Current co-workers asking where your new job is.

Nurses Relations


I have just accepted a new nursing position at another hospital. I have been very unhappy in my current job and have been wanting to leave for a few months. Where I work now I really don't trust the management as far as I could throw them. I live in a fairly decent sized city here in Michigan and there are tons of hospitals and clinics for nurses to work at. Some hospitals make you give a month notice upon resignation and unfortunately my job is one of them. On my application for my new job, when asked if the new organization could contact my current job, I checked no.

The day I found out I got my new job I gave my unit manager my resignation (not mentioning where I was going to go work and she didn't ask) but didn't tell anyone else. Well news apparently travels fast and by the end of the day, I had about 3 coworkers saying to me, "I heard you are leaving. Where are you going to go work?" The problem is...I don't want to tell them. Maybe I am paranoid but I don't trust my current managers to not try to ruin a new job for me, or some of my co-workers, who don't want you to leave or are just being catty to be saying, "Oh I heard that's a terrible place to work. You'll regret going there." I have seen my bosses try to get people in trouble for any little thing (which is one of the main reasons I am leaving) and I just don't want them to know where I am going because I don't think it's really any of their business.

I have a month to be asked this same question. How would you handle it if you didn't want your current bosses or co-workers knowing where you were going to go work?

Specializes in LTC.

I'd say..None of yer danged bizness.

Just remember if you tell just one person that cat is out of the bag and it will be everywhere instantly. You have complete right to refuse to tell anyone anything about the situation that you do not chose to tell them. Go for it.

Relax, most people are asking out of polite curiosity. Nothing more devious than that. It's the natural question when someone is leaving. What are they supposed to say - "good riddance"? So, I'd go with 'I'm not sure yet", or the truth. Nurses change hospitals all the time, most colleagues are curious if the grass is greener somewhere else, and will wish you well.

Just say: "I'd rather not discuss that. Why, are you looking for a new job too?" :D

Specializes in Peds Homecare.

Love Ann Landers old stock answer, "Why do you ask?"

Specializes in Operating Room.

It's none of their business where your new job is..I've also seen people trying to sabatoge new opportunities for others. IMO, the less coworkers know about your life, the better.

Specializes in New PACU RN.

I'd rather lie than say 'none of your business'. That's pretty rude - and good luck having a nice couple of shifts before you leave. So many answers would suffice 'I'm not sure yet, I'm deciding between a couple of areas, I'm taking a little break' then change the subject.

Specializes in New PACU RN.
It's none of their business where your new job is..I've also seen people trying to sabotage new opportunities for others. IMO, the less coworkers know about your life, the better.

How did they do that?

Specializes in Med-surge, hospice, LTC, tele, rehab.
How did they do that?

My guess is if your current backstabber boss happened to know someone who works at your new job, the evil person that she is :lol2: may call them and tell lies about you or badmouth you in some way. I know that this is not legal but I'm sure it's probably been done.

Specializes in Med-surge, hospice, LTC, tele, rehab.

Thanks everyone for your advice and suggestions. I have been using the "I'm not sure yet. I've had a couple of different offers" response and then trying to change the subject. I'm sure my coworkers are for the most part just trying to be polite and are curious when they ask, but there are a couple of them there that I don't trust, the main one being my unit manager. And you know that if one person knows, they will all know within a day or so. Like I said, I may just be a bit paranoid, but I'd rather be safe than sorry when it comes to people I don't trust.

Specializes in Critical Care; Cardiac; Professional Development.

I think it is wise of you to politely deflect and continue to avoid discussing it.


You are right in not telling anyone. Like you, I'm sure that most are just being polite, but better safe that sorry.

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