Published Jul 14, 2007
3 Posts
I am still embarrassed about what happened. I was finishing up the night shift when I leaned over to pick up something that a patient had dropped. For some reason my pants had been getting looser all night. I bent over and could feel my pants slide down a little. They stayed on, but I could feel a draft. The male nursing director was standing right behind me. Let's just say that it's possible I gave him quite a view. He didn't say anything. He just walked out of the room. What would you do? Would you bring it up as a joke and apologize, avoid him [which is kinda hard to do], or act as if nothing happened.
TazziRN, RN
6,487 Posts
Say nothing.
leslie :-D
11,191 Posts
or, you can apologize for making such an ass of yourself.
JBudd, MSN
3,836 Posts
There's an old saying: "Least said, soonest mended"
897 Posts
I wouldn't say anything. These things happen.
As an aside, I've noticed that my pants tend to slide down a bit as the night progresses- probably to do with all the weight in my pockets. I now make it a point to tighten the drawstring preemptively at least once or twice a night. :)
morte, LPN, LVN
7,015 Posts
I wouldn't say anything. These things happen.As an aside, I've noticed that my pants tend to slide down a bit as the night progresses- probably to do with all the weight in my pockets. I now make it a point to tighten the drawstring preemptively at least once or twice a night. :)
i have noticed i have to tighten the draw string at least once during shift on the pair that i have, and they have NO pockets....i think the cotton stretches over time....and yes "button your lip" ,lol
bill4745, RN
874 Posts
Not a word.
biker nurse
230 Posts
get a new pair of paints!!!
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,414 Posts
I agree that since you didn't say anything at the time, probably best not to. I would have made a joke at the time, but that's me.
2,441 Posts
yup, silence is best :) Sorry that happened though....ouch!
983 Posts
LOL Ya poor thing but I am sure in time this WILL be mentioned hahaha..Oops did I just laugh! I will try to behave and not make a butt about this situation. :trout:
I am sure in time we will all have to endure embarrassing situations.
Next time squat from the knees to pick up something instead of ummm errr bending over!!:redlight::redlight::redlight:
1,343 Posts
It's hard to say. If you can joke about it, go ahead and ask him if he saw anything, apologize, say it was accidental, turn beet red, and have a good laugh. "Now don't tell anybody you saw my tattoo."
Or not.
I guess maybe silence is golden.