So I was notified by my supervisor that I was due for my annual physical. I asked what this entails and she was unable to give details. After seeing how poorly two pregnant coworkers and several nurses nearing retirement have been treated, I am extremely hesitant to share anything regarding my personal health with my employer. I perform my job with no limitations and have no diseases that would impact my employment there - everything else aside I don't really think is their business.
So I go to the physical and I'm handed a form with questions:
- what is your weight? Honey, my husband doesn't even know this and I'm not telling you. Frankly, I am not overweight, I have no obesity related illnesses, and I don't think my weight is my employer's business. They made a big stink when I refused to step on the scale and claimed it was for TB masks, but when I offered to re-do the mask fitting they backed down and said, "Well, as long as you haven't gained TOO much." That 's between me and a pint of Ben & Jerry's, thank you.
- Are you pregnant? I really hope no one answers this. It's a trap! When I am pregnant I am going to DENY until I have my FMLA approved because I have seen how they treat pregnant women at my job and it is shameful.
- What was the results of your last gyn exam? Thank you, but I prefer to not discuss my lady parts with my employer. I assure you there is nothing occurring with my lady parts that would in any way, shape or form affect my ability to perform my job. I wonder, do you ask male nurses about their last testicular exam, or did I just miss that question on the form?
- List every medication you are taking. If I was having issues with depression or anxiety that was being well controlled via medication, is that really my employer's business, especially if it doesn't affect my job performance?
The rest was making sure I was up to date on titers, testing for TB -both of which are perfectly reasonable.
Am I being overly sensitive in finding these questions far too personal? Is this typical for most places of employment?