C'Mon Now!

Specialties School

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Had a kid bring his wet, bloody tooth and plop it right on my desk.

C'mon now!

Or the kid that did running knee slide into my office.

C'mon now!

The ones old enough to cover their mouths but choose to cough right in your face instead.

All together: C'mon now!!

Some things just make me shake my head.

Specializes in School nursing.
Teacher: Do you have any anti-diarrheal medication

Me: No, we don't stock medication

Teacher: Are you sure you don't have some in your purse?

Me: No.

Really, just because I am a nurse -I am responsible for carrying a pharmacy in my purse????

I get this asked of me all the time...


Staff asks me for cold medication and allergy medication, despite the fact that I have sent emails that I stock neither of these things.

And I get asked ALL the time if I have an ice pack handy when I happen to be out of the my office going to check my mailbox or something else of the like. Nope, I do not carry my office around with me, folks. I always get a sigh in response. C'mon!

Staff asks me for cold medication and allergy medication, despite the fact that I have sent emails that I stock neither of these things.

And I get asked ALL the time if I have an ice pack handy when I happen to be out of the my office going to check my mailbox or something else of the like. Nope, I do not carry my office around with me, folks. I always get a sigh in response. C'mon!

YESSSSS!!! I have been asked for q-tips while pushing a kid down the hall in a wheelchair. Now, I have a lot of stuff in my pockets but C'MON NOW!!! And these are supposed ADULTS??????

Specializes in School nursing.

This morning a teacher sends me a student that accidentally ate a hersey kiss with the wrapper on "just in case."

Student is a MS student, googled that he would be fine, told teacher he was fine, had 0 symptoms, and yet teacher still sent him.

All I could tell him was not to do it again, which he agreed as he'd learned his lesson as it did not taste good.

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

the thought of the metal wrapper of my fillings... uggggghhhh.

Specializes in Cardiology, School Nursing, General.

We literally have a Walgreens (Pharmacy) across the street from us, if the teachers need something and I don't have it, I just tell them to go across the street during their break.

Specializes in Med-surg, school nursing..

First day back after 6 days off from snow and MLK day. Nuff said there.

There was a spelling bee. I would've been out after the first word. Seriously, those words were freaking ridiculous.

I had to stop buying good snacks out of pocket. Way too many repeat visitors

Specializes in retired LTC.
the thought of the metal wrapper of my fillings... uggggghhhh.

This is exactly what I thought of first!!!

Next thought was about waiting for the results to pass! Should be interesting for the student. Hope he flushes!

Specializes in ICU/community health/school nursing.
I had to stop buying good snacks out of pocket. Way too many repeat visitors

MacGill sells a giant box of prepackaged saltines!! Two to a package, enough for a whole year. I imagine you could get this cheaper at a restaurant supply place but I am replacing my offering of whole wheat goldfish with these babies. I'll let you know how it works.

Specializes in Home Health,Dialysis, MDS, School Nurse.

My daily med kids know I switch up my usual bowl of goldfish crackers with holiday/seasonal items for a few weeks around the holidays. One asked yesterday when I was going to put in valentine hearts! Come On now kid its still January!!

Specializes in School nursing.
MacGill sells a giant box of prepackaged saltines!! Two to a package, enough for a whole year. I imagine you could get this cheaper at a restaurant supply place but I am replacing my offering of whole wheat goldfish with these babies. I'll let you know how it works.

Enough for the year? I'm 3/4 way through a box from them already. I have way too many kids that do not eat breakfast in MS and HS.

Specializes in ICU/community health/school nursing.
Enough for the year? I'm 3/4 way through a box from them already. I have way too many kids that do not eat breakfast in MS and HS.

You are a kind woman!! If the kid comes right after breakfast I can usually go "borrow' something from the cafeteria for them. The lunch ladies and lunch dudes....I love them.

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