Feeling like I'm doing everything wrong lately

Specialties School


(sorry long, venting post)

Last week was awful. Had a parent upset at me because their child vomited here at school yet he wants to play outside when he got home (she called 3 times to complain about this). Among other things, I felt like parents were attacking me left and right. Found a bed bug on a student, bagged everything and all the other student belongings in class. Spoke with my admin and she says to send letter home to that one parent. (I spoke to this parent last semester about it and it did not go well, admin didn't want to talk with parent either.) I run into the teacher and shes really furious because she ended up calling all parents in her class to tell them why their child had their stuff bagged up, sooo that is all my fault for not doing that. Come to find out admin told her I did call all of the parents, yet she told me not to do that. (always miscommunicating here) I don't think this job is for me anymore. I feel like everything is dumped on me and then blamed on me. I'm still fairly new to all of this and so is the school. Trying my best to make everyone happy but cant seem to do it. Sorry for the long rant, i just need to get it off my chest before I blow up.

If everyone is happy, then you're not doing your job:cheeky:. Parents will always be unhappy. They'll be unhappy if you called, unhappy if you didn't, unhappy if you sent the kid home, unhappy if you kept the kid at school, unhappy that you used ABx ointment, unhappy that you won't apply essential oils, unhappy that you gave benadryl to a kid in the middle of an allergic reaction, unhappy that you won't just give the unlabeled random pill that they sent in with their little snowflake, unhappy that you advised them to get an xray and it wasn't broken, unhappy that you aren't doing enough, unhappy when their kid gets hurt and doesn't come to the nurse during school and you didn't tell them about this injury that you knew nothing about... Everything that you do or don't do will upset someone; a kid, a teacher, or a parent.

Teachers and admin don't understand what we do, we operate in a world unlike any other in the school system. We are bound by rules that they will never understand. We, not only, must follow school policy, state health dept guidelines, but also act within our scope of practice. Parents don't understand that we must always function within the guiles of the Nurse Practice Act, that we cannot repackage your kid's meds, give a med without an order, or make a diagnosis-teachers do not comprehend this either.

This job is isolating and frustrating, at times infuriating, but we are here for the STUDENTS and to act in their very best interest. We are NOT here to please everybody, we cannot make that our role. However, it is really difficult to feel like no one is on your side and that's where we come in! We are your co-workers, your break room, your nurse's station. We get it, really we do. We've all had moments or days, or weeks, or months... I'm really sorry that it's been so rough, but, hey summer break is on it's way!

Specializes in School nursing.

Part of our job is, well, to be mean. There I said it. Perhaps the better word is firm, but honestly, to a lot of people - especially students and parents - we are mean and that's it.

I've learned I just have to own it and when I do, I actually get a lot more respect. And after the initial blow, "mean" can transform into some great, lasting student and parent relationships.

Specializes in Registered Nurse.

I am not a school nurse, but I know you just can't make everyone happy, and it happens in nursing where everyone feels they should be satisfied and "happy". Good luck with this situation!

Specializes in med/surg, clinic, school.

And don't forget dog poop on the little darlings shoes, dirty glasses that just need a tissue to clean off, teeth that aren't loose enough to pull, dirty shirts (Some of my teachers can't teach a child w a dirty shirt) Really!!, broken flip flops (don't get me started on that one). and the list goes on....

And don't forget dog poop on the little darlings shoes, dirty glasses that just need a tissue to clean off, teeth that aren't loose enough to pull, dirty shirts (Some of my teachers can't teach a child w a dirty shirt) Really!!, broken flip flops (don't get me started on that one). and the list goes on....

Are you following me around this week? I've had every one of these, at least once, this week! I despise flip-flops and they are against the dress code. Non-school nurses, if you are reading this, do NOT send your child to school in FLIP FLOPS! This has been a public service announcement from all nurses school nurses club.

Specializes in IMC, school nursing.
Are you following me around this week? I've had every one of these, at least once, this week! I despise flip-flops and they are against the dress code. Non-school nurses, if you are reading this, do NOT send your child to school in FLIP FLOPS! This has been a public service announcement from all nurses school nurses club.

