Do women find male nurses attractive?

Nurses Men



So I'm a young, single, heterosexual male nurse, and I'm well aware that I'm somewhat of a minority, as most nurses are female, and the ones that aren't, are often gay (yes, I know that is just a silly stereotype, and there's nothing wrong with being gay, but that's beside my point).

Thing is, I'm not even remotely feminine- I have a beard, I listen to heavy metal, I climb mountains, I work out, etcetera. But I get paranoid that most people probably perceive me as a little "girly" or "possibly homosexual", when I talk about being a nurse. I feel especially insecure about my masculinity when I'm walking home wearing my uniform past some heavy set dudes doing roadworks or construction or something "manly". Sometimes, I've even lied about studying nursing at uni- I've sometimes said I'm studying engineering, to seem more masculine.

I'm not ashamed of being a nurse- I'm damn proud! But I feel a little insecure due to the silly non-masculine stereotypes associated with my career choice. I'm also single and looking for a girlfriend, but I sense that women might think I'm gay, or unmanly, due to my profession. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

Anyway, my main question is- ladies, do you find male nurses attractive? Do you like the idea of a man taking care of you? Or does it seem unmanly and unattractive?

Regards - Sykadia

"Hot under the collar" means angry and resentful. It's not a sexual term.

You do realize that doesn't create language? Language means what people use it to mean. Note the recent evolution of the word "literally." I owe you no references. No one owes you references.

On your thread "Some days......" you said:

"Some days, I just don't get it. If there's anything that occasionally causes me to re-think my participation here, it is the fact that reality-based, honest answers are so often derided as rude & .....wait for it.....NETY. In some folks' worlds, the only good answer is a sugar-coated, rose-colored view of the nursing profession. Anything else is mean, rude & sarcastic. In my world, honest, realistic answers are the kindest, most thoughtful way to communicate with those who have questions. In my world, I would be doing a disservice to those who have questions if I did not tell the truth. "

You will never dissuade me from believing that replying to people who disagree with you by accusing them of being mentally deficient is rude. Your idea of reality-based, honest answers apparently includes denying that human interaction is imprecise, denying that language is fluid, and refusing to believe that other people can bloody well disagree with you without deficient reasoning or now, apparently being delusional. And you got a LOT of support.... and you keep making comments about how oh no, now you're going to be accused of NETY for being so terribly honest! When will the delicate little flowers toughen up and realize that your personal attacks are designed to improve them!

"Don't like the answers? Simple! Don't read 'em! No need to dictate to the rest of the Internet."

When it's you not liking other people's comments & attitudes you make a thread about it, but when people disagree with you they're supposed to just shush and move along? I'll do as you wish though, because it's not worth the heartburn (Don't worry, you don't literally give me heartburn. Or maybe you do. Because according to the dictionary, I can use it either way.) and I've decided it's time to edit the "ignore user" list.


I said that the OP seems to be preoccupied with maintaining a caricature of masculinity and that it was too bad he comes from a culture that encourages that and that tries to correlate said caricature with sexuality. I was then asked if I was, in fact, biologically male and transgender.

I said that despite the wording I did not get the sense that OP was some kind of sexual deviant. I was then told that there was no other POSSIBLE accurate interpretation.

I then responded to the questions literally and was told (by someone who, I'll repeat, has said it's not rape to have sex with an unconscious person) that no woman ever is allowed to request female-only caregivers or we're grossly sexist.

GOLD STAR to AN for this quality content!

OP, if you check back in and sift through the baloney, I hope you take heart in the fact that many women have zero issue with a potential partner being a male nurse and that some could specifically find it attractive. That there are plenty of male nurses who are secure in their profession, identity, and sexuality. That you will be just fine once you move on from worrying about appearances so much.

Why are you letting what someone on the Internet says fill you with so much rage?

Specializes in IMCU, Oncology.

It never occurred to me when I see male nurse to the think they may be gay. I don't see male nurses and think about their sexual orientation. I just see them as nurses, hard working and hopefully caring nursing professionals!

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Wow so much vitriol. Dude, it's the 'net. Calm down n'ya!

You do realize that doesn't create language? Language means what people use it to mean. Note the recent evolution of the word "literally." I owe you no references. No one owes you references.

On your thread "Some days......" you said:

"Some days, I just don't get it. If there's anything that occasionally causes me to re-think my participation here, it is the fact that reality-based, honest answers are so often derided as rude & .....wait for it.....NETY. In some folks' worlds, the only good answer is a sugar-coated, rose-colored view of the nursing profession. Anything else is mean, rude & sarcastic. In my world, honest, realistic answers are the kindest, most thoughtful way to communicate with those who have questions. In my world, I would be doing a disservice to those who have questions if I did not tell the truth. "

You will never dissuade me from believing that replying to people who disagree with you by accusing them of being mentally deficient is rude. Your idea of reality-based, honest answers apparently includes denying that human interaction is imprecise, denying that language is fluid, and refusing to believe that other people can bloody well disagree with you without deficient reasoning or now, apparently being delusional. And you got a LOT of support.... and you keep making comments about how oh no, now you're going to be accused of NETY for being so terribly honest! When will the delicate little flowers toughen up and realize that your personal attacks are designed to improve them!

