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Nurses General Nursing


yikes, I just wrote up someone at work ,which is something I swore I would never do , but there ya go I did it ...

here goes why...

it was xmas eve (night shift) we were shortstaffed (thanks santa!) and crazy nutty busy with admissions from emerg... anyhow long story short, I got three admissions within half an hour , which as any of you med surg unit nurses know is impossible to handle, I have no problem taking admissions and this is not an emerg vs the floor debate cuz we've all been there done that, okay so I called admitting and I said yeah okay with this third patient she sounds quite heavy, MRSA pos, respiratory distress, blood sugar extremely high can you have emerg just wait 10 -15 minutes or so until I settle the patient I just got - who was a fresh GI bleeder with BP in her boots - so I get the okay from admitting and the nurse looking after admission #3 in emerg that she would wait a bit before sending , okay cool, I bolus my GI Bleeder , and then see the ER attendant (do you guys have those in the states?) bringing up , yep you guessed it , admission #3! I'm slightly annoyed, but dont show it , so I go to grab a hand from another RN on my unit (so now thats 2 of four of us who will be busy with this patient !) as the patient is trying to climb out the bed, combative what have you and the emerg attendant says and i quote directly "why do you floor nurses always b*tch about getting patients, just do your job, its not like there is anything to do for this patient , I mean look at her she's from a nursing home, not like she needs a monitor or whatever!" so I calmly asked attendant boy who he was , Ie credentials etc and then I said "well if the patient has nothing to be done for her why is she being admitted, please do not insult my intelligence and my experience and my role as a registered nurse based on what you think you know, which for the record is incorrect" well he just lost it, started snickering saying that things will never change , left us to transport the patient from stretcher to bed, told us he was doing us a favour and left....

dont do me any favours pally.....

anyway, I finally figured that I shouldnt have to deal with this guys verbal diarrhea and made a complaint, which as i mention I never do , but it turns out many nurses have had a problem with this guy. In my opinion patient safety should come first, so how can I bolus one patient and tranfer this other lady by myself and settle and sedate her ? hello two hands her

whew okay I'm done ....

sorry for the rant but it was needed, I feel much better now hah

Good, he deserves it. What is it with some of these idiots?

From an ED nurse - if one of my wardies had done that...& I had heard about it....he would have been enroute to admin as quickly as I could shuffle his orifice out the door. We get enough grief about inappropriate transfers from the floor nurses as it is (is it my fault if the only bed available is in the cardiac ward & the patient is being admitted for D's & V's???)....most of us do our best to be accomodating & keep things smooth.....this guy is just a moron!!

So an ER attendant is basically a transport aid? We have those. I have had several problems with them. One of came to take a lady to PT and the woman had had an accident. So she comes to me(I was the student taking care of her)" You need to clean your pt...she shit all over the floor," So I cleaned her up and the woman was very embarrassed. So then I was getting some paperwork ready for her and the aid said, " You need to call housekeeping or something...it stinks in here, " At this , my pt started to cry. She was so ashamed. So I said, " That's not a priority right now, and by the way, my pt is not deaf," So she started swearing at me and telling me how she has been working with pts for years and yadda yadda yadda. So I said, " Well, if that's the case, then you should have a better idea of how to treat them," My instructor wrote ME up, when I was merely advocating for my pt. I would do it again, too.

Originally posted by Flo1216

My instructor wrote ME up


Last I heard, ER attendants did not have the right to diagnose. I agree with Vegas.


It amazes me how people who have never been a nurse just assume we ***** and moan. Or that our job is easy. I think you did a good job I would have cursed his behind out. What a LOSER!!!!!!!

Specializes in Med-Surg Nursing.

YAY!!!! Good for you Wendy!

I just hope that when I get my license I can become even half the nurse you are!!!!


well thanks for your supportive words, dont make me a saint just yet, although I was , and usually am quite calm and professional you better believe I was cursing this guy out in my head BIG TIME

but I usually tend to approach things in a calm kind of manner , at least professional work related type stuff, I figured if I went apesh*t on him then he would just be able to use that as another example of our bad behaviour, so yeah I took the respectful route but boy It would have felt good to tear a strip off him! haha

the U/A for emerg apologized to our U/A for the incident , and I saw him (was dropping off some paperwork for the union) the other day and he winked at me , gross!

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

You took the high road and to you, that means something. To ADMIT BOY, it meant nothing but then he sounds like real piece of.......work----- anyhow. I still say you done good!

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