RickyRescueRN BSN, RN

ICU, Trauma, CCT,Emergency, Flight, OR Nursing

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About RickyRescueRN

RickyRescueRN has 28 years experience as a BSN, RN and specializes in ICU, Trauma, CCT,Emergency, Flight, OR Nursing.

South African trained RN, American Citizen & proud of it! Ambitious, driven, believe in old fashioned nursing Ethos & Professional Practice/ values. Stickler for High standards.Believe caring is the basis for being a nurse.  Past-President of Air and Surface Transport Nurses Association (ASTNA.org). Enjoying my new specialty as a Neurosurgery OR scrub RN & circulator.

Latest Activity

  1. RickyRescueRN

    Team Member Introduction Order

    There is not any order in introductions where I work. The surgeon (Resident, Fellow or Attending ) usually leads the time out so they might introduce themselves first, then it typically goes around the room . Circulator, Scrub nurse, anesthesia resid...
  2. RickyRescueRN

    Operating room call to cover staff on leave

    At my hospital, when call opens up for all the service lines, it is picked up by most staff. Any slots that are not taken, are then mandated to those who didn't pick up any call and then in reverse seniority until all the call is allocated. Call is a...
  3. RickyRescueRN

    Fluid Management During shortage

    Only be guided and practice according to your specific institutions policies and not by what agency staff are telling you is being done elsewhere. Your license is at stake, not to mention the life of your patient . Always follow MFU's and hospital po...
  4. RickyRescueRN

    RN looking to do OR nursing

    I agree with Rose_queen. There is no way a RN without any OR /surgical nursing background can survive and be safe after an 8 week training period. Most training programs are 6months to a year for nurses new to the specialty. I urge you to get more de...
  5. The theaters at most large hospitals usually start at 06:30am with day shift. Then round 9am and again at 11am additional nurses start in order to give morning and lunch breaks (at least that is how it is here in California where all breaks are state...
  6. Hi there! I trained as a RN in South Africa back 32 yrs ago and after having worked in. the US in Flight and Critical Care Transport nursing , I joined the OR/ Theatre at my hospital 5 yrs ago. You have a strong grounding in theatre nursing so you sh...
  7. RickyRescueRN

    Legal nurse consultants

    See my latest response to another poster asking the same question. Lots of advice I posted there.
  8. RickyRescueRN

    Legal nurse consulting

    Let me just say that taking these expensive courses DO NOT guarantee you a job. I have been a LNC for the past 9years and never took the courses or certification exams and always have had a steady number of cases that I work on. Granted, I work full ...
  9. RickyRescueRN

    Anyone ever feel bored?

    Yes, I do sometimes feel bored when I circulate long (8-14hrs) cases , but that is why I switch it up scrubbing on cases during the week ( usually scrub 1-2 shifts and circulate 1 shift). I definitely find that I have to focus alot more when scrubbin...
  10. RickyRescueRN

    Bombshell Article by Bloomberg Businessweek

    As a RN with 32yrs of experience in Critical Care, Emergency & Trauma Nursing, Flight and Transport Nursing and now OR nursing ; it astounds me that someone can walk in with no medical experience, take an accelerated masters degree as an ACNP and...
  11. RickyRescueRN

    Tips/Advice for New OR Nurse

    YouTube is a great resource when wanting to learn the nature of the surgeries that you will be circulating/ scrubbing. Lots of great material there. Surgical Tech Tips was my go to years ago when learning the scrub role and all that that encompasses....
  12. RickyRescueRN

    HIPAA Violation?

    No you did not commit a HIPPA violation as your co worker was not a patient there; you did not ask what treatment they were undergoing and most importantly , you did not look them up in your EMR which is trackable .
  13. RickyRescueRN

    Absent Nurse Manager/Perianesthsia Director

    If you and your colleagues are that demoralized and sick and tired of being worked to the bone with zero support from your manager and upper administration, then vote with your feet and walk! Plenty of other nursing jobs out there that will do better...
  14. This hospital is cutting their Trauma Program (will no longer be a Trauma center) in addition to cutting their STEMI and Stroke programs as well. No longer a STEMI or Stroke receiving center. Given that all this is happening by the end of August this...
  15. RickyRescueRN

    help! Australia nurse to Nevada, OB requirement

    I was just reading another post on this where it stated that Australian trained RNs are generally short on didactic and clinical hours for Maternal Health / OB and pediatrics and that is a huge disadvantage for obtaining a license in many states. I h...