Published Aug 20, 2016
293 Posts
I know there is a thread on here somewhere about essential oil use in schools. If someone could link me to it, I would appreciate it. We have a parent in one of our elementary schools whose children use oils for ADHD in addition to meds. I won't debate weather it helps or not, because I don't know. My concern is if the kiddo is putting on oils in class, isn't the whole class pretty much using them? Opinions? References? Thanks!
1 Article; 4,787 Posts
We don't allow anything that is not approved by the FDA for treatment of the MD diagnosis. Don't let this get out of hand.
8 Posts
Not necessarily. There are many modalities to using essential oils. I imagine the child rubs them into his temples, pulse points, or bottoms of the feet. You can also ingest them in gelatin capsules. If he had a diffuser at his desk, yeah, that's no good, but just using them for himself, I don't see how it would affect the other students.
Let me clarify. We don't "administer" anything not approved for treatment of a diagnosis. For instance, I keep a bottle of an essential oil in my clinic for a student to rub on his feet at noon for ADD. But nothing like that is allowed in the classroom.
Cattz, ADN
1,082 Posts
This discussion went round and round, but here is the link to one thread. It has a lot of differing opinions. Good luck!!
mc3, ASN, RN
931 Posts
I had a teacher that was highly sensitive, and any essential oils would trigger a severe asthma attack. Student was moved to a different classroom. Personally, I can't stomach the smell of patchouli oil...
BuckyBadgerRN, ASN, RN
3,520 Posts
We have a patient in clinic who is using essential oils to cure her bi-polar and the macular hole in her eye. Took herself off of lithium. EO isn't working for either issue
12,646 Posts
We don't do pseudo meds at school. If mom wants to give, she can.
No doctor worth his/her salt is going to write an order for it, either.
1,263 Posts
I received a Doctor's order for oils as pain relief for a broken collar bone:no:
'Cause, yea.
I can see that nowadays...
1,294 Posts
We don't allow it either and if the parent insists the district doesn't make it easy for them - detailed doctors orders, kid must have 504 or SPED, etc - most parents tend not to pursue it once they realize what the district requires them to do.
50 Posts
I have a TLC (therapeutic learning class) aka emotionally disturbed at one of my schools. There are currently 6 kids in the class grades 3-6. The teacher asked me if she can diffuse essential oils in the classroom. I of course, see where she is coming from. I told her that because there is a risk that a child and/or staff member could be adversely affected, she should not do it.
Now I'd just like to throw an idea to the wind. (why not?) what if...the teacher sent a letter home saying that she would like to diffuse lavender oil every now and then, then had parents sign a permission slip? Also an advisory would have to be posted on the door. There are only six students in the class. My concern is that the parents of these children are not of the highest character...might be asking for trouble. Probably a dumb idea but I want some open-minded opinions. Thanks.