Commuting to clinicals from 1 hr away??


Hi all!

So I'm currently making my class/clinical schedule for fall 2019. A lot of my class/lab days are already long, and clinicals start at 7 am. Thing is, I commute from about 45 minutes to 1 hour away from the clinical setting locations. That means I'll have to be up by 5:15 in order to be out the door by 6:00 to arrive in time by 7:00. I'm just a little concerned because literally everyone has been telling me about how intense junior year is going to be, and the commute isn't going to make things any easier.

I might be a wimp, but does anyone/did anyone ever commute that far for clinicals? If so, how did you guys manage? Is it that bad? Any tips from any nursing commuters?

Thanks!!! :)

My commute so some clinical sites is 1.5 hrs. I have to get up at 4 to be there by 6.

You can record lectures from class and listen to them.

Spotify on the phone and a Bluetooth gizmo in the car are good.

An hour isn't bad at all.

After I almost was killed on the freeway during one of my hour and a half + commutes for clinical one time, I was told by my unsympathetic clinical instructor to book a motel room the night before. While she made no effort to pay for my hotel accommodations, her recommendation turned out to be a solution that worked for me, but only because I had enough credit available on my credit cards to be able to do this at that particular time.

40 minutes ago, caliotter3 said:

After I almost was killed on the freeway during one of my hour and a half + commutes for clinical one time, I was told by my unsympathetic clinical instructor to book a motel room the night before. While she made no effort to pay for my hotel accommodations, her recommendation turned out to be a solution that worked for me, but only because I had enough credit available on my credit cards to be able to do this at that particular time.

Done that too. I'm in Colorado and when it looked like a blizzard was hitting my town, but not where I had to drive to, I'd get a cheap hotel the night before near the hospital-- thus avoiding starting a whiny thread titled "late to clinical and flunking" or "missed 2 clinicals because snow and dropped from program! HELP!"

I second the people advising getting a motel/hotel room. I've always used Priceline's Name Your Own Price thing and have gotten some great deals. I would strongly suggest looking into this because sometimes the rates are way better than what the published rate is on the hotel's website.

This was many years ago, but once I submitted a bid of $35/nt for a motel room for a Ramada Inn in a small town. It got accepted. I saw the regular rate on their website was $69/nt. Basically, I got it at half price! I'm not going say you'll always get great deals like this, but they are out there.

Specializes in EMS, ED, Trauma, CEN, CPEN, TCRN.

Yep. I lived in the DC area when I was in paramedic school. Everything was a lengthy commute! My paramedic clinicals were all over the Northern Virginia and DC area in several different hospitals - Inova Fairfax, Inova Alexandria, Washington Hospital Center, Medstar, Fort Belvoir, etc. And to top it off, I lived an hour west of DC. I found it helpful to listen to relevant audio lessons - this was before podcasts, but that is what I would do now. ?

Holy moley! I don't have it as bad as I thought at all! An hour and a half away, and clinical starting at 6?! My commute is a trip down the street in comparison

Thanks for the tips, especially the hotel suggestions. My area gets a lot of snow, so booking a hotel in the winter is inevitable.

Specializes in Adult Primary Care.

You could also ask if any other classmates have to travel that far and see if they want to share a room.

Specializes in Med/Surg.

There's a student in my class that lives like 1-1:15 away from the school further upstate...depending upon site, tack on another 20-30 mins. I remember when she was in my clinical group second semester, unless she hit the highway well before 5:30am there was a ton of traffic. And we're in the NYC "metro" area in Connecticut. Traffic is horrendous here. I know of a few classmates that were super close and crashed at eachothers' apartments. If you're cool with someone like that, that may work. A cheapish hotel room may have to do in a pinch.

Sometimes ya gotta just roll with the punches.

Thanks for the all suggestions!!

Specializes in Oncology.

Other idea is to see if you have a friend closer to the clinical site and see if you would be able to stay there once in a while. I did that for a clinical that was 2 hours away. I would buy her dinner as payment. We would study the night before and actually had fun while doing it.

Specializes in Fertility, OBGYN, GYN ONC.
On 3/28/2019 at 11:12 AM, kkbb said:

Other idea is to see if you have a friend closer to the clinical site and see if you would be able to stay there once in a while. I did that for a clinical that was 2 hours away. I would buy her dinner as payment. We would study the night before and actually had fun while doing it.

A few students in our class did this. They would have sleepovers the night before and then only have a 20-30 min commute and then drive the hour home. We also had one student who would drive up after class and spend the night in a hotel so she'd be 5 mins away. Not everyone has the money or the time for that though lol. I would have to be up by 4:45 just to leave no later than 5:10 to get through the snow and be there by 6:45 so i could start at 7. You'll be ok if you have to make the drive. Some people record lectures and listen to them so they can study. It makes for a long day, but it's worth it.

I hope your clinical is one day a week. Two long days with over an hour commute is tough.

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