I am so flippen mad!!!!!!!!

Nurses General Nursing


ok well just found this out tonight at clinical. We got our grades last week (well our grades before our final this week), one of the students was told "your done" they got a unsatisfactory in clinical (med errors) and if you get a "U" in clinical you fail the program.

Now this is where it gets good. This person has been on probation since 2nd semester - now they fail clinical - BUT they are going to let them pass IF they do a paper. The reason why is the school does not want a law suit. UN FREAKIN BELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!

Guess the school is in a law suit now for getting rid of one student (student is playing the race card) and they don't want anybody else mad!!!!

Im just so mad - I work hard - and now I see somebody else slide thru - AAAAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!:angryfire Im sorry I just had to vent!!!!!!

I have 24 days left and then Im outta of there :w00t:

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.
this is a profession of TRUST.
I absolutely love your idealistic outlook on the profession.

However, my personal experience has been very different. For every trustworthy nurse in existence, there's another nurse who will lie, cheat, steal, falsify documents, wrongly blame coworkers, cover up bad patient care, and leave others to hang against the wind all in the name of covering his/her behind.

It's time to refrain from worrying about your classmates. Your anger and energy could be utilized more efficiently in another manner.

Specializes in MICU, ER, SICU, Home Health, Corrections.
I absolutely love your idealistic outlook on the profession.

However, my personal experience has been very different. For every trustworthy nurse in existence, there's another nurse who will lie, cheat, steal, falsify documents, wrongly blame coworkers, cover up bad patient care, and leave others to hang against the wind all in the name of covering his/her behind.

It's time to refrain from worrying about your classmates. Your anger and energy could be utilized more efficiently in another manner.

LOL... I love your idealistic outlook....

For every trustworthy nurse, you'll find two or more unethical dopes.

Just like MD doesn't equal businessman [can you hear the earth cracking?], or compassionate healer;

RN doesn't equal manager. RN doesn't equal teacher. [There's that sound again...]

Sorry folks, medical education and business education are two separate fields, each requiring study, internship and experience to learn.

Unfortuntely; healthcare seems to be the best place to find the worst managers.

If you want to get into management or business without having to learn anything about either, just pick up a medical license and take the first job you find.

Worst case is you have to put 'time in grade' and just wait your turn at the helm, but usually you can grab entry level management right out of school.

Sad but true...


Specializes in ICU, CVICU, NNICU, SICU, MICU, Burn Unit.
ok well just found this out tonight at clinical. We got our grades last week (well our grades before our final this week), one of the students was told "your done" they got a unsatisfactory in clinical (med errors) and if you get a "U" in clinical you fail the program.

Now this is where it gets good. This person has been on probation since 2nd semester - now they fail clinical - BUT they are going to let them pass IF they do a paper. The reason why is the school does not want a law suit. UN FREAKIN BELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!

Guess the school is in a law suit now for getting rid of one student (student is playing the race card) and they don't want anybody else mad!!!!

Im just so mad - I work hard - and now I see somebody else slide thru - AAAAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!:angryfire Im sorry I just had to vent!!!!!!

I have 24 days left and then Im outta of there :w00t:


I am flipping mad too!!!

In fact so flipping mad that I just spent 1/2 hour registering so I could respond to you!

You should get your facts in line.... if possible with dates and description of each incident that she had substandard practice.. especially alcohol!

Then you should go to your superior and gently express your concern about the safety of this student. She could slip through the cracks and eventually actually be in direct patient care. She could kill a patient!!!! (wrong meds, alcohol, poor assessment.)

I am a strong believer that "SILENCE KILLS!" (AACN ARTICLE)


Be sure to take the high road, be calm and try to eliminate your emotions, (although hard to do,) and professionally speak your concern. Then leave it in your superiors hand.

Then you can feel confident that you made a difference.

Your nurses educators are FAILING in allowing this inept student continue.

You are right.

Speak up professionally.


Specializes in ICU, CVICU, NNICU, SICU, MICU, Burn Unit.
I guess I don't understand why you are upset about another student's issue, as it doesn't seem that you are affected. I wouldn't waste the energy- just focus on your own stuff and finish up.


if we bum around and accept substandard practice, patient lives could be in jeapardy


"Silence Kills"

Specializes in ICU, CVICU, NNICU, SICU, MICU, Burn Unit.
I agree - just sometimes you have to write it or say it - to get it off your chest - so I thought I could do that here - thats all - done - I said it - felt good to say my opinion now I will go on and study for finals this thursday and graduate in 24 days and hope I won't see this person ever again

keep reading new posts

Keep up your high standards!

gently let your concerns be known to management

document unsafe practice

you can make a difference in patient's lives!!!!!!

Specializes in LTC, wound care.

I know this won't help you... your angry and part of it is because you have studied, worked hard and they are allowing this other student to pass but.....

Do you really feel this person is going to pass the NCLEX?

This situation pretty much happened in my class at nursing school also..... The girl took the NCLEX multiple times..... last time I heard she hadn't passed and was doing something else......

At NCLEX time there is no cheating, no one cares who you are or what school you went too, and there are no free passes.... and if she does pass it..

Her first job will be a real shock..... They won't care either, and will have expectations for her also and if she doesn't meet them it won't take them long to get rid of her.

Relax, concentrate on your own performance and

clear your mind of what this other student is or isn't doing.......

The way I see it is the school is setting themselves to LOSE the first lawsiut if they did not supply that plaintiff the same remedy to the Unsatisfactory and opportunity to stay in the program.....

I've always done my own work and I've always been surrounded by cheaters. I do my own work because of who I am, not because of who they are. Life has a nasty habit of catching up with cheaters, one way or another. If she manages to squeak past the NCLEX, they'll weed her out on the floor. Either she'll have to cheat her way through grad school and go into management, or she'll be looking for some other easy line of work.

Nursing is just too difficult a profession for compulsive cheaters to cope with long.

OK - I am the one that turned this student in for stealing the disc out of the laptop and coping the test bank from the disc and handing them out. I saw the student take the disc as well as others in the class saw it, but it was me and one other student who reported it. Yes I took a lot of grief from other students because I did that - but I feel I did the right thing. To this day most of my classmates don't have much to do with me - they rather be buddies with a cheater and a thief (stealing a disc makes you a thief).

Yes this student is smart enough to pass the NCLEX - I do know the school is starting to put some pressure on this student now - and things are being done.

I will always stand by my beliefs - Im not going to turn the other cheek when I see things that are wrong and could hurt or kill somebody. How I handle it will be decided then.

So now I have 8 days left to go to the actual school and I have 66 hours of preceptorship , one more concept paper (on errors in healthcare), my final and Im DONE.


Specializes in LTC, Med/Surg, Peds, ICU, Tele.

Why do you think the others want to protect this student? Is there something that makes her a person for whom they have sympathy? Sometimes people will be protective of someone who has more strikes against them, such as a single mother who is working her way through nursing school, or someone with some other personal hardship.

the student is not a single mom or anything like that THEY like to party and the majority of my class are younger 20-24yr old females. Im one of the old ladies (42)

Specializes in LTC, Med/Surg, Peds, ICU, Tele.

Is he a good looking 'bad boy'?

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