Interested in earning a BSN degree



I completed 87 credits (including capstone) towards my B.A in liberal arts. I am interested in earning a BSN degree. How would it work to transfer those credits towards a BSN??


I would talk to the school you would like to go to. They will usually take most of your credits.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho, ASC.

Only way to know for sure: Ask the institution(s) to which you wish to transfer.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho, ASC.
I would talk to the school you would like to go to. They will usually take most of your credits.

There is absolutely no way that anyone can accurately forecast this without knowing the institution to which OP plans to transfer.

How many hard science credits, and which ones? Have you looked at what prerequisites most nursing programs require? My own experience getting into nursing school with part (not all) of a liberal arts degree was that I didn't have any of the necessary sciences. I did have some of the general ed requirements when I returned to school to complete a BSN (I originally went to a hospital-based diploma nursing school).

Also, regardless of how many credits you currently have, most (all?) schools require that you complete some specified minimum number of credits at that school in order for them to be willing to award you a degree (e.g., you can't take nearly all of a degree at No Name U, then transfer into Big Name Prestigious U, take one or two courses, and end up with a degree from Big Name Prestigious U).

Have you looked into finishing your BA and then starting an Accelerated BSN program? These are degrees for people who already have a BA/BS in another discipline. They are quicker to finish (since students already have all the general ed requirements and only have to complete the actual nursing courses), but quite intensive and rigorous.

How's your GPA? Most nursing programs are pretty competitive these days, due to the huge number of people who want to go into nursing vs. the limited number of nursing school seats available.

Best wishes for your journey!

There is absolutely no way that anyone can accurately forecast this without knowing the institution to which OP plans to transfer.

Ok point taken. My point was that you need to ask about your credits, and in my experience most schools will take credits already earned for an RN to bsn program.

As others have said, contact the school, make an appt with a nursing school advisor, and bring your transcripts to the appointment. You might be pleasantly surprised. I also have a BA and a LOT of my credits transferred, even though many of them were about 15 years old. I had to retake some of the sciences and one math course, though.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
I am interested in earning a BSN degree. How would it work to transfer those credits towards a BSN??

Your first step should entail making an appointment with an adviser at the school that interests you to discuss this very issue. None of us can predict if the credits you earned while completing the BA degree will be accepted for transfer toward a BSN degree.

Good luck to you!

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.
Ok point taken. My point was that you need to ask about your credits, and in my experience most schools will take credits already earned for an RN to bsn program.

She's not asking about an RN to BSN program. She's asking about a prelicensure RN program.

Specializes in 15 years in ICU, 22 years in PACU.

Is this one of those threads that drives everyone absolutely bonkers?

Is this one of those threads that drives everyone absolutely bonkers?

Not yet.

OP, as others have stated, contact the programs directly. Since you have a B.A., I'm guessing that you have very few, if any, science-related courses?

Specializes in ER.

Some may apply but there is no way of knowing. In most schools, there can be several different type of classes. Even in my community college, there were three different types of anatomy.

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