Is this a microcosm of what happens in nursing on a DAILY basis!?

Nurses General Nursing


I hear this happens A LOT more than what is reported.

Video: Caught On Tape: Caretaker Abusing & Slapping 91 Year Old Woman! - Abuse to an elder

This is truly appalling and despicable. To think that a person that is in a position of so much trust and liability would so something so cruel... And I bet this said person had to go through a bunch of background checks and stuff just to get the job.

This just goes to show you can't trust anyone. I mean, what if that was your grandmother or someone you loved?

Feel free to share your thoughts and opinions.

Specializes in Cardiac, ER.

off topic,...

Miranda, have I told you lately how much I love you? It never fails,..if I read a perfectly timed post or a post that makes me think "yeah!",.it is your post. I love your writing and am in awe of your patience.

off topic,...

Miranda, have I told you lately how much I love you? It never fails,..if I read a perfectly timed post or a post that makes me think "yeah!",.it is your post. I love your writing and am in awe of your patience.

Oh my gosh, I'm blushing a little. Thank you for your kind words.

Only God knows how many more patients the aid treats like that. I hope they send her to jail for a very long time! As a nurse, it very embarassing to watch this.

Specializes in ICU, PICU, School Nursing, Case Mgt.

I was able to watch a whole day of the Florida Board of Nursing hearing in June... there was a case of a nurse slapping and ruffing up a "special needs" patient.

He didn't know the entire incident was on tape...the family suspected something was wrong.

If it's any consolation the FBON yanked his in Revoked permanently.

He will also do jail time for this, anger management classes and pay a huge fine

He had a good lawyer but the tape was overwhelming.

He won't do it again.


Specializes in NICU, ER, OR.

disgusting pig

Specializes in Med/Surg, Geriatric, Hospice.

That video was really really hard to watch. I had to stop it. Why is she SO angry and hateful??? I don't understand.. It's as if she was sadistically doing that to her, as if she gained some sick pleasure from it.. honestly- how can that poor old lady make her THAT mad? How could anyone ever do that..

NO, that does NOT represent any microcosm of nursing.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Geriatric, Hospice.
Only God knows how many more patients the aid treats like that. I hope they send her to jail for a very long time! As a nurse, it very embarassing to watch this.

It IS embarrassing.. I'm ashamed that person could be considered any kind of nurse or aide..

Why is she SO angry and hateful??? I don't understand.. It's as if she was sadistically doing that to her, as if she gained some sick pleasure from it.. honestly- how can that poor old lady make her THAT mad? How could anyone ever do that..


The answer to the behavior can likely be attributed to a sense of entitlement on the part of the offender.

"I have a right to earn my money as easily as possible, and I can't stand this old lady because she's making it hard on me."

The family (being intuitive as families usually are) sensed this in setting a trap and catching a rather large rat in the process.

Specializes in Clinical Research, Outpt Women's Health.

I chose not to view the video.

I have personally never seen this. If I ever did I would intervene physically to remove that person from the room and then I would call the police.

I would never, ever tolerate that type of behavior.

If you truly posted this because you care then you need to be politically active and force your represeantatives to provide more oversight of nursing homes. Especially in having them use professional staff who are paid a decent wage so you do not end up with an inhuman piece of garbage like that having access to our vulnerable elderly.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.
Yup! You caught us red handed! That is a microcosm of what happens in nursing on a daily basis.

Your title associated with the link is extremely inappropriate and antagonistic. What exactly are you trying to accomplish with this distasteful combination?

I really think she was just trying to draw attention to the video........and while not everyday I think it occurs more that any of us would like to admit....................take the patient found with hundreds of maggots in Maine....

What I found disturbing is that the video is over several days. After seeing what happened on day one the family continued to let the caregiver work with their grandmother and the abuse seemed to increase. Kudos to the family for having the gut feeling something was wrong. Boo's for not acting on that information immediately.

They may not have been there everyday. You can set up a camera to switch on when there is motion, just like a voice-activated tape recorder.

The other thought is that, painful though it might have been to wait, they may have wanted conclusive proof that this was more than just a one-time, out-of-character oops. By showing the pattern of abuse, they made certain the aide could not talk her way out of the accusation by saying "it only happened that one time," and walking away with just a slap on the wrist.

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