Are you an introvert or extrovert?

Nurses Relations


I am a new nurse, immersed in a new (nursing) culture.

Most of my coworkers seem outspoken and very extroverted, however we have a few 'quiet leaders' on the unit.

All of the personality testing I have done puts me just on the brink - between extrovert and introvert.

I am left wondering...are most nurses extovert or introvert?

What do you think?

Specializes in School Nursing.
being extroverted would mean (to me) their life is an open book: no hidden agendas.

no implications towards those who are introverted.


I would disagree. There are many extroverts who are decidedly NOT open books, and who do have hidden agendas. Bill Clinton springs to mind! Extrovertedness has nothing to do with morals, ethics or "hiding" anything. It simply means an outgoing, gregarious or talkative person. Most polititians are extroverts and we can probably all agree that there are some who do have hidden agendas and whose lives are not open books! :chuckle

I am very extroverted. I am out.I have no hidden agendas in life. I am out and life is wonderful. My GREEN lifestyle is very evident in a lot of things that I do, and enjoy, and live by.

I would disagree. There are many extroverts who are decidedly NOT open books, and who do have hidden agendas. Bill Clinton springs to mind! Extrovertedness has nothing to do with morals, ethics or "hiding" anything. It simply means an outgoing, gregarious or talkative person. Most polititians are extroverts and we can probably all agree that there are some who do have hidden agendas and whose lives are not open books! :chuckle

no purple, you're misunderstanding.

i was only referencing the above post (Iam46...), and what i think she meant.

i certainly do not think that of all extroverts.

your example of politicians, comes to mind as well.


Specializes in School Nursing.
no purple, you're misunderstanding.

i was only referencing the above post (Iam46...), and what i think she meant.

i certainly do not think that of all extroverts.

your example of politicians, comes to mind as well.


Whoops, sorry I misunderstood :doh:

Specializes in med-surg, teaching, cardiac, priv. duty.

Oops...I really didn't mean to "start" anything! haha... I think us introverts (at least I am speaking for myself) can be a tad "defensive" at times because we go through life being misunderstood from time to time. When you are a quieter and contemplative type of person, people sometimes think you are unhappy or snobby or hiding something. Nothing could be farther from the truth for me. Just because I am not bubbly, outgoing, and with a big smile on my face doesn't mean I am not happy. I enjoy life a lot! I am also a very open and honest person, sometimes to a fault! But I am more likely to share when one-on-one, or in a small group of people, or around people I have known a long time and feel comfortable with....

Full-on extrovert here . Married to a complete introvert

Specializes in Alzheimer's, Geriatrics, Chem. Dep..

Well I am an introvert (altho I talk a lot on here!) This means I don't sit around and talk at work, but rather, find work to do. It means that when I go to lunch, I prefer to go when no one else is in the break room.

Doesn't mean I will be rude and not talk if somebody is around, it just means that I gather my energy by being by myself rather than by absorbing other people's energies. This is partly why nursing can be exhausting for me and why I don't need or want to socialize a lot when I am off duty, because I get plenty of people contact when I'm at work and don't really want MORE.

That doesn't explain though why one of the first things I do when I get home is jump online!

Mostly introverted with a streak of extrovert in me. That comes out in work and with patients. But when I sit down to do my work at the nurse's station, I pretty much just sit there and get my charting done. There are some nurses that talk, talk, talk all the time.

When I home, I enjoy my alone time! In fact, I need to be alone to recharge my batteries.

Overall, I'm more of a listener, quiet, and definitely contemplative. Growing up, on the shy side. I've come out of my shell but I still like to crawl back in there every now and then.

Specializes in Alzheimer's, Geriatrics, Chem. Dep..

Correct definition! Often confused with personality types...I'm an introvert to the core....but my personality is very out going and often gregarious. Thanks for the heads up to everyone about this term. Blessings,


I always wondered why I could be such a social butterfly at times, but yet "need" to be by myself a lot! Thanks!

I always wondered why I could be such a social butterfly at times, but yet "need" to be by myself a lot! Thanks!


that does explain a lot.

not that i'm a social butterfly, but could certainly talk a dog from a meat wagon...

yet i need, WANT my time alone.

very contradictive qualities, which i'm sure you understand, zoe.

but yes, that post does make a lot of sense.


Specializes in Endoscopy.

Introvert here too. Sometimes I hear more info from quieter people/patients than other staff. Glad to know we can fill a niche.

I can relate to the writer who said it can get a little lonely - when you're not actively engaged in all of the chatty conversations, you can get left out of stuff because it is assumed you're not interested. Introvert doesn't mean anti-social, it just means that the relative solitude is what re-energizes you!

i like the subject of this thread. upon reading these comments, i was kinda relieve bec. i finally found people who are like me..i think i am really an introvert but at times i notice that i really hate being one prolly because i have such a low self esteem. that's why i really work hard to be an extrovert. but most the people around me really liked me. i dont know if thats because i appear happy most of the time or prolly because im a mixture of both worlds? but i guess its good to be at the neutral side, meaning that at times you have to exert an effort to be at the middle.because thats what i do and it works. but at the end , you have to love what you do and you should know who the real you.

Specializes in Rodeo Nursing (Neuro).
Uh....I am sure you did not mean it like it sounds. But the insinuation seems to be that introverts have a "hidden agenda"?? I am not offended and not meaning to create a debate. But I don't think people who are introverted all have hidden agenda's. We are just more contemplative. We spend more time deeply thinking and pondering things. Most of us have nothing to hide...We just think more than we talk.

I'm a bit of an oddball though. I am very introverted, yet I also have an adventure streak and like to experience new things. I live life to the fullest.

Out of curiosity, I was not sure what you meant by "GREEN" lifestyle?

I'm an extravert. I enjoy the company of others. I tend to seek the approval of others, and my desire to please people is often helpful in patient satisfaction. But extraversion does not equal shallow, or hyper.

I'm probably the most self aware person I know, read "popular" works on physics, cognitive theory, psych, and philosophy for pleasure. I enjoy conversation, bawdy humor, birdwatching, and cuddling with my cats. I like--I need--a certain amount of quiet time, but I tend to look more outwardly than inwardly for stimulation. I seem to do pretty well with agitated patients, perhaps in part because I'm attuned to what they are feeling.

Intro-- or extra-- are not moral values, and I don't think I've ever known anyone who was all one or the other.

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