Nurses laid off - Thanks to Obamacare

Nurses Activism


nurses are laid off, salaries decreased and vacant positions eliminated thanks to obamacare..tsk3..

read here:

Specializes in Going to Peds!.

That's not actually true, maybe you could provide evidence of that?

Medicare is certainly challenged trying to provide universal healthcare in an overall system that is based on an opposing philisophy, that's what should be fixed.

Then why is it that every discussion on Social Security & Medicare always includes the fact that they're operating at a loss & will run out of money at such & such date? (Said dates being LONG before I ever see a dime that I've paid into either of those failed systems.) If they're not going to run out of money & go bankrupt, GREAT! But both sides of the aisle are always reminding their constituents that these social insurance programs are unsustainable.

In the role medicare plays, being the money middleman between patients and providers, it does a far better job than their private counterparts with operating costs of 2-4%, compared to 14-30% in the private sector.

Especially since the private companies let Medicaid/care do a good portion of their work by using the government reimbursement rates to determine their own reimbursement rates.

Specializes in burn ICU, SICU, ER, Trauma Rapid Response.
The fact that Social Security and Medicare are bankrupt?

Because the boys on Capitol Hill keep raiding one coffer to find another one & when they all run out, let's just BORROW more...

*** Social Security and Medicare are not examples of goverment provided health care and thus don't apply. Besides it is a false statement to say they are bankrupt.

Specializes in Going to Peds!.

*** Social Security and Medicare are not examples of goverment provided health care and thus don't apply. Besides it is a false statement to say they are bankrupt.

Ok, going to be bankrupt then.

The way it's going now, they are saving so much money now with the reimbursement standards

, heck They'll prolly never go broke. Only a small reason the hospitals are suffering, however, I don't think it its a bad thing. Its is actually what is best for the patients, requiring thoroughness and a standard of care, accountability etc

Specializes in Going to Peds!.
The way it's going now, they are saving so much money now with the reimbursement standards

, heck They'll prolly never go broke. Only a small reason the hospitals are suffering, however, I don't think it its a bad thing. Its is actually what is best for the patients, requiring thoroughness and a standard of care, accountability etc

Ok this I can see.

Specializes in Leadership, Psych, HomeCare, Amb. Care.

As long as older people outnumber the younger voters, they will never be allowed to go bankrupt

Specializes in Med-Surg.

*** What is the evidence that the goverment can't do it right?

Well I'm from Canada, government run healthcare there. Quebec specifically, probably the farthest left of the provinces. And nursing there was terrible! You think patient quotas are high here? I mean, I left that stuff for a reason, I just didn't want to kill myself working in those conditions anymore. And while people do exaggerate how long it takes to be seen up there, it DOES take much longer than it does here.

Specializes in burn ICU, SICU, ER, Trauma Rapid Response.
Well I'm from Canada, government run healthcare there. Quebec specifically, probably the farthest left of the provinces. And nursing there was terrible! You think patient quotas are high here? I mean, I left that stuff for a reason, I just didn't want to kill myself working in those conditions anymore. And while people do exaggerate how long it takes to be seen up there, it DOES take much longer than it does here.

*** Having been both a patient and a nurse in a single payer health care system, and observed the care recieved by family members in one, I know they can provide great care in a cost effective manner. That the Canadian's can't pull it off is not convincing of anything to me.

Let's not forget than many people here can't see a health care provider at all unless they go to the ER. No money no appoinment in lot's of places.

We also already have couple examples of US government run health systems that provide good care and patients don't have unreasonable waits.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma.

*** Let's not forget than many people here can't see a health care provider at all unless they go to the ER. No money no appoinment in lot's of places. We also already have couple examples of US government run health systems that provide good care and patients don't have unreasonable waits.

THIS. :yes:

There is where the reform could and can become.

I remember not having health insurance and having to pay 200 dollars a visit, especially when I was kicked off my insurance when I went from full time to a part time student. I worked every other weekend as a nurse tech, and I had a period of about two years without health insurance and could not afford it. It was horrible, and I'm not obese; however I had migraines, and severe in nature: uncontrollable vomiting, leading to dehydration: it's about 1,500-3,000 per ER visit with no insurance (VERY glad during that period to NOT have to suffer an severe attack and had to deal with that bill).

I remember getting a bad kidney infection; if it wasn't for the hospital that I worked at, I'm sure I would still be owing that bill.

And there are great examples of US government run health systems that do give quality care. I would like to see that same model repeated across everywhere, urban rural, and everywhere in between. :yes:

And while people do exaggerate how long it takes to be seen up there, it DOES take much longer than it does here.

Really? Longer than forever, which is how long some uninsured people wait for healthcare here because they can't afford it?

We also already have couple examples of US government run health systems that provide good care and patients don't have unreasonable waits.

Neither does private insurance necessarily result in short waits. I had to wait 3 months for a CT abd to rule out serious pathology.

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