

Specializes in being a Credible Source.

For quite awhile, I've been feeling more and more dissatisfied with the content, tone, and bent of many, many threads on this board.

I think I've just hit my limit.

I'm formally withdrawing from participation here.

To some of you, farewell...

To others, good riddance...

Specializes in geriatrics.

That's really unfortunate. One of the great aspects to this site is the ability to agree or disagree with an opinion. I usually just ignore the threads I'd prefer not to comment on.

Perhaps you will re-consider someday. Thanks for participating.

Nooooooooooo. Some of us, and I mean me, look forward to reading your posts. Although I do understand where you are coming from. Hope you drop in every now and help us very scared and freaked out nursing students!!!! Take care

Sorry to hear. I do understand where you are coming from, however. Hopefully after a nice break you will decide to reconsider. I have enjoyed quite a few of your topics and posts. Best wishes.

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

I'm sorry you're leaving. I've always enjoyed your posts. I hope that you feel okay to come back if you decide that you've had a sufficient break.

Specializes in ED; Med Surg.

Please don't go. I love your posts and always smile when I see your user name. I totally enjoy your point of view! Hope you reconsider.

Specializes in Gerontology.

No! Please don't go! I love your post music! ( sorry, I don't know how to make your pretty notes, so i always just call you music in my head)

i will miss you.

But I understand why you are leaving. Things are changing.

Specializes in Cardiac.

This site definitely has become much more negative since I joined....I feel like I can't post anything without being jumped on by other posters.

I pretty much only check out AN when I'm procrastinating on projects, but I always looked for your posts. Happy nursing, and best wishes.


Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

I also felt the way you do not too long ago. I took a week off from the site, and was able to come back refreshed. Now, I just avoid those threads that get me steamed (including certain entire forums). Hopefully you will be able to have the same experience and return in the future.

Specializes in Emergency & Trauma/Adult ICU.

Wishing you well ... and hoping that you'll return.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

We wish you well.

AN is a large site and as such, our posters eschew many different opinions; some the same as ours and others very different from our own. We have a lot of variety.

Please, if you see something not in line with our terms of service, please use the triangle at the left lower corner of each post to report it and it WILL be addressed.

Take care.

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