What's New in this Club

New to the OR? Feeling overwhelmed? Recently off orientation and have some tips to share? Join! Clubs

  1. What's new in this club
  2. Rose_Queen

    How’s everyone doing?

    Welcome KC!
  3. KC M.

    How’s everyone doing?

    Hey! I'm new to the OR. I'm on my 2nd month of orientation and I cannot believe only 2 months has passed since I started. I'm aware that this was posted 2 years ago... but how are you? 🙂
  4. Nursing Student Need a Interview Volunteer

    Hello everyone, Im a nursing student who is just doing her first semester of prerequisites, the reason I am making this post is for one of my classes. I have a project that requires me to study a community of my choosing, and I have chosen this one. ...
  5. Rose_Queen

    AORN Expo 2020

    OR nurses, are you taking advantage of the Virtual AORN Expo this year that is free to all members? Those of you who are Periop 101 students or graduates, don’t forget the course includes a free year of AORN membership! Check out all these resources,...
  6. Rose_Queen

    How’s everyone doing?

    Who here recently started in the OR? Are you finding it to be what you expected? Are there things you struggle with? Let’s talk it out!
  7. AORN Periop101

    I have experience as a Periop 101 student as well as an administrator and now I work for AORN helping facilities understand and implement Periop 101! Let me know if you want to chat about it!
  8. Rose_Queen

    AORN Periop101

    How many are in facilities that utilize the AORN Periop101 program? Looking for feedback on how it is structured, schedules, and how many times a year it’s offered.
  9. Safe temperature and humidity

    Thank you for your response Rose_Queen. My charge did notify our maintenance department as soon as I brought up the change in temperature and humidity. I am not sure if IC was informed. I did fill out a variance report once we were finished. Unfortun...
  10. Rose_Queen

    Safe temperature and humidity

    AORN Guidelines actually do list the appropriate temperature and humidity in the Design and Maintenance guideline. Within the OR, temperatures should be maintained between 68 and 75 degrees and humidity should be maintained between 20% and 60%. If th...
  11. Safe temperature and humidity

    Good morning! I am looking for information on safe temperature and humidity ratings in the OR. I live in south Texas and just like most of the country right now it is very hot. Last night, right before I was to take back a patient for an orbital/maxi...
  12. Orientation

    For where I am in a small, rural facility, we are preceptored for our perioperative program (approx 12 weeks) and then set free on two ORs. We scrub, circulate, and work PACU in rotation. It's nice because you get to switch it up.
  13. Rose_Queen


    For where I am, it varies based on which location a new hire is assigned to. Some locations are a single specialty and receive 12 weeks of orientation. Those that cover multiple specialties receive a 22 week orientation. Current staffing model is tha...
  14. Sassy-RN


    Out of curiosity, how much have you all received for new OR nurse orientation?