I Hate People (my rant)

Nurses Relations


The Sum Up:

Why I hate people in general (reasons why):

*When they stare at me for over 3 seconds for no apparent reason! Especially, when I'm trying to eat a subway sandwich or something and they just feel the need to watch me eat. Or when I'm trying to fix my hair in a portable mirror and they just feel the need to glance at me more then twice. Once should be enough because it's rude!

*When they walk so slowww in front of me to the point where I just want to push them. Because I am a very impatient person to the point where the littlest things tick me off if it's not fast enough.

*I hate when people tries to start a conversation with me! So I just smile and nod my head and hope that they get the jist that I don't want to talk. And it's not even people in general, it's actually because I'm a bad conversationalist!

Why I dislike kids:

* I don't necessarily hate them but I do force myself to be nice as possible to them. However, I really don't like interacting with children unless it's to hold a baby.

*I don't want kids until my late 30s. Go figure. And I especially don't want to get married because every relationship I get into it only lasts for about 3 months because I love being a loner. If I'm going to work seeing people then I would like to come home and see no people.

But I love animals (I have 4 dogs)! However, I just don't see myself working with animals in the future because I would love to keep my hands in tact.

And no guys I am not trolling. This is really an everything for me and it's the reasons why it is so hard for me to commit to nursing. And I actually have an appointment set up with a therapist July 18 before I go off to nursing school and it's to find out why I really act this way.

So I just wanted to make this thread because after scrolling Allnurses for the last two days I find that threads like these are not common but their are people out there who is just like me and wants to go into nursing. I want to be a nurse because I find that I really like helping people and kids at their weakest points but other than that I hate people.

OP - I give you credit for acknowledging that you have a problem and seeking out help for it. However, and I'm going to go out on a limb here, my guess is that you might not be very successful in nursing unless you can deal with and correct your aberrant thoughts and feelings. The fact of the matter is that nurses don't work in a vacuum and you have to deal with people no matter what your area of specialization. And that's not to mention how you're possibly going to succeed in nursing school before you even become a nurse...

You hate people and are really critical of them. Got it. But what is it about YOU that is so superior? What exactly to YOU bring to the table of life which makes you different from these annoying human beings?

Please don't have children. Because they will only be babies for a short time. Then they will develop their own personalities, and they will grow to challenge you and your values rather than worshiping at the altar of YOU.

Finally, get over yourself. People aren't "staring" at you and "looking at you." They are glancing at you briefly, all while wrapped up in their own thoughts and problems. You are just someone who is taking up space in their environment.

There is an appropriate quote here:

"You wouldn't worry so much about what people think about you if you knew how seldom they do."

-Eleanor Roosevelt

IMO you need to see a psychologist or therapist rather than a psychiatrist.

Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma.
I don't feel good about the way I think or my actions and that is why I'm going to see a psychiatrist because maybe I have a personality disorder and I don't even know it. And the worst thing is I have a little sister and she's showing the same symptoms and dispositions I always try to hide from people.

Sounds like a product of your environment or something pathological...

If you are starting college soon, I'm hoping that you start therapy before schooling, so you can work out that relationship process; having a patient-therapist relationship is work.

Also, therapists don't "fix" you ; they "guide" you to find healthier coping mechanisms; YOU have to do the work in finding better mechanisms that suit you.

Best wishes.

Because you were homeschooled, you really don't have a basis on working with a number of children and attempting to make a team work. You will learn to do that in college, and I would take full advantage of any communication/team building type courses that you can.

Explains a lot. And I am NOT bashing the homeschooling choice...

Well, it kinda is bashing the homeschooling choice.;) Just can't let that slide.

I've been deeply involved in the homeschooling movement from way back in the 1990's and homeschooled my kids off and on.

Research shows this myth that being homeschooled causes kids to be socially awkward is untrue.

There are kids in public school, private school, and homeschool like the OP who have trouble connecting with other people. I'm pretty sure it is how you were born - with a certain propensity one way or the other; plus how your own family interacts. All that is foundational way before you go to school. For the most part.

The OP's homeschool experience might have been different but for the most part, homeschooled kids go out in the world and get to have more educational experiences than many public school kids. The options for field trips are huge. And homeschooled kids do still play sports, learn to play musical instruments, act in plays, join 4-H, etc. So they do learn how to interact on a team or with a group of people. Homeschooled kids don't live in homes like they are isolated in caves and don't interact with other people.

As to the OP's problems - I'm glad she/he is seeing a therapist. Very smart. A nurse has very intimate interactions at times with patients and their families. I work in hospice. I have to go into someone's home to care for a dying person and I'm there for the patient and for the family. I have to interact with old people and middle-aged people and kids.

I'm an introvert. But I don't hate people.

Nursing is all about human interaction.

Specializes in Oncology; medical specialty website.
Neither. I got accepted into a direct entry nursing program at University of Evansville.

What is the degree you have that you're applying to the DE program.