"Don't like the answers? Simple! Don't read 'em! No need to dictate to the rest of the Internet."

When it's you not liking other people's comments & attitudes you make a thread about it, but when people disagree with you they're supposed to just shush and move along? I'll do as you wish though, because it's not worth the heartburn (Don't worry, you don't literally give me heartburn. Or maybe you do. Because according to the dictionary, I can use it either way.) and I've decided it's time to edit the "ignore user" list.


I said that the OP seems to be preoccupied with maintaining a caricature of masculinity and that it was too bad he comes from a culture that encourages that and that tries to correlate said caricature with sexuality. I was then asked if I was, in fact, biologically male and transgender.

I said that despite the wording I did not get the sense that OP was some kind of sexual deviant. I was then told that there was no other POSSIBLE accurate interpretation.

I then responded to the questions literally and was told (by someone who, I'll repeat, has said it's not rape to have sex with an unconscious person) that no woman ever is allowed to request female-only caregivers or we're grossly sexist.

GOLD STAR to AN for this quality content!

OP, if you check back in and sift through the baloney, I hope you take heart in the fact that many women have zero issue with a potential partner being a male nurse and that some could specifically find it attractive. That there are plenty of male nurses who are secure in their profession, identity, and sexuality. That you will be just fine once you move on from worrying about appearances so much.

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.
It never occurred to me when I see male nurse to the think they may be gay. I don't see male nurses and think about their sexual orientation. I just see them as nurses, hard working and hopefully caring nursing professionals!

As a happily coupled female nurse, I see no need to wonder about whether my colleagues are homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual or asexual. I'm just worried about whether they're competent. As far as the other stuff . . . I'm not looking for a date, so it's none of my business.

Specializes in Infection Prevention, CIC / BA / LPN.

I am a nurse and my Husband is also a nurse (RN), with a beard and a braid. We have been married for 8 years and together for 15. We met on the job and I LOVE, LOVE seeing him in scrubs taking care of patients. Still! He is one of the most confident, tender, compassionate "manly,man" that I have ever met and an amazing Father to our four daughters. I believe that he is a better Dad to our daughters because of his career, due to knowing how to be compassionate and also understanding the physical issues of girls. Hope that helps!

Specializes in Infection Prevention, CIC / BA / LPN.

I am a nurse and my Husband is also a nurse (RN), with a beard and a braid. We have been married for 8 years and together for 15. We met on the job and I LOVE, LOVE seeing him in scrubs taking care of patients. Still! He is one of the most confident, tender, compassionate "manly,man" that I have ever met and an amazing Father to our four daughters. I believe that he is a better Dad to our daughters because of his career, due to knowing how to be compassionate and also understanding the physical issues of girls. Hope that helps!

I was trying to convince my younger brother to go into nursing.

To be young, single, male, and a nurse...what a fun combo.

My male friends and family will sometimes give grief over stereotypes but there is no better place for a young, single, male to be. To be surrounded by women who are independent, educated, and work in an extremely stressful career can have advantages :inlove:

If you want to meet women you go to where the women are.

Specializes in Healthcare risk management and liability.

If you want to meet women you go to where the women are.

I have told my wife that if she dies, I will look for her replacement at Hobby Lobby. I know this because the Hobby Lobby near our house seems to be constantly filled with intelligent, affluent and crafty women. And I know this because my wife makes me go there with her.

Specializes in Home Health, Mental/Behavioral Health.

I find it very fascinating that this topic sparked so many comments. I'm almost inclined to believe that this was not a coincidence that the OP specializes in or is an aspiring psychiatry nursing student? Did we all just fall victim to a case study without even knowing it?? Lol... If it is just a mere coincidence, then i guess I'm just marveling over how many responses and debate this simple topic brought. :eek:

I do not find male nurses attractive. I was married to a man who became one and we divorced shortly after. I would not mind a male nurse taking care of me because most male nurses focus more on the technique than the emotional side of it, but I would never find one attractive. I grew up with a father that was a brick mason, my brother is a brick mason, the other brother is a surveyor. I just consider a man that works inside feminine.

I agree, I just don't think it's necessarily a job for men. They tend to focus on skills (and rock at them), but don't usually have the comforting bedside manner that associate with a female nurse.

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