C'Mon Now!

Specialties School

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Had a kid bring his wet, bloody tooth and plop it right on my desk.

C'mon now!

Or the kid that did running knee slide into my office.

C'mon now!

The ones old enough to cover their mouths but choose to cough right in your face instead.

All together: C'mon now!!

Some things just make me shake my head.

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

nope that cell phone will be turned off!

Well. We made it to January without a lice issue and it finally happened. I now get the pleasure of typing up a letter to inform all of the parents of this class about said lice. :sniff: I am not, however, looking forward to the slew of calls of panic that we are about to receive in the next few days regarding this letter we get to distribute.

C'mon now, Texas....was it REALLY necessary to add fuel to the fire in relation to the touchy subject of lice?!? :wtf:

Well we've got a fun new stomach bug at the school. I've had three kids vomit in my office. One little guy projectile vomited on my desk and all over the garbage can. Excuse me while I repeatedly sanitize everything.

Ug! That's the worst! A few years ago we had a big old stomach bug where I sent home 10 kids on a 3 hour day! the next day 150 kids were called in sick! I learned my lesson on sending out an email about a stomach bug...

I received a phone call right when I walked in

"My son saw the doctor yesterday and tested positive for Strep throat. He didn't have a fever so I sent him on the bus this morning. I'll drop off his prescription later today for you to give it to him."


Oh, good lord!!!!!

Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.
Well. We made it to January without a lice issue and it finally happened. I now get the pleasure of typing up a letter to inform all of the parents of this class about said lice. :sniff: I am not, however, looking forward to the slew of calls of panic that we are about to receive in the next few days regarding this letter we get to distribute.

C'mon now, Texas....was it REALLY necessary to add fuel to the fire in relation to the touchy subject of lice?!? :wtf:

i made it to January too - then i had a few random cases and a few in a family. I need to send out a letter if I find in in a classroom, so i was surprised i hadn't had mass hysteria with the few letters i already had to send then with finding the last 2 cases which while was contained to a family hit both of my schools. I decided to be a wily old bat and send a winter newsletter so i could add things like a reminder about sick policy, dressing warm, it's okay for the kids to bring a chapstick but not to share it,drinks lots of water, that kids of stuff then in the end i slipped in the bit about lice and attached a flier from NASN. Will they read it? Who knows. The phone hasn't rung yet. But my butt is covered.

Specializes in Cardiology, School Nursing, General.

I called parent that child has 100.9 fever... they come super scared thinking they had a 109 fever. :/

Specializes in School.

Little Darling (FF with attitude): Can I rest with a heating pad for a few minutes? I have had lower abdomen pain ALL DAY. (really trying to play it up by bending over and having a pained look on her face.)

Me: (after checking her schedule) No. You were marked absent from this period and its been happening ALL DAY. I don't let people use heating pad during core classes.

LD: (as she storms out of the office) What use is it to come to the nurse when they wont do anything.

Me: (Calls the teacher and let her know she is coming back. Had to reassure teacher student was not going to vomit in her class since this was an ALL DAY thing.)

C'mon Now.

Little Darling (FF with attitude): Can I rest with a heating pad for a few minutes? I have had lower abdomen pain ALL DAY. (really trying to play it up by bending over and having a pained look on her face.)

Me: (after checking her schedule) No. You were marked absent from this period and its been happening ALL DAY. I don't let people use heating pad during core classes.

LD: (as she storms out of the office) What use is it to come to the nurse when they wont do anything.

Me: (Calls the teacher and let her know she is coming back. Had to reassure teacher student was not going to vomit in her class since this was an ALL DAY thing.)

C'mon Now.

Was it cramps? When I worked at the JH level, I would let the girls come to use the heating pad for the last part of their lunch and tell them to take something in the morning the next day :nod:

Specializes in School.
Was it cramps? When I worked at the JH level, I would let the girls come to use the heating pad for the last part of their lunch and tell them to take something in the morning the next day :nod:

I don't think so. This LD has a history of avoiding this class. She could have come during 3 other classes or lunch, but did not until the last class of the day. I have in the past let her rest with heating pad during lunch and electives. Called the teacher after school and asked how she did and teacher said the LD ended up going to the principal's office after trying to come to my office.

Called the teacher after school and asked how she did and teacher said the LD ended up going to the principal's office after trying to come to my office.

I love that the students seem to think that the staff don't communicate and catch on to these things...

Teacher: Do you have any anti-diarrheal medication

Me: No, we don't stock medication

Teacher: Are you sure you don't have some in your purse?

Me: No.

Really, just because I am a nurse -I am responsible for carrying a pharmacy in my purse????

I get this asked of me all the time...


Specializes in school nursing, ortho, trauma.

i got asked for hearing aid batteries this am. i told the person (who i love - great co worker!) that even if i did have them they would be older than the hills and probably the wrong size. We have a pharmacy literally a 1 minute car drive away. She can go on her lunch if she wants.

Specializes in School Nurse, past Med Surge.
Well we've got a fun new stomach bug at the school. I've had three kids vomit in my office. One little guy projectile vomited on my desk and all over the garbage can. Excuse me while I repeatedly sanitize everything.

I keep telling myself I need to have a change of clothes or set of scrubs here...just in case. Gotta get that done.

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