Published May 3, 2010
i'd say about 22-24 years old.... what r your thoughts?
CrunchyMama, ASN, RN
1,068 Posts
IMO staying home with my kids was more important then "not struggling". I personally don't believe in the new ethics of America by popping out your kids, staying home for 6 weeks then plopping them in daycare. So I patiently waited until my kids were at least out of diapers before going back to school. And even then, I have a supportive family who watches my younger one when needed. BTW, I tried going back to school when I was about 22 (3 years before having my 1st baby) and I dropped out after 1 1/2 semesters. I didn't have the motivation. I was young and immature and I don't think I would've survived the nursing program back then, lol. So I'm so glad I waited!
952 Posts
I think a lot of it has to with you personally.
With myself for example, I knew that I had to go to college right out of high school and that I had to start right with a direct entry BSN program because I hate school and need to get it done and over with ASAP. Had I taken a year off between high school and college, I'm not sure that I would have gone to college. And had I got to an ASN program rather than a BSN program, I know that once I was done with my ASN I would not have plans to go back for a BSN...and that's a major problem because I want a MSN.
I also want to have a family and kids, but not until after I'm out of school...but I absolutely do not want my first kid after I'm 30. I think between 25 and 28 is perfect for having a first, and up to 30 is acceptable.
redhead_NURSE98!, ADN, BSN
1,086 Posts
i dont know why everybody thinks college is just for 19 year olds, when universities offer more than just a bachelors. there are going to be older people attending who are going for their masters or doctorate
Agreed, education is a lifelong process. I know us old farts are annoying in class, but we're just always gonna be around. I hated us too when I was 19. :)
1,553 Posts
Anywhere from age 20 to 90+ . I support education for all ages! Different things work for different people. Some people want a good stable job before kids, others want to make sure they are young and healthy when they have kids... I don't think it matters what age you do things in.
17 Posts
I'm 19 & for some odd reason, I feel so rushed to finish school & get a career. I'll be done with school in 2012 & from there I would like to get my MSN. I want to be done with school & have established a career before I have children so hopefully, I'll be totally finished by 28.
1,216 Posts
I think a lot of it has to with you personally.With myself for example, I knew that I had to go to college right out of high school and that I had to start right with a direct entry BSN program because I hate school and need to get it done and over with ASAP. Had I taken a year off between high school and college, I'm not sure that I would have gone to college. And had I got to an ASN program rather than a BSN program, I know that once I was done with my ASN I would not have plans to go back for a BSN...and that's a major problem because I want a MSN.I also want to have a family and kids, but not until after I'm out of school...but I absolutely do not want my first kid after I'm 30. I think between 25 and 28 is perfect for having a first, and up to 30 is acceptable.
I can not believe that some people still think that way,it is safe to have your first baby after 30.
Yes it's safe...but I want to be a young mom. I also want to have 2 or 3 kids about 3 years apart from each other. So if I have my first at 27, second at 30 and third at 33, that's great because when all my kids are grown (college age -- not legit adults) that would put me at 51 which I think is great.
~Mi Vida Loca~RN, ASN, RN
5,259 Posts
It's just a personal opinion. They didn't say they felt that way for everyone. I had my children young, I had a pretty big gap from my first 3 to my 4th (I wish I would have spaced #2 and 3 more but husband was insistent on 2 years apart). Anyway, I had my first 3 at 16, 20 and 22. I had my daughter at 27 almost 28. I have to admit, the earlier pregnancies were a lot easier, my energy level was a lot better, I recovered a lot faster, I lost the baby weight a lot quicker. I am 30 now and I can't imagine just now getting started. I am very happy with the way I did it.
Everyone is different. I don't look down on woman who chose to wait until their 30's or 40's to start having kids. But it definitely wasn't for me.
3 years apart is a great space I think. My 3rd I had 1 month shy of my second son being 2 and I don't think he was ready for a sibling at all, it was very hard. My oldest was 3.5 when my second one was born and he transitioned great and was such a help.
I definitely agree that 3 years apart is great. One of my older brothers is 3.5 years older than me, and one of my younger sisters is 3.5 years younger than me. Overall in my family there are people who are the same age (my youngest sisters are twins) up to a 21 year gap (there are 9 kids in my family with the oldest being 25 and the youngest being 4 -- the ages are 25, 23, 19, 15, 10, 8, 6 and 4).
Yeah I was more ok with an age gap, we planned on stopping at 3 and I really held out hope for a girl which is why the 4th. It in the end worked out really well but I do see a lot of "middle child syndrome" with my middle son and I know it has to do with there not being enough age spacing. I had it myself growing up. Their was a much broader gap with having my daughter and it really worked out good because I knew if I had a little girl I would go crazy with girl stuff and since my sons are older they don't get all jealous and they are really protective over her.
My oldest will be 14 on Friday, My second son is 10 with a B day in Dec, third son is 8 with a bday in Nov. and my Daughter just turned 3 in March.
Sorry but I have to laugh, lol. I think it's so funny that you have it planned out perfectly. I hope it happens for you like that. But some people (myself included) have fertility problems and unfortunately takes years to get pregnant. I just hope you don't have such problems.