Published Dec 17, 2005
977 Posts
I am a new student in nursing and have a quick question. Well, I have many but this one is on my mind now.
I do not want anyone to think I am bashing a certain kind of people when I say this, but I have seen many homosexual guys working in the medical setting. I know this is a comfortable place for them because of all the female interaction, but is this common in almost all medical settings? For those of you that are 100% straight (which I am), have you found that the homosexuals tend to hit on you?
The main reason why I am posting today is to find out if any of you guys wear support hose? I know it sounds wierd, but I have seen many homosexual guys do it, and also older men because of blood flow problems in their lower extremities. Many a time I have heard the females discussing the topic in one of their many forums, but was unsure if you all did it, too. I always wear ankle socks or short crews and that has been great with me. What do you guys out there wear?
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,703 Posts
Any self-respecting homosexual would not hit on a straight man and wouldn't be got dead wearing support hose.
Of course, you're going to hear from guys that are going to chime in that they've been hit on by gay guys. Personally, I have been hit by a gay guy at work only once. I have been hit on by plenty of females, and my butt has been a source of attention from the females I work with (I have a nice butt, I have to admit it). I hate it, it's inappropriate at a work setting.
If support hose is medically necessary for you by all means wear them.
Nurse Ratched, RN
2,149 Posts
The main reason why I am posting today is to find out if any of you guys wear support hose?
Hey, if it's good enough for Joe Namath....
- Ratched (who is not a guy, but who realizes they get varicose veins, too)
6,011 Posts
Let's see most, no make that all of the nurses I know have been people, homo sapiens, bipedal primates if you will. And as such may need to wear elastic hose to prevent leg fatigue etc. I don't recall having any interaction with any one unless I were receptive, so maybe I am naive. I think nurses go there to work, to provide care and to make a living.
So get some elastic hose. That's my advice and enjoy your career.
1,383 Posts
Support hose for guys?
I'm a homo and I've never heard of it (outside of men dressing up in drag or something.)
But then again I'm living in a very non-hip part of the country and it's a lot harder down here to be one of those gay guys that's hip and stays afloat of new trends.
Is this some new trend?
Thanks to everyone who has responded, and as far as a new trend goes... I am not sure, but I did meet a guy who was gay and works in the hospital and he did in fact wear support hose. I wasn't sure if only certain men did this or what, but I was a bit confused myself. I wasn't trying to insinuate anything about homosexuals, but was only trying to get a clarification of what I saw.
Thanks again to all.
85 Posts
...I always wear ankle socks or short crews and that has been great with me. What do you guys out there wear?
Just regular white socks.
817 Posts
It's a leg thing, not a guy/girl/straight/gay thing. If you don't want them yucky veins you might need to wear them.
Havin' A Party!, ASN, RN
2,722 Posts
Some guys (non-gays) at my facility wear 'em. No biggie at all!
In fact, unless one of them hadn't mentioned it (as part of a light humor thing), don't think anyone would've known. And no one cared.
Plus it makes perfect sense.
Thunderwolf, MSN, RN
3 Articles; 6,621 Posts
Support hose? biggie. Been a nurse 20 years, pounding the floor. The legs take a wear and tear. I have at times worn one on my left leg because I do have a varicose vein (not a real bad one, but why wait and make it worse) that has given me some ache off and on. Again, wearing it when I need to is no different than someone wearing a back support or a wrist splint. It comes with the turf.
1,049 Posts
support hose......... why not?
over here........most motorbike cops and members of the Blues and Royals (The Queens household cavarly) wear tights under their keep warm!!
and trust me... the blues and royal look fantastic!!
762 Posts
And just where are you getting hit on by all these homosexuals in hose?