Best Way to Learn Spanish?



I work in a hospital that has many Spanish speaking pts. Does anyone know the best way to learn Spanish? I don't need to master the whole Spanish language...I just need to be able to communicate with my pts while caring for them. Does anyone know any books or audio CDs that are useful for medical professions to use?

Thank you!

There's a medical Spanish book in the Incredibly Easy series:

Also, here's the more general Amazon search. See which books are most highly-rated:

Be sure to check Youtube to see if anyone has put up any videos about Medical Spanish.

Good luck!

I'm going to use Rosetta Stone to try and learn. I've heard nothing but positive feedback on there language learning programs.

Specializes in critical care, PACU.

Does anyone know about a program that certifies you at the end. I'd like to learn medical spanish but want a legit company to put on my resume.

Try checking into the Adult Education courses at your local community college. Our college offers a spanish course for healthcare proffessionals. It is considererd an Adult Education course.

Yale University Press publishes a good book on Spanish for health care workers. It comes with a CD to help you with pronounciation:

This is the one that I had, ¿Que Paso?: An English-Spanish Guide for Medical Personnel (Spanish Edition) by Martin P. Kantrowitz, but I gave it to my brother when he moved to LA for his residency.

What if you start watching Univision? The captions are also in Spanish, if you enable them.

Specializes in critical care, PACU.
What if you start watching Univision? The captions are also in Spanish, if you enable them.

If that is a joke... you're funny :yeah:

Specializes in SNU/SNF/MedSurg, SPCU Ortho/Neuro/Spine.

just come to florida or cali!

I homeschool and we use Rosetta Stone. We also use this It's FREE!!! Hope this helps.

A +1 for using Rosetta Stone. All others pale in comparison. Books are useless, drill based junk 99% of the time. I learned Arabic with Rosetta Stone in about 6 months. So I'm pretty sure you can learn something as easy as Spanish with it.

OR.... make some mexican friends. I learned alot of Espanol from all of the mexican, and a few south american Marines I worked with. Most are very friendly, accomodating, hard working, and kind people.

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