Failed Nclex after 2 years now what?


Specializes in Nurse.

I need advice,

I recently just took the nclex on October 10th and feel like I have failed. I did the "good pop up" and got the bad pop up. I had 255 questions and ran out of time. This was my 4th time taking the NCLEX and I have spent 2 years studying for it. I do not know if I have officially passed but I know that I have after my 4th time taking it. I cannot seem to pass it. I am completely devastated and heart broken. I have not stepped foot in a hospital since I graduated in 2017. At this point I really do not know what to do. There has been so many times where I thought I was going to pass but I have not. I have done World, Kaplan, and ATI. I even have a tutor.

I am thinking about applying for a nursing assistant job now until I pass but idk who will even hire me at this point. I do have my bachelor’s degree in Nursing and a Kinesiology degree. I have put my life on hold for 2 years to try and pass this test. I have worked at a job in the meantime only two times a week but I have to work full time now. My nursing student loan has to be paid.

So basically anyone that has encouragement or any advice on what to do I would appreciate it!!

Specializes in LTC & Rehab Supervision.

It sounds like you should keep at what you're already doing. Do you know what you struggle with specifically?

How did you study, and what materials did you use?

Specializes in Nurse.

I studied 6-7 hours a day five times a week . I went through the Kaplan twice . Also did I world and ati questions . I would do about 75-100 questions a day . Go through each rational and then would review what I did not know .

30 minutes ago, Ilovelife1234 said:

I studied 6-7 hours a day five times a week . I went through the Kaplan twice . Also did I world and ati questions . I would do about 75-100 questions a day . Go through each rational and then would review what I did not know .

My advice is slow down! You’re doing too much, you probably should do a content review and then do a question bank, like uworld! I used mainly uworld along with nclex mastery app! Occasionally I would listen to YouTube videos, but it was mainly questions. The most questions I’ve done is 50 a day and that’s it. I would review all the questions by writing down the rationales and rereading them! Sometimes I would do 30 or 25! I would take it slowly and not rush myself by trying to do as many questions as possible. I would take many breaks because I get fatigued so before it gets that way I stop and go on my phone or take a walk! I also read the nclex summary pages that was floating around a couple times and the remar quick facts text book. I hope this helps

Specializes in Med/Surg.

6-7 hours a day 5 times a week?

That seems like serious overkill. I used like 90% UWorld and maybe 10% Saunders NCLEX review and passed on my first try. I did questions, questions, questions....And that's maybe an hour a day, at most. I studied for about a month. Sometimes too much isn't good either because you go into nauseating detail over everything and the NCLEX is testing only on entry level stuff, just a broad spectrum of topics. I'd get a different tutor since this one isn't working out for you.

Specializes in Med surg and critical care.

The NCLEX is a lot of med surg questions. I tutor for the nclex and for every student I have I suggest the medsurg success book. It breaks down all the topics of medsurg and then by disease as well. So if you need help with heart failure focus on those questions and rationales. It is for sure the number one resource I’ve seen people use and I used. Plus it sounds like you haven’t had this content in nursing school for a while so it would be a good refresher. Take one question at a time and know that when it seems impossible you can still pass. The questions get harder as you go until you hit the passing point. The fact that u got some two hundred questions means that u were not that far off or it would have kicked u out sooner and failed u. I would recommend looking over all ur study guides from school and really getting the medsurg success book and maybe a nclex book..... and that’s it!!!!! (When u have too many resources your brain gets overwhelmed)

Specializes in LTC, Med-surg.

I recommend to do at most 50 questions per day like someone else said. But you have been out of school for so long so you do need a content review. I recommend to read a good content review book like Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN..just pick one chapter of it a day and do 50 questions on that chapter, next day pick a new chapter and repeat until your finish the entire book. If you think one chapter is too less then choose 2 chapters, read the content then do up to 50 questions. When you do the questions focus on the question stem and what the question is asking, spend a little more time to think about eliminating each answer on the MCQ (multiple choice question).

Specializes in Psych, Substance Abuse, Case Management.

I did the Saunders book and some flashcards. My advice is to think like an RN, i.e., critical thinking. I know a guy who failed multiple times. I worked with him when we were both LPNs. He lacks critical thinking. He will call the Nurse Manager for everything.

I want to believe you passed!


Specializes in critical care, med/surg.

Did you have accommodations in nursing school?

Specializes in Nurse.

No. I never had accommodations in nursing school. I was a very good student. I graduated with a 3.5. So really this whole test and failing does not make sense to me. Nobody understands why I cannot pass. I put in the work , I study, and have sacrificed SO much to get to this point.

I got my results back and I failed. I got near passing in all sections..

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