I'm sorry, honey. Mommy is a nurse...


Specializes in CCU, Geriatrics, Critical Care, Tele.

How many of you nurses have told your kids this? LOL.

Specializes in Med/Surg, LTACH, LTC, Home Health.

Stop listening in on my private conversations!!!!

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.

My favorite motto.....Blood doesn't matter if there isn't any bones showin! brush it off move on!

My sons know this very well ;)

That is definitely me!

you save some money too :)

Specializes in Going to Peds!.

I tell my kids not to bother me unless it's a LOT of blood, you can see the bone OR somebody isn't breathing.

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Specializes in NICU, Infection Control.

Single mother + special needs kid. Sometimes, I had to decide whether to be the nurse or the mother. Since I was the only person who could be the mom, I often chose mom. I did put on my 'nurse' when dealing w/docs, etc., but I tried to focus on him when he needed me.

Aren't any if you the opposite? Every ache might be an osteosarcoma? back pain some spinal abcess? I see more pts who ignored tiny stuff and it was actually the start of something huge than the opposite

Specializes in Pedi.
Aren't any if you the opposite? Every ache might be an osteosarcoma? back pain some spinal abcess? I see more pts who ignored tiny stuff and it was actually the start of something huge than the opposite

Were I a parent I would probably be a little like this... especially working in pediatric oncology where I've seen things as simple as a limp really be leukemia.

Specializes in Psych.

Last night my son "popped" his knee at football. I came home, looked at it, ROM on it ( some pain), swelling. So we medicated, rested. This morning I was debating whether to take him or not... We ended up going when I noticed how much of an issue he was having... Sprained knee ( which was what I thought), most likely the MCL.

Specializes in ICU, OR.

I'm actually the opposite. I am sometimes paranoid and worry too much that it's leukemia, food allergy etc. Or just I know they could use some antibiotics so I bring them when I know they need them... not on death's door, no, but just aware they need antibiotics.

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