Are we better than the hosts of The View?

Nurses General Nursing


It's clear that the hosts of the view are poorly informed about what nurses do, and that they completely missed what was so great about Miss Colorado's monologue.


I've seen hundreds of comments from angry healthcare workers - both nurses and other professionals. Most have been appropriate.

But I've also read posts calling Michelle and her co-hosts "cows", ones that call her "butt ugly", and ones that even quip that her sex-reassignment surgery clearly had poor results.

Seriously? Shame on the ones that wrote those comments. They are doing NOTHING to promote nurses as professionals worthy of respect.

Please think before posting and commenting on sites like facebook and twitter (and here) with your feelings about what was said on The View. Your comments are a reflection on our profession and when posters sink to that level it only hurts the cause.

The View should be called "Pee-ew!" Those gals running the show are ugly, inside and out. Why would anyone pay attention to them!? Except maybe other ugly gals. Where is a person's motivation to be healthy and honest if you see fat uglies spouting hate speech making millions of dollars doing it?!

This topic should be closed. And this country needs a wake up call and call it as we see it. Go Trump!

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