Published Mar 31, 2018
cardiacfreak, ADN
742 Posts
Last year my naughty husband made orange Kool-aid using the powder from a mac and cheese box. I thought it might be fun to read about other April Fools gags. So, what was your best gag?
meanmaryjean, DNP, RN
7,899 Posts
Stuffing newspaper in the toes of every pair of shoes in the house.
Making pancakes and coiling a length of sewing thread into the wet side before flipping over.
meanmaryjean said: Stuffing newspaper in the toes of every pair of shoes in the house. Making pancakes and coiling a length of sewing thread into the wet side before flipping over.
I just made pancakes for supper, I wish I had posted this thread earlier. LOL
cardiacfreak said: I just made pancakes for supper, I wish I had posted this thread earlier. LOL
My dad fell for it EVERY YEAR.
975 Posts
I prank my kids every year and I always get em. Last year I texted them both: "I'm thinking about getting a tattoo. What do you think would look good on the side of my neck?" I thoughtfully included some squiggles I had drawn on a napkin for them to choose from. It took a while to get a reply because they were consulting with each other. "Did you hear that Mom is getting a tattoo?" "Whose Mom?" "Our Mom." Finally child no. 2 texted: "Don't do it Mom. You'll regret it for the rest of your life." Then no. 1, who thinks he has some responsibility for his mom in her old age said "Mom you are too old for a tattoo. Do I have to start being the parent now?"
Coffee Nurse, BSN, RN
955 Posts
I've always wanted to page the lift team to the NICU and ask them to help me move a >5kg kiddo.
NurseCard, ADN
2,850 Posts
I don't do little jokes, pranks, etc; I'm just a boring person. I dunno.
Just never enjoyed that kind of thing.
I will tell about a funny prank that a coworker played on me once.
In my younger years.. and still sometimes to this day... I would get
calls from collection agencies. So one day at work, my friend gave
me a slip of paper that said "Please call Mr Lyon", and a phone
I called the number... it was the Louisville Zoo.
Mr Lyon.
Kitiger, RN
1,834 Posts
Switch the contents of several cereal boxes. For example, Captain Crunch goes in the Corn Flakes box.
CelticGoddess, BSN, RN
896 Posts
Graduating from nursing school on April Fools day. We were convinced they were going to give us our pins then say "April Fools".
Okay, that wasn't a gag. This one about gave my mother a heart attack: My nephew and his then fiancé announced that they were going to have a baby. Good Catholic family. We were out on the boat and she about threw my nephew overboard she was so mad. April Fools
We have a family "heirloom", a snowman, that we pass on to each other. My brother in law HATES getting the snow man so we have to figure out tricky ways to get it to him. So, last year we put the snowman in a bakery box (local place, they have the most amazing peanut butter chocolate cake) with some stones so it weighed about the same as the cake. He was SO excited because they wrote the type of cake on the top of the box. He tears into the box and "April Fools". He did get his cake though. It was in the box marked "Coconut Cake"
Other than that, I am boring.
Mavrick, BSN, RN
1,578 Posts
We have a guy at work that puts a $20 bill on fishing line, places it in a conspicuous area, then lies in wait to put the line when you try to pick up the $20. Got taken twice cuz I thought a little gust of wind or something blew it away the first time I bent over.
1,224 Posts
Easy and simple but can be very entertaining...
Just put some tape on the underside of computer mouses over their sensor lights ;-)
On a side note, I made myself curious about whether or not the plural to a computer mouse was computer mice and found this link...
Computer mouses or computer mice?
1,101 Posts
NurseCard said: I will tell about a funny prank that a coworker played on me once. In my younger years.. and still sometimes to this day... I would get calls from collection agencies. So one day at work, my friend gave me a slip of paper that said "Please call Mr Lyon", and a phone number. I called the number... it was the Louisville Zoo. Mr Lyon.
A long time ago a co-worker put a note on another co-worker's desk telling them a Mr. L. C. DeCow had called. It was for a diary called Borden's, whose 'logo' cow was called Elsie.
I wouldn't call it an April Fool's prank exactly, but I once told a CNA, after she'd gotten vitals on several people, that she'd need to go to the hospital to get the vitals of a couple of residents we'd sent out a couple of days before. Just for a second, she believed me...