Do I really need a BSN?

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I'm applying to a ADN program and I really think this is all I need. I already have a Bachelor's degree in Human Biology. I hear that getting your BSN gets you more oppurtunities in management, but I have no interest in management at all. I plan to specialize in pediatrics. So do I really a BSN?

I think right now it depends on where you live. I'm in an ADN program because that's all I could swing on my schedule (I work FT w/ a family and the only nights & weekends program is an ADN) but plan on starting back for my RN-BSN asap after graduating.

In my area the market is sooooo flooded w/ new grads that hospitals (heck even the LTC facilities!) can be very picky about who they hire. If they get two new grads w/ the exact same qualifications and can hire them in for the same pay, but one has a BSN and the other an ADN, you can bet they're going to take the BSN. I know one of my fellow classmates works as a PCT at a local hospital and they told her to not even bother applying for a position after graduation because they're hiring only BSN's at this point.

I also know that here the specialties that are in high demand such as OB, NICU, & peds have always been impossible to get into w/o a BSN no matter how much experience you have and how long you've worked for the facility. They have low turnover and so few openings there are usually a ton of applicants and again, if two people are basically the same expect for that BSN vs ADN, they're taking the BSN.

It could be totally different in your area, but that's what i'm seeing here.

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

BSN's are required for some positions and not for others. So, it will depend on where you live and what jobs interest you.

But it is a big mistake to assume that BSN's are required for management jobs only. A lot of jobs that are not management also may require a BSN. Foe example, you might find that you would like to be a patient educator someday or work in the infection control department, etc. At my hospital, those types of jobs require a BSN even though they are not "management" jobs. Also, the trend is that more and more jobs are requiring a BSN, not less. So, a job that requires only and ADN today might require a BSN in a few years.

So no, you don't need a BSN to practice nursing. However, as time goes by, you will probably find that your choice of jobs narrows if you do not have at least a BSN. That may or may not matter to you depending on what types of jobs interest you.

Specializes in Urgent Care NP, Emergency Nursing, Camp Nursing.

Short answer: No, you don't.

Long answer: You'll probably want it someday for the reasons stated by the other posters. If you can take the extra student loans and coursework for the BSN right off the bat, do it.

Specializes in Psych, EMS.

I am currently in a new grad internship, BSN was a requirement

They accept ASN/ADN/Diploma nurses..but only after they have experience, not for the internship

Know your local market well, the economy is rough, it's a buyer's (employer's) market

A bachelor's, period, opens more doors than a straight ADN.

Specializes in ED.

In my area, most BSNs are getting jobs much easier than the ADNs. There are several students in my BSN program that have degrees in biology too.

Another thing to consider is the time for each program. There are two schools here - one ADN one BSRN. The only difference from start to finish is one year. With your degree in biology, you may only have to take one or two prereqs anyway so you may only have one extra semester anyway. If I were in your shoes, I would look at the time involved. If it is only a mater of a semester or two I'd probably go with the BSN.


Specializes in NICU.

Although it definitely depends on where you live, there is a trend now towards requiring a BSN. Many entry level jobs already require a BSN and it also opens up more doors in the future. If you have the opportunity to get a BSN, I would go for it.

If you anticipate working in the hospital setting it would be to your advantage to obtain the BSN. It would help you to obtain a job, retain a job, or both, during your career.

Specializes in Med/Surg.

Having the BSN can do nothing but help you in your nursing career. Employers can be picky right now because the job market is overflowing with applicants, so I would do anything you can to make yourself more marketable. The BSN route has taken me a while to complete, but when I graduate next May I know that all of this time will be worth it. Good luck.

It probably depends on where you live. From what I've seen around here (NY) there's plenty of opprotunites for RNs. And like you've said a BSN will be good if you want to be manager or something similar, that's one of the reasons why I've decided against it. I was going to keep going but I'm already 30 (not that that's old) and have spent so much time away from my kids due to reading and studying that I don't want to do it anymore. For me being an RN is just fine. Good luck with your decision! :)

I am completing my ADN this fall and can say that experience as a SNI (i student nurse intern in WI) in the ICU is what got me hired over 2 BSN nurse grads....I plan on finishing my BSN next year, but having been in the field was more valuable to my RN manager when it came to hiring me. We have had 4 year-nurses who came in and were totally lost compared to 2 year-nurses and vice-versa.

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