Published Mar 28, 2014
1,198 Posts
Bad mouth people who do not want to work overtime to cover call ins
Complain about the lack of time per diem people work
Guilt trip people into working extra/overtime
Just curious as it is slightly annoying.
164 Posts
We don't get overtime no matter how short
Sun0408, ASN, RN
1,761 Posts
Number 3 is a yes.. They try everything to get someone to come in.. Every week about 1/2 of our staff is in OT.
Palliative Care, DNP
781 Posts
Bad mouth people who do not want to work overtime to cover call ins Complain about the lack of time per diem people work Guilt trip people into working extra/overtime Just curious as it is slightly annoying.
They tried to all the time but my give a damn was busted. People can only do what you allow. I have a life outside the hospital. No I don't feel obligated to give any more time than necessary.
I can count on one hand how many times I've worked extra in 5 years. I'm not one for the guilt trips but it is irritating to witness and see someone be grilled about why they won't work extra.
I want to speak up for them. Why overwork yourself for a place that will throw you away without a care?
1,117 Posts
No, we reserve our badmouthing to TPTB who won't hire more staff even though one or more pt floors are working short every shift of every day.
Emergent, RN
4,288 Posts
Some of my co-workers bad mouth people who work open shifts and leave no overtime ones for them. They seem to resent per diems (until they need them to work for them)
chicagoing, ADN, RN
489 Posts
I work night shift and my coworkers do not do this. I hear the most complaining from the oncoming day shift because they are quite often short a few nurses. I really do feel badly for people, but when I have to listen to the complaining, that cuts into my time. Even though we are paid OT, I would rather just go home.
HappyWife77, BSN, RN
739 Posts
I would almost say....
Do I work with you? Lol...because yes it is the same.
Here.I.Stand, BSN, RN
5,047 Posts
Darned if you do, darned if you don't.
38,333 Posts
Through the years I have found that coworkers will bad mouth just about anybody over just about anything, however trite a matter it is. Sometimes it can be very difficult to refrain from joining in on the "bad mouth" agenda. Then, to be fair, on the other hand, a lot of people, and probably all people to some degree, provide little behaviors that earn the attention of those looking for a reason to bad mouth. Frankly, I only wish that I had the opportunity for more overtime, so I don't care who does not want to come in to cover a shortage if I can get those hours of work and the pay that goes with them.
I wish I could sit here clicking "Like" all day on this reply!! (I might have to use that phrase "My give a damn is busted" in the future. )
OP, I have similar thoughts. Well to answer your question, where I work we have a large float pool with many of the RNs being trained in critical care. Because we do have them to staff where they're needed, we almost never get asked to pick up a shift. I probably would say something if I witnessed someone be grilled for a reason other than "No," or "I can't"...even if it was just an "She said she can't." Do I feel for coworkers having to work short, of course. But as a floor nurse, sorry I'm not responsible for staffing. Even if I was working per diem. When I worked per diem it wasn't to make myself available for staffing the floor; it was for the flexibility in working when *I* wanted to. If I was the one being grilled AFTER saying "I can't," I'd be removing myself from the conversation.