I am so flippen mad!!!!!!!!

Nurses General Nursing


ok well just found this out tonight at clinical. We got our grades last week (well our grades before our final this week), one of the students was told "your done" they got a unsatisfactory in clinical (med errors) and if you get a "U" in clinical you fail the program.

Now this is where it gets good. This person has been on probation since 2nd semester - now they fail clinical - BUT they are going to let them pass IF they do a paper. The reason why is the school does not want a law suit. UN FREAKIN BELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!

Guess the school is in a law suit now for getting rid of one student (student is playing the race card) and they don't want anybody else mad!!!!

Im just so mad - I work hard - and now I see somebody else slide thru - AAAAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!:angryfire Im sorry I just had to vent!!!!!!

I have 24 days left and then Im outta of there :w00t:

Specializes in LTC.

welcome to the real world. it's hard. it's cruel. it's cut-throat. and some people, unfortunately, will step on so many toes to climb the ladder of success that they lose sight of what they're trying to obtain.

i agree when people on here say don't waste your time nor your energy worrying about this situation. i see the frustration in it. i can see how you're irritated. but in the end, you weren't the one who stole the CD and all the other stuff that this person did. and i believe i read on here someone's post that the students w/ the best grades don't always make the best nurses. i do agree w/ that (to an extent, there are a few exceptions to this claim). the person might have all the book smarts in the world, but absolutely no common sense. and this goes vice versa. it all comes down to, this person will take the same state board as you, in the same format, w/ the same type of questions. if this person truly did cheat, hmmm...i do believe it will show on her board results. and if she's a lucky guesser, well, guessing will only get you so far. i know i would have probably got up and walked out of my board after seeing the questions if i truly didn't study and thought i would be able to guess my way through it. it was BAD. and i studied 3 months for the darn thing (i waited 4 months after graduation to take it...needed the break)!

look at it this way, this ultimately does not affect you. it irritates you. you see the injustice. and you see that it's unfair. but that's life. life is never fair (ok, it's very rarely fair). but in the end, you're going to graduate, you're going to take your board, and this person will (most likely) do the same. save all your energy for the profession when you need to be the PATIENT'S advocate.

and another thing.....believe in karma would ya?!

good luck:)


We are in agreement. Indeed it is unbelievable, and although I wasn't as blunt about my disbelief, I did sorta allude to it in my post. However, "if indeed" the story is absolutely true...it's truly sad. I could understand the OP's frustration with the situation.

SWNL I don't think that people are saying that you have no right to be annoyed at what has happened. It's just that you make it seem as though the school is taking no action against the student and that is not the case.

If they have contacted the BON regarding the issue then it is being taken care of and like I said before there may be things going on in the background that you have no clue about.

We had one student in our program that tried to order a teacher's edition of a textbook (it has the testbank). For weeks everyone knew about it and they thought she got away with it but she didn't. The school administration was in contact with the textbook company and they were gathering evidence. They also contacted the BON and her job since she was sponsored by a hospital.

After the initial inquiry where she denied everything she was allowed to continue attending class and she thought she got away with it. After several weeks the evidence was in and the _____ hit the fan. She was dismissed from the program, the BON has a file on her so she can never become a nurse in our state, and she lost her job once they found out what she had done because it was their money that sent her to school.

I guess she deserved the punishment and to tell the truth I never liked her. I thought it was unfair that she was getting away with it but after all that has happened to her I feel sorry. She has basically ruined her chances at ever becoming a nurse and she has lost her job and reputation as well.

guess Im upset as well as pretty much everybody else because rules are bent for this student. would you not be mad if you work hard - but somebody else breaks rules and fails but is still aloud to graduate.

like I said I had to vent - yes this person does not stop me from going on - but this is a profession of TRUST - this person has lied, cheated,and now failed but we will overlook all that and let them graduate.

This is scary that they won't kick her out. Hopefully she'll fail the NCLEX, since this student doesn't sound like a good future nurse.

Specializes in LTC.


i absolutely love your picture! too cute (and funny!)

and you're right....just b/c life isn't fair isn't an excuse for people to be unfair. very well said :)

I agree. We had a few unfair things, not quite as extreme as what was described, in my nursing school. They were very frustrating. We had a student hit another nursing student in the hospital cafeteria in front of several students as the instructor was walking in, then she pulled the race card and got away with it because she called the NAACP. She ended up failing the final semester due to poor grades (probably a source of her own frustration), but nevertheless many people were frustrated with that scenario.

I agree, however, focus on your own successes. Nursing school will soon become a distant memory. But still, the OP should be able to vent here, just like we nurses do, without being scolded.

This is the only post where I see anything related to race - and jlsRN is not the OP.

I've looked twice. Can someone point out where this is a race thing?

As to venting . . . that is allowed here. We've all done it.

As to turning a blind eye to cheating and lying . . . I disagree with that.

It isn't just in nursing that people like this work. It happens in every field.

I will always stand against what this person in the OP's post is doing. As a patient advocate, I can do no less.

"To stand in silence when they should be protesting makes cowards out of men."

Abraham Lincoln


WOW - thought I could vent here - thats all. SELFISH!?? LOL if you knew me you would NEVER say that. again this was just a VENT, its done vent over, I feel better. This is not some secret in our school - our whole class knows because this student told everybody himself. I would have been happy to be in the dark about it - the less I know the better. Im 42 years old its MY TURN to be happy and do what I enjoy doing.

thanks for letting me vent --- vent over

I don't think you are selfish. I think that you are like we all are when we are almost out of school. You are tired, you are frustrated, and you are ready to be done. It does seem fair that people screw up and are given second, third, fourth chances while others are done with the first mistake. I took your post as a vent and nothing more. Sometimes you just have to get something off of your chest and then you can move on. Good luck with finals and then on the NCLEX!!

i can understand that you want validation that the situation is wrong and unfair-- which it is, but that's life or how it seems. sometimes it does seem that certain people get away with everything, but in the end, do they really? i do not think so, eventually they will "reap what they sow".

now having said that, i agree with the others, let it go. concentrate on yourself and your actions-- trust me; you will be a better person for it. yeah, it's crummy, but if it does not affect you, don't sweat it!


i absolutely love your picture! too cute (and funny!)

and you're right....just b/c life isn't fair isn't an excuse for people to be unfair. very well said :)

Thanks. I had the picture printed out in color after saving it off the internet.

I thought for a long time what my sig line should be and came up with this after seeing people be various kinds of unreasonable and unfair. (Maybe I should tattoo it to a few foreheads)

Specializes in LTC.


agreed:) (about the tatooing)

and i sometimes feel myself looking like that cat after i get off work. ha! just wanna scream!

and SWNL...you are most permitted to vent on here. we all need to vent from time to time.


agreed:) (about the tatooing)

and i sometimes feel myself looking like that cat after i get off work. ha! just wanna scream!

and SWNL...you are most permitted to vent on here. we all need to vent from time to time.

Sometimes I feel like that cat.:lol2:

Specializes in Community Health, Med-Surg, Home Health.

I would be upset, but not surprized. When you become a nurse, you will continue to see this behavior and if it gets to you that much, it will be hard to function. Since you have a short time left, concentrate on getting out of there.

I can say this; I knew of two students that were cheating the entire time in my LPN program. It is a complicated situation to really get into, but I suspect that the professor had an idea, but ignored it for 'policital reasons'. They both passed NCLEX the first time around, and now I heard that they are bridging to the RN program. Good people and bad people pass NCLEX, unfortunately. I stand on my continous statement that NCLEX does not assure the public that a caring and competent nurse is entering into the career.

Good luck in your last few weeks and especially for the boards.

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