Published Oct 5, 2018
1 Post
I am trying to figure out how to dress warm at work since my floor is always cold. I wear a long sleeve shirt under my scrubs and long compression socks already. I already tried jackets from urban scrubs, infinity and iflex by Cherokee but they are too thin and bearly provide any warmth. I just need to find a scrub jacket that is warm, athletic slim fit, and high quality so it lasts long. Any other suggestions for getting warm is welcome. I also ordered a vest from work and it won't be coming until a month so I need something warm in the meantime.
5,235 Posts
I wear a fleece and use an illegal space heater and I'm still cold. When I'm on phone triage I wear fingerless gloves. I've resorted to long underwear and two shirts but then I feel like this.
RNperdiem, RN
4,592 Posts
I swear by silk long underwear pants. They are warm, fit neatly under scrub/uniform pants and are never bulky. A tank-top camisole in a soft fabric is something I always wear. Again, it fits nicely under most tops and helps trap heat. Last of all, I love my wool socks. Smartwool is a quality brand that makes soft, easy-care, and durable socks.
My workplace does offer a trim black fleece zip-top jacket with the company logo.
I joke with my husband that I could never work in OR. It is so cold there that I could never survive.
Rocknurse, MSN, APRN, NP
1,367 Posts
Easy! Just go into menopause and you'll never be cold again! I also have the illegal space heater and a heated foot rest under my desk but obviously that's no good in a clinical environment. Another thing you can do is if you have a place where you sit and chart, buy an electric heating pad and put it on your chair so you can sit on it while you chart. They're amazingly effective. I also recommend Under Armour Heat Gear sports clothing that are thin and can be worn under scrubs. I wear a long sleeved one in the winter and they come in all colors. You could also buy those little hand warmer disposable pads at CVS (or cheaper on Amazon) and stuff them down your shirt. After years of being the cold person I have a myriad of ways. However, now the hot flashes ensure I have my own personal heating system.
7,004 Posts
Hate to say it but you need a turtleneck. Keeping your neck from chilling will help significantly. Maybe one of the scrunch-y ones and not the fold-over style. See if you can find one of dri-fit material which IME is insulating when worn in layers.
Something like this
sallyrnrrt, ADN, RN
2,399 Posts
Oh this is so very true,,,,,,,,I concur
Twinmom06, ASN, APN
1,171 Posts
Cuddleduds are the best silk long underwear ever!
845 Posts
I was going to say menopause too I sweat like a pig stuck in the Sahara
DextersDisciple, BSN, RN
330 Posts
I swear by silk long underwear pants. They are warm, fit neatly under scrub/uniform pants and are never bulky. A tank-top camisole in a soft fabric is something I always wear. Again, it fits nicely under most tops and helps trap heat. Last of all, I love my wool socks. Smartwool is a quality brand that makes soft, easy-care, and durable socks. My workplace does offer a trim black fleece zip-top jacket with the company logo. I joke with my husband that I could never work in OR. It is so cold there that I could never survive.
This makes me feel like a crazy person- I work in IR and our rooms are really cold like the OR and I tend to get hot! I hate wearing a cami under my scrub top but cleavage is inappropriate lol everyone else is usually cold and dresses in layers but I've been known to sweat in my lead. And I am not going through menopause anytime soon :)
JBudd, MSN
3,836 Posts
Me too, that dang antiestrogen/cancer med gives me multiple hot flashes a night. My problem is, after I sweat so much I get chilled while the sweat is drying!
Wool socks and long underwear are your friends, and a warm camisole. Hats are good too, but very few of us want to go back to nursing caps :)
Pepper The Cat, BSN, RN
1,790 Posts
Hot flashes.
Haven't been cold in years
22 Posts
Reading this as I sit at my workspace, freezing. I wear a tank top, long sleeve, scrub top, and usually a fleece or a hooded sweatshirt (unapproved; bad girl alert) and am usually still cold. People think I'm crazy! I have no solution.