as well as some great student nurses. Ive been in nursing (officially since 2003) and it's a special part of my life, but one other thing that Im known for is my goofiness (which you may not see on this page) LoL! Anyhow, I like to write, do things with my husband and kids (amusement parks are my fav because I love rollercoasters!), I love museums, Im always trying new recipes, history is my fav subject, Im crazy emotional - I guess I could go on forever because Im also VERY TALKATIVE. :D Enough about me, what about you guys? What other things make you, you? :)

Specializes in stepdown RN.
OMG! I forgot to mention that I totally watch useless reality show nonsense, bahahaha!! LoL! too funny - I try to balance it out with educational stuff like Mystery Diagnosis, OH! and can I count Law&Order:SVU as educational too? :lol2: Dang invention of DVR!

I hate to admit it but I'm hooked on reality tv too. Also, all the judge shows in the morning......I really need to get a new hobby :) I love to garden although I kill just about everything I attempt to grow. I still buy numerous gardening magazines, gardening tools, sketch flower beds and have grand ideas about my flower garden......

I like to drive around looking for garage/yard sales.. I just love a good bargin.

I love being outdoors sitting on the front porch swing reading a good book. However, nothing beats spending time with my 2 wonderful dogs, oh yeah and my family too. LOL

Specializes in Geriatrics.

I am a Mother and a Friend, an Author and Experimentor, I love cooking, gardening, canning in the fall, crocheting, sewing, playing WoW and Bingo. I love hiking, ATV rides, golf, fishing and hunting (haven't shot anything, when I see the animal I'm so in awe of thier beauty I forget to fire). I love taking pictures of nature in all her glory. I love sitting in front of a nice fire on a cold night with a cup of tea or cocoa. I love throwing sticks for my canine babies, and reading books to my 2 perfect Grandsons. I love my Life Partner, (he is the most wonderful man I have ever met!), and I love taking care of others. I almost forgot!! I love, love, love walking in the rain, there is nothing like the smell of the air after a nice gentle rain, everything smells so clean and looks so bright! There are so many aspects of me it would be hard to list them all. I am a Nurse, but I am so much more!

lsu tigers?

detroit tigers :)

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.
It's funny that you brought this topic up, because my husband is constantly telling me that my profession SHOULDN'T define me. I think that it does. The reason I say this with such feeling is because I was in a position several years ago where I was incapacitated, in the hospital for weeks, and had to go to months of PT to get back to normal. I lost myself during that time, and part of me was mourning the loss of being able to work. I am a hard worker; I like to get my hands dirty and love marathon surgeries. My self esteem took a large hit when I was not able to do for others during my illness. I pray that I will never EVER have to endure something like that again. I realized that the root of my depression was because I was unable to contribute. To anything. Contribution is what drives me, and ultimately what makes me the happiest.

When I am not in the OR, you can find me in the yard doing gardening, diagnosing problems with my plants, lawn, seedlings. I love to cultivate and grow plants that can be "problem children". I even sing to them!

My first love however, is deep sea fishing. When I am on the boat, my husband is driving, and I am standing on the gunwale, hanging on to the T-top in search of a bait ball. When we get up in the morning to prepare for a day of fishing, we get the boat ready and then we go to a very small island that you can only get to by boat. My dog has learned that as soon as she hears the bottom of the boat hit sand, she "Superman's" it off the bow-much to my displeasure! (All I can think about is FRACTURE!!) While she is running wildly, we throw the cast net into shallow waters and get our bait for the day. At the end of the day, we return to the island to let our dog run off some energy (she gets so excited when we bring a fish in). I will walk along the beach and pick up the most amazing treasures-hundreds of conchs, whole sand dollars, beautiful coral, clam shells that are as big as salad plates and even a few starfish. Since the island is uninhabited, these gems just wash up. It is nirvana for me.

Other than that, I read VORACIOUSLY! My hubby got tired of storing paperbacks (I go through about 3 paperbacks per week, because I read before I go to bed-it is my one true vice) and he got me a Kindle for my birthday last year. I read everything from Quantum Physics to Janet Evanovich

I don't watch TV in general, but you can't keep me away from it during NFL/NHL season or ACC basketball season.

This was a nice post. Thank you, OP for starting it. I love to hear about everyone's interests besides nursing, although I really enjoy hearing stories about what your day has been like, or what issues other members are struggling with that I can somehow offer a bit of advice about.

Your post will help me to reflect more on my life outside of work. I know that I must focus more on this, and I thank you for reminding me to do this :)

I am right now where you were......incapacitated and cannot work. I miss nursing terribly. I miss caring for someone everyday....I miss the adrenaline rush of the emergency department. After 32 years it is a part of who I am and I do feel I am missing. Besides the money issue I feel like I am not contributing to anything......I really miss it terribly.

