Published Dec 18, 2009
26 Posts
I am such a dissapointment. The semester is over and once again I failed nursing school. I truly hate myself and don't know where I go from here. I bought all the required books and NCLEX books, I hired a tutor, I study atleast 3-4 hours a day, I started taking mental clarity medication and did every question from the online aid provided by the school, yet I still fail.
I don't know what to do with my life or where to go from here. I really want to be a nurse, but I just can't seem to make it. I know I am not the brightest bulb in the bunch, but I was able to pass all the prereqs with an average of 3.80. I feel so disgusted with my life, how do I tell my kids to aim for greatness and being able to do whatever they put their minds to, when I've failed not once but twice.
I really don't know where I should go from here, I am 35 years old, I am too old to be so stupid. I really thought my efforts would prove successful this time around.
sorry for the rant...
53 Posts
I haven't failed out of nursing school but I did have to drop a class, but all I can say is stop feeling sorry for yourself. This won't get you anywhere. You need to dust yourself off and try again. You aren't the first this has happened to, and you surely WON'T be the last!
400 Posts
it's okay to be upset, however you are not a disappointment. before you jump to any conclusions on your current situation, make an appointment with an advisor and seek out their advice. they have probably seen this more times then you are willing to admit to yourself right now. your are not the only one, nor will you be the last.
good luck to you.
Sand_Dollar, BSN
1,130 Posts
I am SO sorry amaxiechRN2011, I can understand where you are coming from but you must remember a couple of things.
Firstly, YOU are not a disappointment, you are disappointed in your grades. Do not turn this inward, it will only fester. Secondly, how you handle this will show your kids much too. If you throw your hands up, say you are dumb and can't do it....then so will they. But, if you set your jaw, tell them you are going to try again (or decide to do something different), then they will learn not to give up (or handle failure wisely). It's totally in HOW you handle it... not necessarily what you decide to do as a career.
Now... it's your choice. Keep beating yourself up or separate yourself from these negative, destructive feelings and assess your situation. Do you know WHERE you went wrong in school? Be honest with yourself, is this an obstacle too large or can you make the changes to pass it the next time?
Again, I am really sorry this happened to you, it must suck big time. Hang in there!!!! :icon_hug:
hiddencatRN, BSN, RN
3,408 Posts
I'm so sorry to hear that you're having such trouble. It sounds like you've put a lot of effort in- do you have any sense of what isn't working? Are you struggling with the material or the way you're tested on it? What is the program's grading scale? I know some have really high standards (I think I saw someone posting recently about an 88 being the minimum passing grade). Is the program itself supportive, or is it more of a weed out type of program? Have you been assessed for learning disabilities? Are you trying to study so much volume that you aren't able to focus on the important details?
Don't be so hard on yourself. I know it's disappointing to fail at something you've worked so hard at, but it's better to fail trying than to fail because you just blew things off, ime. You did well in prerequisites, so it seems like the issue is NOT your intelligence but in the transition between the regular science classes and nursing.
825 Posts
Let me tell you a little story about a guy called Thomas Edison. He failed THOUSANDS of times in trying to invent the lightbulb. Do we call him a disappoinment? Just because you achieve your goal the first time around or the 5,001 time around, doesn't that mean you still succeeded?
Now, re-examine yourself and be truthful. Is this what you really want? What could you have done better? Ask your instructors? Visit other schools. If this is really what you want then dust yourself off and get back out there! Don't let nursing school beat you and STOP BEATING YOURSELF UP! You can do this, you can do this. Now believe it!
961 Posts
Did your kids walk perfectly the first time they tried? The second? Were you disappointed in them for that? I bet you weren't, I bet you were thrilled as they took baby steps, wobbles and falls included.
You explain to your kids by telling them that you tried your best with what you had at the time, but that you don't give up on your dreams just because they don't come easily.
I would have a very honest conversation with a professor you trust and ask his/her opinion of your options. You could consider a different school, or starting with an LPN program. I know a wonderful nurse who was once my student in an RN program. She did not pass twice. She chose to start again as an LPN after we discussed how she should not give up. I talked to her later and she said she was so glad she didn't give up. She needed to see things in practice to understand them. She later took an LPN to RN bridge course, then finally an RN-BSN program. She is now working on her masters. Just because you don't learn in the same way as others does not mean you are stupid.
Think of the day when you can finally walk across that stage. Think of a day when you can tell your patient to not give up on him/herself as they fight their way back to wellness, knowing that you have also had to struggle.
Consider changing your inner dialogue, or working on this. Instead of focusing on what you failed to learn, focus on whether you have made any progress. Did you learn anything new in your courses? Did you learn something new about yourself? If so, it is not a complete waste of time.
341 Posts
Hey show a little freakin' compassion and understanding for how this person feels. She is not "feeling sorry for herself" she is having a very normal reaction to failing at something. Shame on you! It not that you are wrong, it's that you did not communicate your point with any compassion whatsoever.... just saying.
To the OP: It is normal to feel this way but know that you are not stupid. You have a 3.8 GPA and you did everything you needed to do but something was holding you back. Maybe it's just that their methods of teaching didn't sink in well enough for you; some people are going to get it and some one.
I really admire the fact that you worked so hard and I can really feel you pain. Here is the best advice I can give; DON'T GIVE UP... you have already show that you have a drive to get your degree and a willingness to do what you need to do to make this work. If nursing is what you really want to do then just go through a different source. Try a new school or even get your LPN first then transfer to your RN.
I feel your pain as long as you need too but please know that you are not stupid. You feel that pain as long as you need to but when you are ready, you get yourself up and keep going for your goal!
~Mi Vida Loca~RN, ASN, RN
5,259 Posts
I can't add anything that hasn't already been said. Your kids saw you try and give it your all, THAT is the most important lesson you can teach your kids when it comes to education.
I have told my kids, if you are trying, you are doing your homework, studying, putting forth your best effort and bring home a bad grade, you won't be in trouble.
I don't know what advice to give you regarding school, I can completely understand how you feel.
But don't put yourself down, that will teach your children the wrong thing.
Sending you a virtual hug *and that is huge because I am not a mushy person LOL*
46 Posts
Which class did you fail? It's difficult for me to believe you went from 3.8 to failing in one semester.
Isitpossible, LPN, LVN
593 Posts
I am such a dissapointment. The semester is over and once again I failed nursing school.
i was a little confused by the reading...i assume that you didnt fail nursing school, you failed a CLASS? so your not out of the just have to repeat the class right?
please dont be soo hard on yourself as everyone has sounds like you put a lot effort into this, and re-reading all your posts you have some difficulties with your job you have alot on your plate, work/children etc!!! cut yourself some slack!! you are not a disappointment!!!! what would you tell your children if they experienced this? TO TRY AGAIN RIGHT!! so the same applies to you!! your pre-reqs grades are great, so you are far from "dumb"...nursing school is a different style of everything you learned, talk to your advisors to see where you are having difficulty....(is it possible your using too many aids?) hugs to you and keep us posted!!!
11 Posts
You need to say, "So I failed." Now what are you going to do? I'm sure you have invested a lot in nursing school, I am also pretty sure you probably have sacrificed a great deal. Are you going to throw that away for nothing? You need to figure out what you can learn about yourself from this? This is a lesson, so if you can't go back to your school see where else you might be able to go or possibly take an LPN program as others have suggested and meet your ultimate goal in baby steps.