Do women find male nurses attractive?

Nurses Men



So I'm a young, single, heterosexual male nurse, and I'm well aware that I'm somewhat of a minority, as most nurses are female, and the ones that aren't, are often gay (yes, I know that is just a silly stereotype, and there's nothing wrong with being gay, but that's beside my point).

Thing is, I'm not even remotely feminine- I have a beard, I listen to heavy metal, I climb mountains, I work out, etcetera. But I get paranoid that most people probably perceive me as a little "girly" or "possibly homosexual", when I talk about being a nurse. I feel especially insecure about my masculinity when I'm walking home wearing my uniform past some heavy set dudes doing roadworks or construction or something "manly". Sometimes, I've even lied about studying nursing at uni- I've sometimes said I'm studying engineering, to seem more masculine.

I'm not ashamed of being a nurse- I'm damn proud! But I feel a little insecure due to the silly non-masculine stereotypes associated with my career choice. I'm also single and looking for a girlfriend, but I sense that women might think I'm gay, or unmanly, due to my profession. Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

Anyway, my main question is- ladies, do you find male nurses attractive? Do you like the idea of a man taking care of you? Or does it seem unmanly and unattractive?

Regards - Sykadia

I think men who let little girls paint their nails and such is so very heartwarming and even, dare I say, sexy. Did anyone see the male RN who "married" his preschool sweetheart at an oncology hospital? There is a true man. I love it when I see men holding kids hands and holding fairy wings and wands. I had a good friend and I will never forget seeing him walk out of church, all the way to the car, with his 3 year old's pink purse. She was too busy to carry it herself. I just smiled. To me one of the best men in the world right in front of me. I just wished I had my phone or a camera to get a picture for him and his daughter. Needless to say they have a great relationship. By the way he is an arborist and climbs big trees fro a living. It's on the inside, honey, not the outside.

Good thought, would make a dynamite study. Someone go for it.

I agree, I just don't think it's necessarily a job for men. They tend to focus on skills (and rock at them), but don't usually have the comforting bedside manner that associate with a female nurse.

No evidence to support that. Most of the men I have worked with were strong nurses, very compassionate, gentle and solicitous of the patients. They put up with NO stuff. They were decisive, direct and worked hard. My kind of guy.

Yes, male nurses are attractive, but the transporters are hotter.

I agree, I just don't think it's necessarily a job for men. They tend to focus on skills (and rock at them), but don't usually have the comforting bedside manner that associate with a female nurse.


Tell us more.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho, ASC.
Yes, male nurses are attractive, but the transporters are hotter.

Where have you been, you little flouncer, you!!!!

Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.
Yes, male nurses are attractive, but the transporters are hotter.

NO! We are more attractiver.

I find hard work, determination, intelligence, humor, and a certain level of "geekiness" attractive. Someone who shares my interests in broadway musicals, loves singing Disney songs in the car, cooking/baking together, shopping (really people watching), going to Star Trek conventions, and of course obsessing over the latest Marvel movie is my type of guy. I don't care what his profession is, whether he's a nurse, paramedic, transporter, real estate agent, engineer, musician, or hair stylist. As long as it makes him happy, is honest work, and isn't illegal (like a crime boss or drug dealer), I'm fine with that.

Most of the nurse I work with who are male are already married it seems, but I don't want to date anyone I work with anyway as I want to keep my work and the rest of my life separate. On an unrelated note, I'm surprised this thread is still open. Lots of interesting discussions going on in the previous 20 pages :confused:

I agree, I just don't think it's necessarily a job for men. They tend to focus on skills (and rock at them), but don't usually have the comforting bedside manner that associate with a female nurse.

Wow. You harbor some antiquated views. I sincerely hope from the bottom of my heart that YOU aren't a nurse. With that attitude you'd make a **** one. There is more to being a man than dirty fingernails and smelling of sweat, I assure you.

I do not find male nurses attractive. I was married to a man who became one and we divorced shortly after. I would not mind a male nurse taking care of me because most male nurses focus more on the technique than the emotional side of it, but I would never find one attractive. I grew up with a father that was a brick mason, my brother is a brick mason, the other brother is a surveyor. I just consider a man that works inside feminine.

Did you meet a time machine inventor and come to us from the 1950's? Are you a screenwriter for Mad Men who needs some place to vent after the show wrapped up? If your views on gender are anything to go by, I'd love to hear your views on race.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho, ASC.

I was so hoping that this thread had died....

I was so hoping that this thread had died....

This thread will never die.

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