Specializes in L&D.

This is an odd post..

Specializes in Family Medicine.

I'm digging your honesty. It sounds like you don't hate people you just hate rude people. I can relate. The more I interact with people, the more I hate them. I love dogs too.

I have a feeling you are a likable, kind, and considerate person so it is frustrating when people are not this way also.

Therapy would probably be helpful. Especially, if you want to go into nursing. People/patients will show you there ugliest, most inconsiderate side. It might put you over the edge.

Specializes in Oncology, Rehab, Public Health, Med Surg.

Wow, this thread is all over the place. **i love it, lol**

OP, i would question your use of the word hate My kids used to "hate" hot dogs until we talked about what hatred really is. Is it possible you might want to reframe that feeling as -- i really dont like to interact, have people pay attention to me, intensely dislike extended interactions with people. Etc?

And, i have to agree with Spidey's Mom. The outdated sterotype of the awkard reclusive homeschooled kid is as accurate as a sterotype of the angry, gun toting public schooler image. Neither is true

Specializes in pediatric neurology and neurosurgery.
I don't feel good about the way I think or my actions and that is why I'm going to see a psychiatrist because maybe I have a personality disorder and I don't even know it. And the worst thing is I have a little sister and she's showing the same symptoms and dispositions I always try to hide from people. So I feel it's better to stop the problem in it's tracks now before it becomes too great. I know my kindness can be the fakest thing ever and I don't feel bad about pretending to like people.

And I don't know if it's a thing on here or not to troll on Allnurses but I didn't make this thread to provide entertainment to you all.


First let me say that I commend you for recognizing this issue within yourself, and for seeking professional help. This shows that you have a heart and a conscience. Do realize, though, that seeking answers and then effecting change will be a long process.

More thoughts upon reading your posts:

Is it possible that instead of being a misanthrope, you are actually very angry? Maybe that's why you get so angry at strangers for looking at you, etc?

It's concerning that your sister is now showing these same characteristics. I also find it sad that you haven't hugged anyone in 3 years.

Now, for career options. I really don't think nursing is for you, and I say that with zero judgment or snark. Bedside nursing can suck the life out of you. For the most part, it requires being constantly "on". In your case, you would be faking it for 36-40 hours a week, not only with patients and families, but also your coworkers. If you work in pediatrics, you have the families to deal with. They can be very demanding, sometimes rude, often just exhausting. The key to dealing effectively with families is to put yourself in their shoes, determine why they act the way they do, and be compassionate.

I'm telling you, nursing is emotionally exhausting. I'm a raging introvert, but I can turn "on" for 36 hours a week and nobody would ever know. I also have a low threshold for stupidity, laziness, trashiness, neglectfulness, and abusiveness, all of which I have to deal with regularly as a pediatric nurse. The reason I'm able to overcome the introversion and the irritation, is that I have a ton of compassion and love for people. That seems to balance out my emotional scales, if you will.

Nursing school itself is trying. There will be some pretty annoying people in your cohort, and you're stuck with them in all your classes until you graduate. You will have many group projects, and many of those annoying people will be in your group.

I went through nursing school with a misanthrope. She was in nursing school with the end goal of working in the OR. She did actually get an OR job upon graduation. However, she seemed miserable throughout the duration of school.

It is the exception, rather than the rule, to be a nurse and not work with people. With your interest in the human body, organs, etc, you might want to consider something like clinical pathology. Or instead of investing all the money and time into nursing school, you could look into being a scrub tech. That's the person who works alongside the surgeon, handing him instruments, etc.

I wonder if you could possibly do some job shadowing of different roles in the healthcare field? Nursing is just one of many options. How about x-ray, CT, or MRI technician?

Specializes in Med/Surg, orthopedics, urology.

I heard there's good money in welding. You shouldn't be a mortician. Live families and all, and contempt for the dead. Maybe a bounty hunter. Or mathematician.

OP, if you are serious, nursing school is going to be a serious eye opener for you. You are going to see people at their absolute worst. If you hate normal people, you will despise sick people, because they don't even try to be socially correct half the time. And that's not even including the dysfunctional families, the psychs with behaviors, the geriatric sundowners, and the truly difficult people you have to deal with EVERY SHIFT.

I'm with some of the other posters and I believe that if you want to do something cool with pathophysiology, look into forensics. Or go into medicine and be an ME or something. Maybe you should research.

I don't get the whole "I hate people and I know it so I'm going to shove sick people in my face" attitude. That's just... I don't even know. Contrary? Obstinate? Callous? Masochistic? Stupid?

Whatever, it's abnormal and not a good idea.

Oddly enough, mortician sounds good too. But even then I'd be chatting away with my "client". Nothing wrong with not liking people, but welding makes as much $, is in demand, and personal interaction is minimal! Everyone deserves happiness.

Wondering if Medical Examiner would be more fun. It sure looks that way on Rizzoli and Isles or Castle! :up:

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