Published Mar 14, 2015
33 Posts
For all nurses who have already gotten their first position after passing NCLEX. How many interviews did you get before landing the job?
Did you send out more than 50 resumes before getting an interview?
Any real life stories would help.
10 Articles; 19,051 Posts
Moved to Nursing First Job Hunt Assistance forum for first year nurses member response.
besaangel, ASN, BSN, MSN, CNA, RN, APRN, NP
430 Posts
I got my first offer from my first interview. I graduate in May so most companies don't hire til I test for NCLEX. So in retrospect, I probably did apply to abt 50 jobs before my first interview but also half of them told me to contact them after I have my license. Hope that helps
792 Posts
1 interview like 20 resumes. I went to ND and applied all across the US and didnt care.
its been 11 months since I have been here.
I have sent apps now across WA, CO, 1 in PA, and travel jobs. I have had a 75%+ call back for interviews.
In 1.5 months ill be heading to Stanford Hospital oncology as a travel nurse and hopefully work hard for a perm placement.
4 Posts
I applied for maybe 30 jobs and had three interviews before ending up with a job in long term rehab. I kept applying to hospitals and after working LTAC for 5months, I got another interview in the hospital and after two interviews, I got a job in the hospital.
scaredsilly, BSN, RN
1,161 Posts
200n to 300 applications. Gave up on the online applications and walked my resume into the NM. 1 interview, and landed my dream job!
npham82, BSN, RN
127 Posts
I have probably sent out like 30+ resumes and had 2 phone interviews and next week, I have 3 physical interviews
RunnerRN2015, ASN, RN
790 Posts
1 application. 1 interview with my first choice. Back up interview with my 2nd choice just in case. 1 job offer from my first choice. Canceled 2nd interview. :)
17 Posts
I applied for one job, did a phone interview, in person interview and was offered the position before passing the NCLEX. I've been there about 3 months now and it's amazing.
75 Posts
1 interview.... But i called so many facilities to ask if they are hiring new grads. Also sent resumes to A LOT of sites. Good luck!
22 Posts
6 months, about 10 resumes, and 1 interview.
108 Posts
One application, one interview got job