I am so flippen mad!!!!!!!!

Nurses General Nursing


ok well just found this out tonight at clinical. We got our grades last week (well our grades before our final this week), one of the students was told "your done" they got a unsatisfactory in clinical (med errors) and if you get a "U" in clinical you fail the program.

Now this is where it gets good. This person has been on probation since 2nd semester - now they fail clinical - BUT they are going to let them pass IF they do a paper. The reason why is the school does not want a law suit. UN FREAKIN BELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!

Guess the school is in a law suit now for getting rid of one student (student is playing the race card) and they don't want anybody else mad!!!!

Im just so mad - I work hard - and now I see somebody else slide thru - AAAAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!:angryfire Im sorry I just had to vent!!!!!!

I have 24 days left and then Im outta of there :w00t:

Hooray for you, student with no life! It's great to see that your class will be graduating at least 1 ethical nurse. All that it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Sad to say that in real life, "what goes around comes around" is just another catchy phrase and isn't always accurate. There are many uncaught conmen out there just waiting to prey on the trusting, who will lead charmed lives and never pay for the consequences of their deeds. Anyone who truly believes that "It will catch up with this student sooner or later & you need not worry your pretty little head about it" is very naive. Too many people take the path of least resistance when they see wrongdoing and assume the attitude that "It's really none of my business, I'll devote my energies to myself." I hope that when you become an RN, you will continue to stand up for what is right and uphold the highest standards of our profession. I know you have already found that it isn't always popular to do the right thing, but don't let the detractors drag you down. Kudos to you!

Specializes in Telemetry.

if we bum around and accept substandard practice, patient lives could be in jeapardy


"Silence Kills"

Seriously?? This girl has NO qualifications to make judgements on whether or not this other student will make a safe nurse or not. She is not a nurse. She hasn't graduated, nor is she licensed. She is not practicing in the workplace, and if that was the case- if she'd witnessed unsafe practice at work, as a nurse, then I'd have different advice. She reported what she saw to the people who actually are qualified to make the appropriate judgements, and it is their decision what to do with this other student. Now that she's reported it, its none of her business, frankly.

Secondly, to be honest, I don't buy the story she is telling. There is, I'm sure, more to it than what she is saying. A big red flag for me is that NONE of the other students are backing her- they are backing the other student. Perhaps she didn't see what she thought she did. Perhaps there is more to the story. Bottom line is its not my problem, her problem, or yours. Its between the administration and the student in question.

pushed for time and didn't read all posts but i know how a nurse who graduates with poor skills will give the school a bad name in the minds of those who work with them

i hope that op does not wind up working with the one she has issues with

Yes this student is smart enough to pass the NCLEX - I do know the school is starting to put some pressure on this student now - and things are being done.

This is scary. There are some not so good nursding students out there that can squeak by, pass NCLEX, and even keep a job for a while. Hopefully, the school will step up to the plate and prevent this student from being a nurse, because this student is dangerous.

Specializes in Tele, Acute.


Seriously?? This girl has NO qualifications to make judgements on whether or not this other student will make a safe nurse or not. She is not a nurse. She hasn't graduated, nor is she licensed. She is not practicing in the workplace, and if that was the case- if she'd witnessed unsafe practice at work, as a nurse, then I'd have different advice. She reported what she saw to the people who actually are qualified to make the appropriate judgements, and it is their decision what to do with this other student. Now that she's reported it, its none of her business, frankly.

Secondly, to be honest, I don't buy the story she is telling. There is, I'm sure, more to it than what she is saying. A big red flag for me is that NONE of the other students are backing her- they are backing the other student. Perhaps she didn't see what she thought she did. Perhaps there is more to the story. Bottom line is its not my problem, her problem, or yours. Its between the administration and the student in question.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Rehab,Acute LTC ,PCU.

