Embarrassing moment at work


I am still embarrassed about what happened. I was finishing up the night shift when I leaned over to pick up something that a patient had dropped. For some reason my pants had been getting looser all night. I bent over and could feel my pants slide down a little. They stayed on, but I could feel a draft. The male nursing director was standing right behind me. Let's just say that it's possible I gave him quite a view. He didn't say anything. He just walked out of the room. What would you do? Would you bring it up as a joke and apologize, avoid him [which is kinda hard to do], or act as if nothing happened.

Say nothing.

or, you can apologize for making such an ass of yourself. :D


Specializes in Trauma, Teaching.

There's an old saying: "Least said, soonest mended"

Specializes in Infection Preventionist/ Occ Health.

I wouldn't say anything. These things happen.

As an aside, I've noticed that my pants tend to slide down a bit as the night progresses- probably to do with all the weight in my pockets. I now make it a point to tighten the drawstring preemptively at least once or twice a night. :)

I wouldn't say anything. These things happen.

As an aside, I've noticed that my pants tend to slide down a bit as the night progresses- probably to do with all the weight in my pockets. I now make it a point to tighten the drawstring preemptively at least once or twice a night. :)

i have noticed i have to tighten the draw string at least once during shift on the pair that i have, and they have NO pockets....i think the cotton stretches over time....and yes "button your lip" ,lol

Specializes in ICU, ER.
Specializes in LTC , SDC and MDS certified (3.0).

get a new pair of paints!!!

Specializes in Med-Surg.

I agree that since you didn't say anything at the time, probably best not to. I would have made a joke at the time, but that's me.

yup, silence is best :) Sorry that happened though....ouch!

Specializes in ICU, SDU, OR, RR, Ortho, Hospice RN.

LOL Ya poor thing but I am sure in time this WILL be mentioned hahaha..Oops did I just laugh!:uhoh3: I will try to behave and not make a butt about this situation. :trout:

I am sure in time we will all have to endure embarrassing situations.

:idea: Next time squat from the knees to pick up something instead of ummm errr bending over!!:redlight::redlight::redlight:


It's hard to say. If you can joke about it, go ahead and ask him if he saw anything, apologize, say it was accidental, turn beet red, and have a good laugh. "Now don't tell anybody you saw my tattoo."

Or not.

I guess maybe silence is golden.

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