Are we better than the hosts of The View?

Nurses General Nursing


It's clear that the hosts of the view are poorly informed about what nurses do, and that they completely missed what was so great about Miss Colorado's monologue.


I've seen hundreds of comments from angry healthcare workers - both nurses and other professionals. Most have been appropriate.

But I've also read posts calling Michelle and her co-hosts "cows", ones that call her "butt ugly", and ones that even quip that her sex-reassignment surgery clearly had poor results.

Seriously? Shame on the ones that wrote those comments. They are doing NOTHING to promote nurses as professionals worthy of respect.

Please think before posting and commenting on sites like facebook and twitter (and here) with your feelings about what was said on The View. Your comments are a reflection on our profession and when posters sink to that level it only hurts the cause.

Specializes in MICU, SICU, CICU.

A comedian and a co-host on the view. She is the one who started all of this. I had never heard of her before today myself.

A comedian and a co-host on the view.

Ah, so she is just fanning the flame? Smart move. At least nurses are getting publicity and recognition for what they ACTUALLY do now.

Ah, so she is just fanning the flame? Smart move. At least nurses are getting publicity and recognition for what they ACTUALLY do now.

Prescribe yourself a Valium. ????

This woman is digging her own hole.

Prescribe yourself a Valium. ????

This woman is digging her own hole.

I'm just rolling my eyes at the excuses. You can only take in so much ignorance. And I think I've had my fill for the day.

Specializes in med/surg, psych, public health.

Get on board & show Joy & The View crew some love instead-


Get on board & show Joy & The View crew some love instead-


I think I found that video to be a lot funnier than it actually was. Thanks for the laughs!

Specializes in Hospice.
There are 40,000 signatures on the petition.

Johnson &Johnson just pulled their advertising from this show.

J&J invests a lot of money in their "Be a Nurse" campaign, so I'm not surprised.

J&J invests a lot of money in their "Be a Nurse" campaign, so I'm not surprised.

I got the freebie magnets and Spanish coloring books! Hooray for J&J!

OP, so true. We don't have to sink down to any kind of a low level to get our point across. We would like an apology.... a real apology. As shockingly ignorant Joy's comment seemed, we nurses can use this as a teaching moment!!

Specializes in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology. IS in the age of the internet so I wouldn't expect anything more than "comments-section"-style nonsense.

But, yes, we SHOULD be better. Mostly we all are. :)

....except when we're on teh innerwebz. :cool:

Specializes in Pediatric Hematology/Oncology.
J&J invests a lot of money in their "Be a Nurse" campaign, so I'm not surprised.

There is also a fantastic tweet from what I believe is their Facebook page going around that is completely affirmative and supportive of nurses. Their advertising has been "paused accordingly" but still.... #NursesHeal #NursesUnite

Specializes in PACU, presurgical testing.

Wow, we can't be trusted to use a stethoscope, but we can prescribe ourselves a Valium? Who knew?!

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