Just looking for clarification....What did the other former student do that you consider "playing the race card?"...Was it in your opinion legitimate or not?:icon_roll

Specializes in Tele.

yo, student with no life RELAX!!! You kind of sound like this one student in my class who is very open about how she feels others cheat, blah, blah, blah. This is not an isolated event. There is one person like this in every nursing class and one person like you who makes noise about it. I think this is a great place to vent b/c its annonymous. You vent. But I also agree with beachbum, now that the administrators know, let it go. The more ruckus you make the worse it makes older returning moms look in the eyes of young students. As a matter of fact we had an almost exact case happen in our school and eventually it was handled, the student was dismissed. Karma baby karma:specs:. At the same time I am a mom of two and a husband and doing an externship 2 days per week graveyard so I do know how hard you are working to get good grades. But RELAX its all good.

Specializes in Women's Health, Oncology.

Those are some pretty strong accusations against another student.

This type of behavior on a floor will get you fired for insubordination.

If you have an issue go to the dean of the program formally and ask for clarification. You may not know all the facts.

Focus on yourself and getting through school. Mind your own business on this one.

I agree with the other poster that said if this was a co-worker at a hospital and you witnessed unsafe practices, then you have to as a nurse report the behavior witnessed.

Fair warning...you better have proof or documentation to back your story up. If you call attention to others, be prepared to then have what you do be put under a microscope.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Rehab,Acute LTC ,PCU.
This is scary. There are some not so good nursding students out there that can squeak by, pass NCLEX, and even keep a job for a while. Hopefully, the school will step up to the plate and prevent this student from being a nurse, because this student is dangerous.

I agree...I'm seeing some major red flags with this one. She is has a lot of points of view that do not belong in nursing. You work with several different races of people, co-workers as well as patients. And you seem to have a superiority complex. Everyone else is wrong except you. I understand venting out of frustration. Yet I wonder if a patient of another race complains to you about something would you see a patient in need, or a whining black (asian, mexican ,whatever) People have the right to seek legal relief if they feel they need it. I can see you in the hospital running into the office to " report" people quite frequently. No nuring for that one.

ok well just found this out tonight at clinical. We got our grades last week (well our grades before our final this week), one of the students was told "your done" they got a unsatisfactory in clinical (med errors) and if you get a "U" in clinical you fail the program.

Now this is where it gets good. This person has been on probation since 2nd semester - now they fail clinical - BUT they are going to let them pass IF they do a paper. The reason why is the school does not want a law suit. UN FREAKIN BELIEVABLE!!!!!!!!

Guess the school is in a law suit now for getting rid of one student (student is playing the race card) and they don't want anybody else mad!!!!

Im just so mad - I work hard - and now I see somebody else slide thru - AAAAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!:angryfire Im sorry I just had to vent!!!!!!

I have 24 days left and then Im outta of there :w00t:

Not your business, you really have no idea what "cards" anyone is playing and none of this changes your status. I guess take heart that if you had an issue you probably would be treated just as leniently. There's your silver lining.

ok - im not letting this person hinder my grades - and i know you don't have to make the best grades to be a good nurse - i am venting - can you honestly say if you knew for 100% that a student in your class

1. took a disc with tests on it and made copies & got caught

2. broke into a locked room @ the school

3. comes to class intoxicated

4. multiple med errors

5. failed clinical but aloud to graduate

truthfully would that not make you mad or at least disappointed in your school?

guess thats the big thing is im disappointed in the school - im venting, im not quiting


this is why i tell people to please look up the pass/fail rates of the program you want to attend!

" if the head don't work right the tail won't work right!"... (my momma)

"Im just so mad - I work hard - and now I see somebody else slide thru - AAAAARRRGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!:angryfire Im sorry I just had to vent!!!!!! "

ENOUGH ! I was the oldest in my class too. I know the frustration you are venting. NOW, take some advice, DO NOT read anymore posts about this. Most will fuel your anger. Concentrate on your grades and leaving the school. After graduation, lobby with the State Board, as an advocate for improving the schools programs as a whole. Work with your passion to change things for all of nurses. Take a deep breath and know that change hurts and is slow. Keep proactive, but tone down your resposes to gain more listeners, channel your energies into successful completion of YOUR program. May God Bless you and yours.

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