But I am a mom, a daughter, a son, and my dog, a wife, and a daughter and I am looking for new hobbies that I can discover as the ones I did before......I can t do right I come to

Specializes in Trauma Surgery, Nursing Management.
I am right now where you were......incapacitated and cannot work. I miss nursing terribly. I miss caring for someone everyday....I miss the adrenaline rush of the emergency department. After 32 years it is a part of who I am and I do feel I am missing. Besides the money issue I feel like I am not contributing to anything......I really miss it terribly.

But I am a mom a wife, and a daughter and I am looking for new hobbies that I can discover as the ones I did before......I can t do right I come to


I am so sorry that you are feeling poorly. One of the things that I considered in deciding whether or not to come back to work in a physically demanding environment was telephone triage, or nurse lines. I had an interview and although they liked me, they wanted me to have more peds experience, because most of the calls were peds related. Maybe you can do this?

Specializes in Psych.

This is a great thread! I am rather quiet but everyone calls me smiley. I try to enjoy everyday with my husband and daughters (they are growing so fast). I LOVE to cook, and to read. I'm hoping a Kindle is in the near future for me (perhaps Mother's Day lol). I absolutely adore college football! Roll Tide!!! I love reality shows as well - can't help it they're addicting :D Camping, walking, and playing a mean game of Texas Hold Em. All these things are part of me just like nursing. I am proud though to be called a nurse and it makes me feel all warm inside when my family says this is my wife, mother, sister, daughter.....she's a nurse!

Specializes in Periop, ER.

I am a mom, wife, aspiring author. I love to cook ( when I have the time), take care of my family and my fur babies ( 3 cats). I enjoy watching funny you tube clips with my hubby. I love to laugh deep belly laughs where you almost pee your pants...I love to take walks with my teenage daughter to catch up and chat.

I am so sure that my work doesn't define me- I have to be a disciplinarian at work since I am a manager. But I hate it! I rather make people laugh and not be so serious all the time.

I like to learn new things and learn about other cultures. I like to sit outside and bask in the sunshine with a cold glass of iced tea. I love to run and run away from all the stressors that I have. I also like quiet time, where there is not a sound at all, just me and my thoughts.:)

Specializes in OB/GYN, Emergency.

In my time off between work and graduate school, I like to golf, bake, ride horses, read, spend time with family, grab a margarita with the girls, or sit around on a friend's patio having dinner and talking for hours. I look forward to wrapping up my MSN in August so that I can go back to having abundant free time. :)

Specializes in Med surg, LTC, Administration.
I am right now where you were......incapacitated and cannot work. I miss nursing terribly. I miss caring for someone everyday....I miss the adrenaline rush of the emergency department. After 32 years it is a part of who I am and I do feel I am missing. Besides the money issue I feel like I am not contributing to anything......I really miss it terribly.

But I am a mom a wife, and a daughter and I am looking for new hobbies that I can discover as the ones I did before......I can t do right I come to

How can you say you are Not contributing, when you are a wife, mother and daughter? Everyday, your presence is felt, heard and loved, by your family. Everyday, you contribute to society when you take care and love your family. Everyday, your family members give what you gave them to everyone they come in contact with. That is your presence and you contributing to society. All the work you did before, is still being felt, by the many patients you have cared for. Mothers, still alive, sick children now grown with their own, families kept together, all fruit of your labor. I say you contributed and are still contributing everyday, when those you touched, touch others. Chin up! You may not be where you want to be, but you are needed and appreciated just the same.

What you once did for others, you must now do for self.

-take care of yourself

- encourage yourself

- use the abilities you do have and do them the best you can

- love and appreciate who you are in this stage of life

- accept help from others

- continue to love

Come on girl, it is time to party! You earned it! I challenge you to find 5 things you love to do, always wanted to do, or were afraid to do. Then do it. Peace!

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.
I am right now where you were......incapacitated and cannot work. I miss nursing terribly. I miss caring for someone everyday....I miss the adrenaline rush of the emergency department. After 32 years it is a part of who I am and I do feel I am missing. Besides the money issue I feel like I am not contributing to anything......I really miss it terribly.

But I am a mom a wife, and a daughter and I am looking for new hobbies that I can discover as the ones I did before......I can t do right I come to

I hope you realize by coming to AN you are contributing. Just know it. You might not know who, when, or how - but you are. ((esme)) :hug:

Right now I am a new grad and I feel as though nursing is taking over my life and defining who I am, but I have found one hobby that gives me an out from work....ROLLER DERBY! I love it!! I gotten to meet all sorts of people and it is a great workout. Any other Roller derby nurses?

Love this thread and couldn't agree more. I won't add anyone from work on my fb page because I want to leave work at work and home at home. I do not want nursing to define me, because if I did.. I would be a very stressed and exhausted person LOL

So when not at work my husband and I are total gym rats =) We also love to watch movies. Anything we can do together - we do. and I love it!!

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