I did a school announcement about this and they still wear them. UGGGHHHH! I would love to tell them that I will not deal with injuries on unprotected feet.

(sorry long, venting post)

Last week was awful. Had a parent upset at me because their child vomited here at school yet he wants to play outside when he got home (she called 3 times to complain about this). Among other things, I felt like parents were attacking me left and right. Found a bed bug on a student, bagged everything and all the other student belongings in class. Spoke with my admin and she says to send letter home to that one parent. (I spoke to this parent last semester about it and it did not go well, admin didn't want to talk with parent either.) I run into the teacher and shes really furious because she ended up calling all parents in her class to tell them why their child had their stuff bagged up, sooo that is all my fault for not doing that. Come to find out admin told her I did call all of the parents, yet she told me not to do that. (always miscommunicating here) I don't think this job is for me anymore. I feel like everything is dumped on me and then blamed on me. I'm still fairly new to all of this and so is the school. Trying my best to make everyone happy but cant seem to do it. Sorry for the long rant, i just need to get it off my chest before I blow up.

This sounds like a no-win situation! I'd look elsewhere. It sounds like you are the designated scape-goat for teachers and administrators to avoid dealing with angry parents. On a side note, a hospital I worked at refused to ban visitors with known bug problems from visiting because "bugs aren't a contagion, they are just a nuisance".

Although I am not a school nurse, please be encouraged that you did the right thing. Nothing in this situation was your fault!

Even though you're "feeling like I'm doing everything wrong lately" it sounds as though you gave us a list of things that you were simply supposed to do.

And that fact that someone isn't pleased with you doesn't mean you did a bad job.

Keep pushing, you got this. :)

I've noticed that the things that people want to nitpick are the little things like, well, nits. People usually don't question my judgement during something big like a seizure or a kid that's climbing the walls with pain due to a fracture.

This is how I've been feeling lately. In fact I told my boss, "It's ridiculous! If someone is having a life-threatening emergency, oh! We run to the nurse and trust her judgement... yet my judgement is questioned over a trivial non-issue like whether or not a client can have cake?!"

How does that work?

I'm sorry. I'm not a school nurse, but there aren't any other elder daycare nurse peeps here :cry: We do have some similarities, so I have to crash your board once in a while.

Specializes in kids.

There are days and weeks...but you have to stick to your guns and do what you YOU know is the right thing.

I had to contact a medical provider to call out a family/student on "Absence related illness" CLEARLY what they are telling the provider is not what is happening, but with a release, I was able to send a crap ton of information that will in the end, keep this student from graduating. There is no way all the days out or mid day dismissals are legit.

I can only hope the provided can see the real deal through the crap the family has given them.

But then it will be all my fault or the schools fault or ....certainly not within the responsibility of the parent or kid.

This is how I've been feeling lately. In fact I told my boss, "It's ridiculous! If someone is having a life-threatening emergency, oh! We run to the nurse and trust her judgement... yet my judgement is questioned over a trivial non-issue like whether or not a client can have cake?!"


Huge issue for me. I am micro-managed to a ridiculous degree. But then if I need backup, cue the crickets. Of course, in a crisis, it's all me.

My building admin is so bad, I have thought about leaving. Principal comes in and barks orders at me, but does nothing to ever facilitate success. he won't even answer emails regarding very important issues, The only consolation is he treats everyone this way. :no:

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.

Huge issue for me. I am micro-managed to a ridiculous degree. But then if I need backup, cue the crickets. Of course, in a crisis, it's all me.

My building admin is so bad, I have thought about leaving. Principal comes in and barks orders at me, but does nothing to ever facilitate success. he won't even answer emails regarding very important issues, The only consolation is he treats everyone this way. :no:

I know the type, he will not engage in anything that could hold him accountable (email for example) and will always have a scapegoat. The best way to deal with those kind is to not deal with them. Do what you want to and try to ignore them as much as possible. I know, easier said than done, but think about it...when you have to deal with him, it might be a good idea to have your cell phone in your pocket, recording the conversation,if you ever need to use it in the future (nobody uses pocket recorders anymore).

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