Did you ~EVER~ feel this way??


Ok, here's the deal. I've decided to apply to the nursing degree program in my town for September 2006. I've wanted this FOREVER!! I have felt nursing is for me from a very young age and kept putting it off and made bad choices right out of high school (went to work instead of continuing on with school). Anywhoo....I am married have two wonderful kids and am SO ready for this. I am working on 6 pre-requisites that I need to even apply and will be working my butt off to get done on time to apply in February. And then the self doubt sets in. I consider myself to be a smart person--never applied myself much during my high school years, but that didn't mean I wasn't smart...so this is probably why now...that I am nearing 30 years old and wondering if I'm smart enough to go the nursing route. I remember hating math in high school...loved science...math was not my strong point...but never really tried either. I have been reading, reading, reading, reading posts after posts on this forum, have talked to other nurses I know and here I am sitting at my computer.....big decision to be made....I so want this--but lack the self esteem to an extent!!!!!! I hear words like pathology, pharmacology math, anatomy etc. etc. etc. millions of drug names and what they do and wonder....am I SMART enough!!!?????!!!!!!

I'm going nuts!! Please don't skip over this post. I need to know how you felt and how you have surprised yourself as the classes went by. I'm not a kid anymore and I have a family involved (who are very supportive). I want this so bad, but am missing "something" self belief???!?!?!?!?!?

Thanks in advance--!

First of all I think it's GREAT that you want to go back to school! WONDERFUL!

Don't doubt yourself, you'll be more successful if you BELIEVE you can do it. And you can!

When I was in Nursing school... my class ranged from 18-55 year olds, married, divorced, single, kids, no kids... you name it! And guess what... EVERY ONE of them made it through nursing school, and just about ALL of them passed their NCLEX on the 1st try.

Nursing School can be difficult, but if you are willing to put time and effort into it, then you will succeed. If you have trouble with a class, don't be afraid to ask for help, get a tutor, have your kids make you flash cards, your family can help you too!

As I said, believe in yourself and you can achieve anything! BEST OF LUCK TO YOU!


Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

OH yea I felt that way...

and I surprised myself w/my abilities as I went thru school and on to graduate.

All I can say is that confidence comes with achievement. Believing in yourself and your ability to succeed will increase with every success (small and large) that you allow yourself to experience. Take it one class at a time, or even one exam at a time, and let those moments grow.

I try to remind myself that if I don't give it my all I'll never know just who I might have been.

I feel that way :uhoh21: as I'm starting my nursing course in 8 days. I have 3 lil ones and am married and am almost 29 years old, so very similiar situation to yours. I have that self doubt that you are speaking of, so I can empathize. however I think the "what if" would be worse later on down the line wondering if I could have obtained my dream of nursing had I just even tried would be much worse than the self doubt I feel now.

I think that you can do it. You want it, so go for it! :)

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho.

There are a lot of us "late bloomers" out there. I had worked a dead end job for 13 years, had 3 little kids and was scared to death. I got delt a hand that forced me to go ahead and put myself out there and see if i could do it. I did and i learned how to learn again and i made it and i passed boards and i work fulltime now. You can do it too.

I think everyone at one point in time has sat down and said the exact same things to themselves you just wrote about. I'm about to start nursing school in about a week and a half. I'm scared and a little bit anxious to see how everything is going to be.....but I'm also excited to see where this can take me.

Believe in yourself and your dreams.....you can accomplish anything! Don't give in to the self-doubt! Much luck!!!

my only but huge fears were the sciences. yet i knew i'd hate myself if i never tried, always wondering 'what if'. so i entered nsg school w/a can-do attitude and did it, also w/3 small ones at home. determination can bring you places you've never dreamed possible.

so yeah, fears/apprehension is normal. but you know you're intelligent. that alone shows a confidence that will bring you far.

much luck to you.


Specializes in RETIRED Cath Lab/Cardiology/Radiology.

You're more mature than when you were in high school, you know about applying yourself (you have to set limits w/the kids and budget time and money), you know how to buckle down and do what needs to be done --------- in short, you'll probably do fantastic, as you are motivated and WAY more ready than you probably would have been if you'd started fresh out of high school. Others, who KNOW they want to go to nursing school from even before HS graduation, will probably do well too (I went straight to NS from HS ------ but 30 yr ago, in the Dark Ages, before care plans! LOL!).

Point is, it's YOUR choice, and you're motivated. YOU CAN DO IT!! (so many on this BB are living proof, making it through NS with similar backgrounds)

Keep us informed!!

Specializes in Med-Surg, Geriatric, Behavioral Health.

Self esteem and self efficacy (having the belief that one can perform) often go hand in hand...but, it quite often takes placing yourself in that experience first and seeing it happen for yourself. Don't sabotage your dream by your doubts. "Believe you can Achieve"!!!!! I wish you the best.

Yes! I know exactly how you feel. I didn't graduate until I was 27, and I don't regret it at all. I also didn't apply myself in high school, hated math but loved science and I graduated with my BSN with HONORS! I'm proud of the fact that I did it while being a wife, mom, and working full time during the majority of it as well.

You CAN do it, so please don't doubt yourself. Many of us have been through a lot of your life's path, so please have faith in yourself, and just go for it! I think the nursing profession will benefit greatly by having someone like you added to its ranks :)

Take care and good luck!


Specializes in Med-Surg.

You will never know if you don't try. Don't let fear and self-doubt keep you from trying.

Practically on a daily basis prior to school and during I questioned if I had what it took to become a nurse.

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