A coworker made me so mad!


How would love to hear some of the things coworkers have done at work that just make you mad and frustrated.

For example, the other day we had a lady who was clearly terrified of needles. Now we all have patience claim they're scared of needles. But this lady was a little different. She came into the ER clearly in pain and flat refuse to let the doctors draw any blood work, or start an IV.

She had abdominal pain but would not allow us to do anything that involves a needle. Try to figure out a diagnosis for abdominal pain without being able to do any kind of lab work or use any kind of IV contrast.

Now I'm not the first nurse involved in taking care of this patient. In fact, I actually asked to take over care for this patient because nobody else was getting anywhere. After sitting there and talking to her for 20 minutes I finally got her to agree to let me draw blood do doing finger sticks with micro tubes just like I would have a very small child. So I went to gather up the necessary supplies.

Now I am a new employee and was oriented to the ER. My preceptor took it upon himself to walk in and try to convince the lady to let him start an IV. She's already told for people know she would rather leave. She had even said she would rather go home and die then let someone stick her with a needle and she was crying when she said so.

When I got back she was signing the AMA paperwork and leaving and nothing I could do to stop her.

. I've been a nurse twice as long as he has I just happened to be new to the hospital. I think he was wrong and out of line.

What do you think?

Thanks for letting me vent. I really needed it.

Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Sounds like she did not want the help offered. I don't see a lot wrong with him trying to convince her it may be in her best interest to allow an IV, as that was obviously one thing needed/ordered by the doctor.

And she had every right to sign out AMA. She made her choice. What else can be done?

I can't see there was much you could have done with her if she "would rather die than have needles" (paraphrased).

I don't think you need be so mad at your coworker at all; you are getting a bit overly worked up here.

Specializes in Neuro ICU and Med Surg.

Unfortunately this lady didn't want the help offered. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink. It was in her best interest to have the IV, and she didn't want one. She had every right to sign out AMA. I think your coworker was just trying to see if he could possibly convince her to let an IV and blood work to be done.

I think you're getting a bit worked up over nothing.

Specializes in ICU Stepdown.
How would love to hear some of the things coworkers have done at work that just make you mad and frustrated.

For example, the other day we had a lady who was clearly terrified of needles. Now we all have patience claim they're scared of needles. But this lady was a little different. She came into the ER clearly in pain and flat refuse to let the doctors draw any blood work, or start an IV.

She had abdominal pain but would not allow us to do anything that involves a needle. Try to figure out a diagnosis for abdominal pain without being able to do any kind of lab work or use any kind of IV contrast.

Now I'm not the first nurse involved in taking care of this patient. In fact, I actually asked to take over care for this patient because nobody else was getting anywhere. After sitting there and talking to her for 20 minutes I finally got her to agree to let me draw blood do doing finger sticks with micro tubes just like I would have a very small child. So I went to gather up the necessary supplies.

Now I am a new employee and was oriented to the ER. My preceptor took it upon himself to walk in and try to convince the lady to let him start an IV. She's already told for people know she would rather leave. She had even said she would rather go home and die then let someone stick her with a needle and she was crying when she said so.

When I got back she was signing the AMA paperwork and leaving and nothing I could do to stop her.

. I've been a nurse twice as long as he has I just happened to be new to the hospital. I think he was wrong and out of line.

What do you think?

Thanks for letting me vent. I really needed it.

I thought there'd be more to why you're so upset. The patient seemed very adamant about not wanting any lab work done and if she's a grown woman, she knows her rights. She chose to sign the AMA, what can you do?

Specializes in Dialysis.
I thought there'd be more to why you're so upset. The patient seemed very adamant about not wanting any lab work done and if she's a grown woman, she knows her rights. She chose to sign the AMA, what can you do?

^^^^this. What would have been done if chole or appy needed done? This is one of my issues with our healthcare system: people who come to ER or clinics and use resources but don't want true help...wasteful...

I get it. You feel that you could have at minimum got the bloodwork that she agreed to and he went in there and got her all worked up and she just said forget it. Did he know she had agreed to the bloodwork? Maybe he thought you guys were still trying to convince her and he thought by getting an IV and labs at the same time and saving her a stick he was helping. I doubt his intentions were to undermine you. I don't think this is something worth being upset about.

Specializes in Med/Surg, Ortho, ASC.

Why even come to the ED?

OP, are you really mad because of the situation or are you facepalming?

A good way to test this is by answering the question:


I don't see myself getting mad over this one.

I've been a nurse twice as long as he has I just happened to be new to the hospital. I think he was wrong and out of line .

How do you know someone didn't send him in there to ask her? And just because you think he is wrong doesn't mean he is. I think you are blowing this way out of proportion I'd hate to see how you may react to something worth actually getting upset over.

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.
OP, are you really mad because of the situation or are you facepalming?

A good way to test this is by answering the question:


I don't see myself getting mad over this one.

I'm with NOADLS on this one. This is not worth the energy or effort to be mad. The fact that you have been a licensed nurse longer than your preceptor is irrelevant. In this facility, he is the senior staff member. Trying to coerce a patient to stay by negotiating is not generally a productive effort. Did she know finger sticks are most often more painful than a single IV? If your technique is not perfect resulting in a clotted or hemolyzed specimen then the samples cannot be analyzed by the lab and your effort would be for naught. There is a very good reason finger stick samples are not he standard care beyond infants and bedside POCT.

Clearly she made her choice and was well within her rights to sign out AMA and may very well have done the same once she saw the lancet. She was taking up space for another patient that was willing to undergo necessary testing and assessment to receive a diagnosis and treatment

I would have been mad. Typical male "white knight" behavior.

Anytime a guy swoops in and tries to save the day, I am sorely tempted to kick him in the shins. It just undermines you and destroys your rapport.

Sorry, guys. You know you do it.

Specializes in Cardiac Care.
I would have been mad. Typical male "white knight" behavior.

Anytime a guy swoops in and tries to save the day, I am sorely tempted to kick him in the shins. It just undermines you and destroys your rapport.

Sorry, guys. You know you do it.

No, we don't.

Typical male "white knight" behavior?

You're way out of line.

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