HELP! Have Failed Boards 5 times!



I have failed boards 5 times.. and I do not know what to do

I have gotten over 200 questions each time and 265 ( all the questions)

several times...

I have taken a Hesi class, Kaplan class, a Mark Klimick Class ( he used to

write questions for the boards) have done nclex 3500 and have been put

on antianxiety meds.....

Is there something I am missing

Any pointers

Thank YOU!

Gosh, that sucks. I'm sorry to hear you are having such a difficult time of it; keep at it. The sixth time's the charm, right? Are there particular areas of nsg. practice that you feel weak on? Do you think it may be test anxiety?

I used the Saunders review book; I found it excellent and met my needs as I coul'nt afford a review course. I have heard the Hurst Review is excellent as well.

Chin up; don't give up. You can and will do this. Breathe. Read the questions carefully. Many times, the answer is already there. Be patient. I hope to hear soon that you have passed.

Specializes in ICU/Critical Care.

Get one of those books that has Nclex questions and answers with a cdrom. I suggest doing about 30 minutes of questions every day. You should go to the NCLEX forum and get some assistance there too.

this is not meant as a criticism, but are you having trouble using the computor format? since you triple posted this request???....

Specializes in CCU,ICU,DOU,MED/SUG, Recovery.

This is what I would do. I would take Hurst review it is the greatest for review and if you go to the review they will give you tutoring if you fail. Marlene is the Best !!!!!!!!!

Specializes in ICU, telemetry, LTAC.

Google Sylvia Rayfield, and see if you can either take her class, or arrange to beg/borrow/buy her class materials from someone. It's a very good class with simple memory tools etc.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Consider Suzanne'rs plan, everything can be found as a sticky

Specializes in heart failure and prison.

Hang in their. I heard saunders review books are great. Also, you might want to check out suzanne's plan. Are you doing different nclex questions? If so are you reading all of the rationales? Even if you got the question right, always read why, maybe you had a lucky guess. I wish you the best of luck on your next exam

Specializes in Telemetry/Cardiac Floor.

Either you have mad test anxiety or there's something you're just not getting. Try Suzanne's plan.:twocents::nurse:

Hang in are not alone. I have too failed a few times, to the fifth time. I find what is wrong each and every time and strengthen in that area, and I also review with a new slate. I mean, I still consider all the knowledge I have gained from studying and reviewing, but if there is mroe that I need to learn, I will learn it in a "humble sense," if that makes any sense...

I just go in open with all the materials in the Saunders book. Sometimes I miss something from reviewing previously, and I read the chapters that I am weak on. I retake all the exams at the end of the chapters, and do exactly what Suzanne's Plan says. I ran out of money from Kaplan reviews to the 3rd and 4th edition of the Saunders book, drug guides, and other Kaplan books. So, being said all of this...invest in the 4th edition of Saunders and Suzanne's plan, and you will definately succeed. Go to sleep with at least 100 questions that you have completed...learn at least 5 meds, I know that sounds scarce for each day, but I mean know the use, SE, and adverse effects (there's a difference), and generic or brand name of it. 5 should be sufficient. Learn the med, don't just memorize....follow the nursing implementations for them as well.

Good luck to you...most of all, don't forget to schedule your exam!


Specializes in LTC, case mgmt, agency.

I would give Suzanne's Plan a try and read through the random facts sticky thread. Take a break from studying too. Have 1 day to just get away and relax ( as best as you can ). Good luck!!!! Stay positive.:D

hi! I am new here...please i need some advice..i took the nclex-rn last august 23...until now, my name doesn't pop out in the online verification, thus it means that i am failed? huh...huh... this is my first exam...i have my ssn here in california....please help me....

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