Good Looking Enough to be a Nurse?

Nurses General Nursing


I know it sounds like a silly question. But, I'm worried because I know most doctors want to have good looking nurses to work alongside. Also, I know many male patients will want to have good looking nurses taking care of them. I'm so insecure about my appearance and have struggled w/ eating disorders on and off for years. I'm a third year student in the fall and am already dieting like crazy to be in top shape for my first clinical. I know I shouldn't worry about this or let it enter my mind, but it always comes up! Ahhh :banghead: . Thanks guys.

I know it sounds like a silly question. But, I'm worried because I know most doctors want to have good looking nurses to work alongside. Also, I know many male patients will want to have good looking nurses taking care of them. I'm so insecure about my appearance and have struggled w/ eating disorders on and off for years. I'm a third year student in the fall and am already dieting like crazy to be in top shape for my first clinical. I know I shouldn't worry about this or let it enter my mind, but it always comes up! Ahhh :banghead: . Thanks guys.

What??? don't worry about your looks but do worry about nursing proffesion and making the best out of it. my clinical preceptor was maybe 4'8'' and she was not really what they call " good looking" however she is the smartest person i've ever seen.... i just can't say it well how the doctors,OT,PT,Rt, students.... and patients respect her... guess what--that is not because of her looks. she was a nurse!!!

Specializes in Psych.
is this a joke???

I would say so.

Specializes in ER/Trauma.

I've been known to shatter mirrors from time to time :p :D

But guess what? The Docs respect me and my patients trust me because of what I know and how I do my job.

That's all that matters. :)

Good luck...

It's a sad fact but a lot of people really are superficial and can't see past a cute figure or a pretty face. These people are goobers and easily had.

I am glad I'm not one of those people.

In the end, though, as a nurse your competence and knowledge will take you much further than what you look like.

Beauty fades. Dumb is forever. I'm ugly and fat and the more I sense people don't like me because of it the more determined I am to be comfortable with the way I am. I've got a job and I'm well liked by my bosses and (most) of my patients. That is all that matters.

not sure what your eating disorder is, but if your dieting appropriately,this is going to improve your health,so you can "be all that you can be,"including all prior replys, as a nurse. btw,I think most shallow people hold themselves in too high esteem; this doesn't seem to be your problem. Go get em!!!!!!!!!


I believe you and it breaks my heart that a 19 year old woman would feel this way; I believe that's what you think. It has no reality in the scope of what nurses really do, but I understand how you might have come to your conclusion.

I'll let you in on a little people always win in the end.

Ssshhhh! Don't tell the chearleader girl, it will really make her mascara run.

Please hang in there and let us know if any of this helped.

Specializes in Adult Acute Care Medicine.

Nurses are just regular people.

Take a good look at the nurses during your first clinical..........they are just regular people.....

As others have said, it is your competency as a nurse that really matters.

I wish you the best of luck. :heartbeat

Specializes in ED, ICU, PSYCH, PP, CEN.

I used to hate to look at myself in the mirror. Then one day I realized that even though I am ugly I have the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" Now I don't care anymore.

My mom always said be neat and clean and no one can complain.

I love my job, my job loves me. Sick patients don't care what you look like. They only want you to make them feel safe and help them get better. Most doc's don't have the time to worry about whether nurses are cute or not.

I don't even iron my scrubs anymore, just pull my hair back in a pony tail and off to work I go.

Study hard, learn lots and you will find friendship and comraderie in your job.

Good luck and God bless

I don't mind looking in the mirror anymore because I see a competent and respected nurse. I hope you will some day too.

Specializes in Operating Room Nursing.

No seriously if your ugly then sorry you just not qualified to work as a nurse :rolleyes:

Specializes in Emergency/ Critical Care.

I really think your looks would only matter if you planned to star in videos wearing undersized cliche uniforms..... I assume this isn't the case so focus on your NURSING SKILLS instead of your appearance.... as its been said several times on here... patients don't care what you look like unless they are creeps... besides, do you really want to get hit on by patients? I would hope not!

Specializes in Trauma ICU, Surgical ICU, Medical ICU.

I really think you have some serious issues if this is your MAIN concern with nursing. I also want to advise you that nursing is a very stressful profession and that you may want to get some serious therapy because you add the stress of learning onto this type of self-distructive behavior you will really have problems. I do not suffer from ED but I do suffer from major anxiety and school was extremely hard for me. I did not start to do well until I got a psych consult, lots of CBT, and antianxiety meds. It's not a bad thing to look into because its going to be rough and if your makeup doesnt stay in place during a shift and this makes you anxious you will really have problems. I would suggest getting some help NOW because when you are stressed out to the gills you WILL revert to old habits to cope. You will do no one good, especially your patients, if you are hurting their nurse.

Just some food for thought

Specializes in ER/ICU, CCL, EP.

LOL....I was almost offended...until I started cackling. Nursing is a profession. Anyone who told you that is a moron. Period.

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