November/ December 2014 TEAS Exam Takers

Nursing Students TEAS


Hello Nursing applicants, I wanted to start a thread for us nursing students who will have to take the the TEAS Exam soon. It doesn't matter what school your going to, or what type of nursing program you applied to. I thought maybe we could share study tips and help encourage each other and hopefully, we will all get the score that we need so that we can get accepted into the nursing school we want to attend. I need at least a minimum score of 71 percent to be competitive for acceptance in the RN program I applied to. I take my test next week November the 6th. I have been studying for about three weeks now. My study guides are the ATI study guide, Secrets to TEAS V Study guides. I also have the Mcgraw- Hill 5 test book. I also purchased the ATI Test and will take the first online practice exam this wednesday. Please share what your doing to prepare, how your dealing with the test anxiety, and if you already successfully taken it what did you do to get the score you wanted. Good luck everyone!

Good luck teas takers this week. Study, sleep the night before and eat a good breakfast. You can do it.:yes:

I've been lurking for MONTHS lol so finally decided to make an account.

I took the TEAS this morning and did pretty well! I honestly almost missed the exam because of parking -_- and didn't really know what it was until I decided it would be a good idea to at least look up the format. So, yesterday I went to my library and checked out a McGraw Hill TEAS book with 5 practice tests.

I underestimated the exam and was freaking out like why did I wait till the day before thinking I could wing it...ugh. I just went thru a full exam (all 4 sections) and saw that I could get by without studying reading and language. The math I was like ugh oh well. The science I realized I needed to brush up on because I forgot all the biology I learned 6 yrs ago. I am taking A&P now and did chem about 4 yrs ago so that wasn't too bad.

Someone posted a study guide thing on allnurses in 2012 and it was a really good guide for this exam.

I got 92.7 total, 100 in english and reading and 93 in math and 83 in science...surprise...the questions I got wrong in science wee biology, of course. I guess the "studying" I did last night on mitosis and DNA wasn't enough :sarcastic: fail on my part.

Definitely study cell division, DNA, RNA, photosynthesis, etc. I wished I spent more time studying those but I'm definitely not gonna complain.

Sorry I don't have any input on how helpful ATI stuff is :/ but the McGraw Hill book from my library was very good even though it was TEAS versions III, IV, and some V (and not just V). The only difference was that the TEAS V reading is much longer and there were more A&P questions than the practice exams. So if you can't afford the ATI stuff perhaps that is an option?

Best of luck to you'll work out :)

Wow that's great Edd. You did very well on your exam. That's more than a competitive score.

Hi everyone,

I took the PAX-RN and did really well and am taking the TEAS tomorrow. I have studied but I am really stressing because some say it is way harder than the PAX-RN and others say it is comparable or easier. Any opinions on that?

Also, does anyone know if TEAS is the same thing as HOBET or if it is a replacement of it?

Good luck to you all!

Just took my TEAS Friday and got my results this afternoon ! I needed a 70 for the school I am applying to and I ended up with a 90.7! My English & Language Usage was a 100! Good luck to everyone else !

Omg congrats! That's a great score! How and for how long did you study?

Congrats Emily. Please share how you studied to help those do just as awesome as you did.

I will admit I had been studying for quite a while, but just by reading the ATI Manual little by little. It wasn't until the last month and a half that I really planned out time to sit with the manual and and study!

I started by reading through the reading portion of the manual, and completing all of the practice problems of that section.

Next, for math, I really only skimmed some pages, doing practice problems here and there ( I have done well in math previously / have a good background of it).

The science portion is where I got serious. I printed off this list of topics provided in this post, and used it as my guide. I went through the list, and used my study manual to take notes on each section. I also made a vocab list, and highlighted all topics that may need extra review. I spent a couple hours each night working on these notes and then when I was ready to quit writing, I would get in bed and watch videos on YouTube that review the various topics.

The english portion is the part I got the best score on, yet I didn't study much for it. I read through the section in the manual but that was all. I really did follow some of the tips that were shared in the post I already mentioned.

I did take time to do both of the practice tests in the back of the book. I made myself answer sheets and printed them off instead of using the ones provided (so I didn't have to rip it out or flip back-and-forth). I also made sure to time myself. Timing myself was I think very, very helpful because I was finishing each section really, really quickly and it let me know I would have plenty of time to review my answers.

The day of my test I woke up super early with a stomach bug, and I was worried I wouldn't be able to even drive myself to my testing center. Luckily I got there fine, and ended up doing much better than I anticipated. I had received 83-86% on the two practice exams, but on the actual exam I finished with a 90.7%.

I hope this helps! Good luck everyone!

Congrats Emily. Did you think the actual exam mirror or came close to the practice exams or totally different. Was the manual well worth studying????

Thank you so much for the feedback!!

The manual was definitely worth studying! Since I didn't buy it off of the ATI site I was able to get a decent price off of amazon.

The practice exams in the back of the manual did a good job on introducing the types of questions that were asked on the actual exam. The math portion was really good practice. The science portion was a bit more complicated than on the actual exam, but still, it was great practice.

When I took the practice exams I made sure to time myself both times, and I used scratch paper instead of writing on the test.. I tried to make it really authentic to the testing experience.

I 100% recommend getting the ATI study manual and using it!!

I agree with emilykwas! I originally studied with the TEAS "Crash Course" book from REA for a while ahead of time, and then I bought the ATI book about a month before the exam. The ATI book was much more helpful. I would recommend taking the practice tests after reviewing the material, it really showed me how to pace myself for each section. A note about the math section- I am not quick with mental math and it felt like a very quick section to me so make sure to pace yourself. I scored around 80% on my practice tests and ended up with an 87.3% on the actual exam.

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