Embarrassing moment at work


I am still embarrassed about what happened. I was finishing up the night shift when I leaned over to pick up something that a patient had dropped. For some reason my pants had been getting looser all night. I bent over and could feel my pants slide down a little. They stayed on, but I could feel a draft. The male nursing director was standing right behind me. Let's just say that it's possible I gave him quite a view. He didn't say anything. He just walked out of the room. What would you do? Would you bring it up as a joke and apologize, avoid him [which is kinda hard to do], or act as if nothing happened.


I just HAVE to say it: If this is the most embarrassing bendover story you have, just wait, it's bound to be surpassed by an even more embarrassing one.

Thanks everyone. Even though the director usually has a pretty good sense of humor, I guess I should just keep my mouth shut. Hopefully, this will be funny one day.

Specializes in ICU;CCU;Telemetry;L&D;Hospice;ER/Trauma;.

Ah...plumbers and nurses with that ugly butt crack problem....

Time to get out the spackle! So...what's wrong with mooning your manager?? I have wanted to do that for years!! but never had the courage....hehehehe, crni:lol2:

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